
Marc sighed as he rolled up his pant leg to look at the wound, cursing softly."Damn...shot with my own gun.Fuckng hell..."He cursed softly not realizing Draco'd come back. Paling a little when he saw Draco."Hey..."he said reaching for the other man, hoping he hadn't heard.

James moaned as he came, collapsing down on his back, pulling out of him with a sigh."...amazing..."He muttered cuddling into the other man before passing out again.
Draco had frozen halfway between the doorway and Marc, staring wide eyed and horrified at the other. "i....i sh...shot you?" Draco asked, his hands trembling. "oh god.... a...are you going to die!? i'm sorry Mark i didn't mean to kill you i swear!" he stuttered rushing over to try and do something, anything to stave off the others death which the blond was certain was immanent.

Harry groaned softly at the others cuddling before he too passed out, he was still asleep when James woke, and continued to sleep until well past noon, but he looked too cute and peaceful to wake up.
"Give me that."Marc said taking the bandages from him starting to tend the wound."This is why I didn't tell you. I didn't want to freak you out. No, I'm not going to die. you just grazed me when you dropped the damn thing. Its kinda like injuring yourself, not every wound will kill you. Draco!"He scolded wanting his attention."I'm fine. Stop fretting."
Draco sniffled a little, the worry slowly starting to ease away from his face as he searched the others face for falsehoods or lies before resting his cheek on the others knees. a motion that children trained to be sex slaves would often do, to show their submission and loyalty to their masters. "i'm so sorry Marc, i didn't mean to hurt you." he murmured leaning down and gently kissing the injury. "you should put healing salve on that first..."
"So bossy princess."Marc said following the order, before bandaging it and running his fingers through draco's hair."I know you didn't princess, that's why I didn't tell you. I knew you'd fret about it."He said drawing him up, settling the man in his lap, carefully away from the wound."Dont worry draco.In a few days-after james gives me hell for being shot-"he grinned a little."And gives you hell for shooting me, everything will be fine. And I bet you don't drop a loaded gun ever again. It was a lesson."
Draco smiled a little as his order was followed and he leaned into the hand, closing his eyes as if waiting for the pain before he smiled again and settled happily into the others lap. while some habits would never be broken, like flinching when someone raised a hand, or waiting for pain when there would be none, Draco never feared Marc. "no Sir i won't sir!" Draco promised, lightly teasing Marc. "and who's to say your brother ever finds out?"
Marc snorted laughing."He will.It's james. He knows everything. Even about the time I put viagira in his soup because he was being bitchy about not getting laid enough."Marc smirked, wanting to distract him. And telling really bad stories about james...perfect distraction.
Draco blinked up at the other looking completely confused. "whats vi..vig...ra?" he stammered over the unusual word looking annoyed at himself as he looked the other over. "if i take one, will it make you fuck me more?" he asked hopefully a small smirk on his lips. "i really would like more sex," the little brat seamed nearly insatiable!
Marc nearly choked, looking at the other man, groping the other man."I'll fuck you all I want you insatiable princess."He teased, "And its a muggle mediciation for people who can't get it up. Poor James had to walk around with a hardon for like hours."
Draco blinked a little and then an almost sadistic smirk spread across his lips. "we have a potion for things like that." he admitted nodding a little. "and another that makes someone so horny they can't contain themselves, makes them all hot and wanting and willing." he teased smirking at Marc. "maybe i'll make a batch one of these days?"
"Maybe."Marc smirked kissing him slowly."After we finish this war. I don't need to fight with a raging hard on. I don't think James, harry, or your father would appericiate it if I had to pause in the middle and fuck you."He said running his hands over the blond."And just think we have a whole mansion we can have sex in if we can get james and harry to leave afterwards."
Draco snickered a little. "no but I would enjoy it." he admitted smirking at the other wagging his eyebrows at Marc and snickered a little as he kissed the other running his hands up the others belly giving his sides a gently squeeze smirking a little. "well then." he growled licking his lips. "i guess were just going to have to find a way to chase harry back home. he has three of them, even if they are taken up by traitors and backstabbers."
Marc jmped yelping in laughter as he squirmed away. Extremely ticklish. Squirming he smirked."Soon."He said kissing the man,"Do you want to go into Diagon alley with me tomorrow?We'll take the other two. Convince them its safe for them to go home. And that they can leave you in my care."
Draco brightened at the thought of a shopping trip and grinned brightly and nodded as he headed out into the kitchen. "i would love to go into the shops tomorrow, i need more clothes, and Potter seriously needs a new wardrobe, he looks like a complete imbecile wearing those hand me downs of his cousins all the damn time." how Draco knew that, no one would ever know. "and no offense to you but your brother needs some better fashion sense as well."

"Draco..." Harry was suddenly there looking pale and sick clutching something tightly in his hand. "i...c..could i...t..talk to you, for a minute?" Draco stared at harry for a long moment and then nodded following harry down the hall to talk harry looked like he had a stomach bug, and James clearly hadn't noticed yet or the Harpy would probably have been forced back into bed.
Marc frowned worriedly before heading the opposite side of the hall to get James. Because well, he'd feel bad at fussing over the harpy, but he'd let james do it. hssling his sleepy brother down towards where the other two left, the whole time listening to him whine about not being in bed with Harry, and why he waas being goaded into getting up.

"Shut up james. You're being whiny. And as adorable as it is, its not fun."He said nering the room again."Draco?"He yelled looking around for them.
Harry was sitting on a chair his head down looking almost broken, Draco now holding the item in his hands looking completely baffled as he watched Mark and James walk in. the Blond glanced at Harry and then handed the thing to James...a muggle pregnancy test, the little red + showing clear against the white stick. "he won't tell me what it means." Draco admitted softly. "he's...freaking out, i haven't seen him this bad since... since Sirius Black died..."
James stared at it...and stared some more. Before passing out.

Marc leaned over to look at it, before snickering before looking at harry sighing softly,leaning forward to wrap his arms around him."It's been to long since we had a baby around.This'll be fun."
Harry sniffled a little. "you d..don't u..understand." he stuttered wiping his eyes. "i..i c..can't...i'm...being hunted, i'll k..kill the b..baby in some stupid battle t..t..that s..someone else s..started." Harry hunched over a little more and shook his head. "Voldemort is g..g..going to try and k..k..kill my baby." Voldemort always killed, or hurt the people he cared about. "and then J..James is g..g..going to h..h..HATE me!" Harry was seriously freaking out.
Marc snarled softly, crouching down in front of him."Hey!Potter, James will never hate you. Even if you killed a thousand babies. Or lit his pants of fire. Though I don't suggest it, he really dislikes that."He said trying to make him feel better."Hey, harry, we'll take care of you, and voldermort. Don't worry. You have us, Dragongard which has some of the strongest wards around, and you have draco. Who..."Marc paused trying to come up with the most riddiculous task the blond could be made to do."Who will be rubbing your feet, feeding you, making sure your every whim is met."
Harry sniffled and wiped his eyes giving a little giggle at the pants on fire joke leaning into Marc a little, seeking the comfort that usually James gave, but the man was a little out of commission right then. "aaw man, give me the hardest damn job." Draco complained scowling and Harry giggled again. "can i make him wear a maid uniform and everything?" harry asked, starting to calm down as he glanced at James. "is he going to be ok?" he wondered his face crossed with worry as he examined his lover, wiping his tears again. "do you really think it's ok that i'm pregnant?" "actually, i was wondering about that." Draco interrupted. "just how exactly is it that you ARE pregnant? i thought they where still working on a potion for that." "oh..uh.well....erm..." Harry was a little nervous about telling Draco and Marc he wasn't human.
"However he is pregnant, it's none of our business."Marc grinned a little."He'll be fine. He'd just never had thought he'd end up with kids. Being gay and all.And yes, definately. Draco gets a maid outfit."He sirked leaning over to kiss Draco as he hugged Harry."Of course I gave you the hard job. Me and James actually have real jobs. We're not available at all hours of the night, you are."He teased smirking as he heard JAmes groan, starting to come around.
Harry gently settled next to James and pulled him into his lap, gently stroking hair out of his lovers face. "James? are you ok?...James?" harry asked softly, sounding very worried his head tilted as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to James lips Draco snorting a little. "who's to say i don't have a job?" he demanded pouting a little, though he was rather eager to have a nephew to corrupt, he was not eager to be at the whim of an overly hormonal man who would enjoy making Draco's life a misery.
James blinked slowly, smiling slightly."I'm...fine."He said slowly, rubbing his head."You said pregnant didn't you?"He muttered smiling slightly.

Marc raised a eyebrow running his hands over Draco's body."Do you have a job?Besides being a pretty princess who I get to screw?"he teased kissing him slowly.
Harry smiled a little and nodded. "yeah..i..uhm...is that ok?" he asked nervously biting his lip a little as he watched the other. harry seriously hoped that it was ok, because if it wasn't...he didn't know what he was going to do. he was sure that James wouldn't mind though, he hoped so anyway.

Draco laughed a little. "my job is very simple." he purred smirking. "it's trying to get you to fuck me at every given chance." he tossed Marc an amused grin. "i love my job." Draco growled playfully pressing his butt into Marc's crotch and moving it a little, making it wriggle against Mark's tender areas.
James smiled easily."I'm going to be a dad."He said looking a little star struck at the idea, before grinning stupidly. Truly falling in love with the idea of having a baby with harry, before relaizing he'd asked a question."Yes, yes it's fine."

Marc moaned softly, hands tightening on the blond's hips, kissing his neck."And if I refuse to screw you until I can..."He bit his lip, not wanting to admit to wanting to get married yet."I can make you beg, what do you say?"
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