
Draco mewled loudly arching into the others finger letting out a pleasured wail as he came, his head tossed back as he trembled panting hard. "r..really? e...nng everyone has one huh?" he asked, looking glass eyed from the intense pleasure. "good to know." he mumbled smiling a little as he snuggled into Marc. "that felt good."
Marc snickered a little, pressing a kiss to his head as he washed them off."It does. And everyone does."He said kissing him before turning off the water stepping out of the shower as he held the blond against him, gently drying him off before dressing himself. "Come on pretty boy, time to get dressed and eat."He said holding out Draco's clothes.
Draco nodded still looking rather dazed as he got dressed, not bothering to pull on his underwear as he yanked on his shirt, a rather satisfied, smug expression on his face. "Hey Marc." Draco stated suddenly looking over at the other. "can we do this again?" he asked hopefully, he liked hanging out with Marc, and he liked how Marc made him feel good too.
Mar looked surprised nodding dazed. Having not thought the man would want to. Figuring he'd been trying to pay him back for letting them stay, he hadn't thought Draco'd want to do it again."Yea. Though not now. James is liable to come make sure you didn't kill me for calling you ferret."He said smiling as he kissed the blond,"Though I have to come up with another nickname.Pretty boy. Hmmm..."He smirked as he headed out the room, trying not to think about Draco not wearing underwear.
Draco grinned a little and shook his head a little. "i'm sorry i yelled at you by the way, i was just upset." he admitted hesitating a moment before tangling their fingers together smiling a little. "you could always just call me princess." Draco teased smirking a little. "i certainly am pretty enough for it."
"If you can stand for James' teasing, princess, I like it."Marc said.

"Who's a princess?Aw, did draco finally tell you he's really a girl?"James said snickering as he ate his pancakes. Smiling happily, glad that the two were together.
Draco snorted a little. "hey, i'm more of a man than you will ever be, and more of a woman than you'll ever get." Draco taunted, quoting a line from his favorite muggle movie, Harry bursting into laughter at the statement but keeping his mouth shut for once as he waited for James reaction.
James rolled his eyes."Sadly, I must agree, seeing who I'm dating, the idea of getting a woman is not a possiblity. He's not pretty enough."He said thoughtfully, leaning over to kiss harry."I'm so glad my boyfriend wont be mistaken for a girl."
Draco smirked a little and shrugged. "maybe i LIKE being a girl?" he suggested lifting an eyebrow harry pounding on the table as he roared with laughter. "I KNEW IT! you are SUCH a closet Queen!" "well not much of a closet at this point but sure, i can handle being called a drag queen." he shrugged a little. "of course, it's been a while since i've worn a dress."
Both Rizzoli brothers stared at the blond, identical wicked smirks curling their lips."I think we have to." "yea we relly do." "Definately. After breakfast."James said grinning, shoving a plate towards the two."Eat, then Marc has to get to work for awhile."He said, smirking. Because he was already planning something wicked for his brother.
Draco paused and looked from one brother to the other a scowl on his features as he contemplated if he shouldn't be frightened, Harry snickering a little as he pondered what the brothers might be planning, but didn't ask, it was too amusing to watch Draco squirm. "why does Marc have to go to work?" Draco complained scowling at James.
"Iunlike james, don't have the luxury of being my own boss. I have cases I need to do."Marc said kissing his cheek."Don't worry, I'll be back soon, and you wont have time to miss me.James'll keep you busy."He said snickering as he finished eating.
Draco scowled a little and sulked a bit. "i don't want James to keep me busy." he growled. "he's going to do weird things to me and Harry's going to help!" he complained glaring at Harry who just smirked a little and took a sip of hot tea. "SEE! he practically admitted it right there!" "gosh Draco, you sure have gotten paranoid." Harry teased the blond glaring even harder at him.
MArc snickered getting up, leaning down to kiss Draco."Don't worry. He's not going to be to weird, but what he's going to do...you'll like and I'll love."He said smiling.Before heading upstairs to get ready to go.
Draco scowled a little and then sighed a little. "fine but if either of them put their fingers on me in any way sexual your going to come home to two dead bodies." he grumbled harry snorting a little. "so what? Marc shows you a little pleasure and suddenly i can't make James suck you off anymore!?" harry complained, teasing all three men at once.
Marc turned on his heel to stare at James."What?" "What?He walked in."James squirmed not looking at Marc. "Go to work, I'll behave. I'll even let him change by himelf." "Fine."Marc growled stomping upstairs, not appericating the revealed fact. His heart hurting, because it seemed anything he really wanted, his brother got to first.
Draco snorted a little. "i only did it because harry asked me to." Draco bitched angrily Harry smirking a little. "i owed him one and if that was what it took to pay him back so be it." Draco declared, not realizing that Marc could still hear him. "but i think that... that i might really like Marc! so you better keep your damn mouth shut potter!...because.." he sighed a little and Harry paused. "oh god.. i'm sorry Draco i didn't know..."
James studied Draco, shaking his head."Don't worry. Playboy's just bent out of shape because he likes you."

Marc walked back in a few minutes, dropping a kiss on top of Draco's head."I'll see you after work."
Draco paused for a moment then. "he does?" he asked hopefully, sounding rather...awkward, but happy. "well...good because.. i really like him." he admitted glancing at Marc as he walked in and offering him a smile grabbing him by the back of the head. "that was not a proper goodbye kiss." he growled dragging Marc back down for a proper kiss.
Marc grinned kissing him properly, before drawing back, kissing his forehead."Behave. I do have to leave."He said kissing him again before apparating out. Before he gave into the end to stay.

James laughed softly,"I was going to put you in a dress, but if you don't want to, its fine."He said teasing a little.
Draco snorted a little as Mark left lifting an eyebrow at James. "and pray tell, where you planned to get a dress worthy of myself?" he demanded Harry groaning a little. "god he even sounds like a princess, news flash brat." Harry teased smirking a little. "your not royalty." "mmm but that doesn't mean i'm not better than everyone else." "oh gag be with a spoon." Harry griped. "put him in the dress anyway James, and then tie him to the goddamn bed and gag him!"
"You know, I might add a cock ring to it. Marc would apperciate it."James said thoughtfully before moving over, picking up the blond, heading up to his mother's suites."My mother's closet are full of slutty little dinner dresses.Disturbing as tht thought is."
Draco yelped as he was picked up and blushed hard. "yo..you wouldn't DARE!" Draco tried to warn struggling lightly against James. "don't you DARE put a cock ring on me!" harry just laughed and smirked. "shut up Draco, you know you want to see Marc's expression when he see's you all bound and ready for him, and that includes a cock ring!" "...." Draco had no argument to that and stopped his struggles.
James smirked, setting him on the bed as he went about gettig the man ready.

That evening Marc paused in the entrance way of his bedroom, raising a eyebrow."Please tell me he didn't leave you like that all day."He said as he looked at the blond in the slinky black clinging party dress, that had been pushed up around his waist, just enough to prove he was wearing a cock ring. Eyes widening as he walked closer, realizing James had also put on touches of makeup to highlight just how pretty Draco was.
Draco was panting softly as he tugged at the ropes, binding his hands to the top of the bed his eyes fluttering open. "n..not all day." he whispered a bright blush forming as he watched Marc staring at him. he was so hard, he'd touched himself a great deal before he slid the cock ring on and used magic to tie himself to the bed. "you don't like it?"
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