
Draco hesitated, uncertain what to do with his arms before gently wrapping then around Mark his lips pressing back, a bright blush going across his cheeks as he studied the others face and contemplated the emotions that had risen up from the kiss before he nodded. "yeah, i liked that." he decided smiling a little. "thank you."
"Me to.And your welcome."Marc said with a smile as he pressed a kiss to Draco's forehead clearing his throat as he stepped back, his cock hardening, the man was just so cutely innocnet....and he did have the image of him naked in his head.Smiling slightly he tilted his head towards the room to their right."Your room."
Draco smiled at him a little and nodded, staring up at Marc for a short moment before. "you know... i, have nightmares.' he admitted softly, he wasn't lying, no, never. "i don't suppose i could..sleep with you maybe?" he liked Marc, a lot, he didn't recognize the feelings that he was experiencing but he did like them a great deal, and he felt safe with Marc, a lot safer that he had with harry and James. he supposed he liked Marc a lot more than them too.
Marc grinned a little."That would be fine if you don't mind a blanket hog. I manage to steal blankets, and cuddle alot."He pointed out, smiling easily as he headed back for his room."And if the nightmares come, I'll just be the knight in shining armor and saving the beautiful princess."He said smirking at the pretty man next to him.
Draco snorted a little. "only if you don't mind me beating you with a pillow when i wake up with cold everything." he teased feeling rather pleased with himself. "and i AM a princess." Draco stated flipping his hair just like a Diva. "and you should treat me as thus! now buy me a crown and jewels and then kiss my fingers and give me everything i want." he chirped, laughter laced in his voice. "and that includes a pony, that i will probably never want to ride or take care of." he snickered a little and shook his head amused at his old lifestyle, because honestly... that had been Draco's life to a T until Voldemort had decided that Draco would make a wonderful wife.
Marc snorted laughing, eyeing the man as he walked into his bedroom, crawling under the covers, snuggling down into the plush soft mattress. "How about I just teach you how to shoot and give you a massage instead of a pony. That'll be more useful."He said yawning.
Draco rolled his eyes as he crawled into the bed next to James and curled into him a little sighing softly. "i like that." he admitted softly, a smile playing his lips. "i've never had a massage before." he admitted. "it felt really nice... thank you for that...and thank you for taking us in, it was really nice of you."
"You're welcome."Marc smiled as he ywned, closing his eyes.wrapping a amr around the other man."Thogh James really didn't ask as much as he said he was coming so I'd better be sober, alone and not working. Though I am glad yor here."He said stroking Draco's hair.
Draco nodded a little. "it's my fault you know, that were here." he admitted sounding frightened again. "it wasn't safe where we where...my father... he threatened James, so we moved." he admitted softly. "James even Faked Harry's death to protect us." he smiled a little. "he's a good man.. i've never had someone defend me like that..." he turned around watching Marc closley. "your a lot like him.. only gentler, more... soft." he admitted looking rather mystified as he tried how to place just what it was that made marc so much better than everyone else.
Marc snorted laughing slightly, tilting his head."James is the eldest, and grew up hard and fast under our fathers fist. Thankfully, the bastard died before he could do damage like yours did. Dad just left scars on james's heart, he finds it hard to just be gentle even though he is a teddy bear."Marc grinned rubbing the blond's back absently.
Draco looked surprised. "James was abused?" he asked his head tilted a little before nodding. "so that's why he reacts the way he does." he admitted softly. "i saw him, and harry ripping apart images of my father." he admitted snorting. "it made me...pleased, to see him dying." he admitted before sighing. "but it also made me sad...i wish i could stop caring about him." he admitted snuggling deeper into Mark sighing softly. mumbling something else before his breathing evened out and deepened, he'd fallen asleep just like that.
Marc smiled cuddling, going to sleep.

In the morning James smirked as he opened his brother's door, looking at the brunette next to him."Awww, now isn't that sweet.They look so cute."He grinned, having gotten worried when he'd woke up and not found draco in his room, having gone to check on him, he looked at the two in the bed, glad the blond seemed to be relaxing with his brother.
Harry poked his head in to look as well and grinned a little. "you planned this didn't you?" he asked looking amused as Draco groaned and rolled over, taking almost all of the blankets with him, sighing softly as he slipped back to sleep once more leaving Mark without any blankets...again. "i should have known draco was a blanket hog." Harry teased the sleeping blond under his breath. "come on, let's leave them alone and make some breakfast, i'm starved!"
"I wouldn;t worry to much, Marc's a blanket hog to."James grinned shutting the door and heading downstairs to make breakfast."And I didn't plan anything."He protested, thoguh his grin gave him away.
Harry smirked a little. "it's ok, i think Marc will be good for Draco, he's gentler, more calm." he admitted nodding. "and Draco likes him a great deal, you can tell because their in the same bed. Draco usually has personal space issues, he never even let his classmates touch him." he admitted grinning a little shaking his head a little bit looking rather pleased with how everything had worked out. "anyway, i was wondering." Harry admitted. "your a wizard, but you never went to hogwarts or the magic schools... so how did you learn magic?"
"My mother home schooled us.It was harder then probably going to school, but it was fun."James said smiling as he started working on making pancakes.
Harry nodded smiling a little. "do you ever regret it?" he asked his head tilted. "not going and living in the wizarding world?" he wondered, wanting to learn more about his lover. "was Marc home schooled as well?"
"I did sometimes."James smiled looking at him,"But dumbledore and Voldermort have made such a mess of it that I'm not sure I want to go anymore."James smield slightly, shaking his head."He attended drumstrang."He said shadows in that look. because of the 7 years between them, james' little brother had missed their father's over bearing need to keep his son nearby, to make sure that he was growing up right.
Harry nodded looking a little concerned. "why would..." he paused looking confused but noticed he was bordering a touchy subject by the shadows on James face. "anyway.." he muttered softly. "i heard that Durmstrang was a crappy school." he admitted smirking a little. "Draco wanted to go there when he was first going to school." he admitted scowling a little. "you know... it's strange, we hated each other from the very second we set eyes on each other.. i wonder why that is?"
"Probably cause he's a snotty little ferret, and you're just more down to earth."James said with a smirk before wrapping his arms around Harry, pressing a kiss to his lips."It was crappy school, but it was better then being at home. By the time he was old enough to attend our dad was to sick to protest to much."He shrugged a little, kissing him again.
Harry looked up at James his head tilted a little. "... i don't want to ask, because you look upset every time you mention your dad but... was he very mean?" he asked, sounding worried for his lover. "you get this upset look on your face when you talk about him.. i don't like it when you look like that, because it means your not happy." he admitted gently kissing James neck. "and i hate it when the people i care about aren't happy.."
James smiled a little, kissing Harry's forehead."I love you."He said, pleased at thearing the words, and taking comfort in that someone cared."He was....him and Lucius would have gotten along."He shuddered a little."He was strict, and wanted me to be perfect in no one a child can be.I was to be...a perfect clone of him, even when all I wanted to do was go outside and play."
Harry shuddered a little and nodded gently kissing the others neck. "but your not." he stated simply smiling at him. "your you, your very own perfect the way you are person, and your mine." he decided nuzzling him a little. "and i wouldn't have you any other way." he promised, pausing when he heard Draco scream and fall out of bed Harry grimacing a little. "..nightmare..."

and indeed it was, Draco had been dreaming about his father, and had panicked when he felt Marc pressed against him, and before he even took note of where he was he'd screamed in terror and bolted out of the bed, trying to find his wand, a gun, a log, something, anything to defend himself with.
James winced,holding harry tightly."We should go check on him."He said drawing away, wory in his face as he started for the stairs.

"Hey pretty ferret,"Marc growled sitting up, looking at the man, wanting to startle him into remembering where he was. Raising a eyebrow at the hairbrush draco was holding, glad that his gun and wand were in the safe nera the bed."...While you can hit me with that, I don't think it'll do much damage."
Harry shook his head. "let Marc handle it." Harry said grabbing James around the middle. "going up now, Draco would just be ashamed." he admitted shaking his head. "Malfoy's are not supposed to feel fear, and no matter the pain Draco's been through he is still a malfoy."

Draco looked around the room, swallowing thickly before he scowled at Marc and threw the hairbrush at him as hard as he could, missing by a large margin. "i am not a ferret dammit!" Draco growled getting to his feet and throwing his nose in the air, stalking out of the room and slamming the door behind him, horrified that Marc had seen his moment of weakness.
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