
"Nope, it'll only kill who you're pointing at."Marc said looking at him as he stepped into the firing range, glancing at the targets at the end of the room, before nodding slipping his gun out of his shoulder holster."Do you want to watch before you try?"He asked.

James shddered collapsing on top of him, panting hard."Always good..."He muttered nuzzling the man's neck.
Draco looked relieved and then nodded to Marc's question, his silver eyes focused intently on the gun and the way the other was holding it, his eyes picking out every detail he thought was important before traveling down Marc's body when he thought the other wasn't watching.

Harry murmured softly, grinning as his eyes flicked open to stare at James. "i love you."
"Love you to."James said nuzzling the man before going to sleep, holding the harpy against him, content to lay there, knowing Draco was safe with Marc.

Marc nodded, firing off a few rounds before looking at Draco."Come here, stand in front of me."He said stepping back slightly to give the man room in the firing box, the whole room set up like firing range.
Harry sighed softly, content to just lay there next to James his eyes closed as he felt the others body heat. "nap time." Harry ordered softly yawning a little.

Draco hesitated and then moved into the box, looking down at the Target his head tilted a little as he eyed up the gun in Marc's hands with a wariness. but that was good, as long as Draco was wary about the gun, he was less likely to make an unnecessary mistake and get himself hurt.
Marc smiled a little moving the man in front of him,"I'm going to touch you okay?"He asked as a warning stepping closer, his body molded against the blond's as he slid the gun into pale fingers, raising it up, holding his hands in a two hand grip,"Okay, you're going to sight down your arm, moving the end of the gun towards what you want to hit. I know a head shot is a appealling thought, but it's hard. Best thing to do, aim for the middle, chest stomach, easiest to hit cause its the biggest."he said aiming for Draco,"Okay, pull the trigger."
Draco nodded, listening closely, a blush staining his cheeks, his heart beating furiously against his chest as he aimed and for a long moment nothing happened, Draco was too afraid to pull the trigger for a moment. then the image of Lucius rose in the blonds mind and he fired, the Gun jerking, shoving the slight Draco back into Marc from the force. but draco had kept hold of the gun...and even more amazing, he had hit the target. "o...ow."
"yea, it does that."Marc said, wincing a little, not used to having someone recoiling into him. Pressing a kiss to the blond's head he laughed,"You okay?Look, you hit."He said tilting his head shifting the blond a little, so he was slightly more balanced."If you stagger your feet a little, you wont be knocked off balance so easy."
Draco nodded and moved his feet a little, trying to support himself a little more, bending an elbow like he would if he was shooting a mini cannon firework, they where illegal but that had never stopped the malfoy's from getting them, aiming at the Target again his nostrils flaring as he focused on the target and pulled the trigger again, jerking in place but not falling backwards this time, though he did miss.
"Better."Marc smiled letting his hands all to the blond's hips,holding him still as he let the blond aim by himself.More staring at the blond because he couldn't see him, he was just so pretty!
Draco bared his teeth at the challenge his eyes filled with a serious fury as he aimed at the Target, which had become Lucius in his mind, aiming, and letting off another round, and then another, imply pulling the trigger, dropping the gun after five shots, his arm tired to stare at the hanging target, which had four holes punched into it now, one from before, and three from the new shots. "this is hard."
"Yea it is. It takes practice to get good, and even more for yor arm not to hate you for it."He said rubbing the blond's shoulder and upper arm, knowing the man was going to be sore.
Draco nodded, panting a little as he stared at the target, shivering at the fingers on his arm and shoulder, leaning lightly into the gentle touch, he couldn't remember the last time he's had someone touch him in a loving manner, that didn't end up in getting fucked in some way or another. Draco stayed silent, hoping that Marc would continue those gentle touches.
"Your going to be sore."marc said still rubbing his shoulder before biting his lip."If...if you can stand for me to be in the bathroom with you while you take a bath, I can rub down your back and shoulder as the warm water loosens the muscles.It'll help.Otherwise, I could ask james.."Marc offered.
Draco stayed silent for a moment longer then. "no.. it's ok." Draco admitted softly. "i don't mind if it's you." he admitted his eyes flicking up to Marc, a deep set in trust showing in those silver eyes. Marc had done, what even James and Harry had not been able to, Marc had earned Draco's full trust, and possibly even the blonds loyalty. "i could really use a bath anyway." he admitted. "i'm all gross and sweaty." he grumbled handing the gun back to Marc, improperly.
Marc winced at the motion, before showing him the right way to do it."Do that, I don't wnat to lose any toes to stray bullets."He said holstering the gun before walking out with him heading up to his private rooms, his bathroom had a tub the size of a small pool. Opening the door he smiled as he started the water, smiling as steam filled the room."Do you want me to leave while you undress?And do you want bubbles?"Marc said looking nervous.
Draco was already stripping as soon as he got into the privacy of the bathroom. as shy as he was, nudity didn't bother him in the slightest. "bubbles would be nice." Draco agreed nodding as he bent over the tub and slipped his hand into the water, the long scars of the canings and whippings showing stark against his pale skin, a burn mark traveling up his inner thigh, as if at one point someone had tried to set him on fire. he fancied himself hideous sometimes, but he ignored the marks now, more interested in a bath than in how someone might look at him.
Marc tilted his head studyin the scars as he tipped his hand to put bubles in the water, rage in those dark blue eyes before it was hidden. Oh yea, Lucius was a dead man if either of the brother's got him. They'd spent to many years as cops to not recognize the signs of abuse.Smiling slightly Marc motioned for the blond's arm as he sat on the edge of the tub."Let me see."He said gentle fingers starting to rub Draco's shoulder again.
Draco slipped into the warm water with a happy, contented sigh closing his eyes as he rested int he water for a short moment before he settled where Marc had ordered him too, leaning into the warm talented fingers. "it feels nice." Draco mumbled after a long moment of simply enjoying the massage. "Marc, how does someone know, when they love someone?" he asked after a moment. "i used to think that i loved my father but... i'm not sure anymore."
MArc was quiet for a few minutes as he worked his way down Draco's arm, smiling slightly."When....its different for everyone, but the first time I realized it was when I fell in love with james' girlfriend, and her with me...and james let us be together, and held no regrets. He loved her enough to let her go when she wanted to, and be with who she wanted to. When you love them enough to want them to be happy, even if its not with you, I think thats when you're in love."
Draco paused and then nodded. "so, the fact that James and Harry are ok with me living with them, and even touching me sometimes... that means they love each other?" he asked sounding confused. "bah... i don't understand." he admitted, sounding sad. "i find it..very unfair that they get to have love, and i've never even felt it." he admitted softly, a tear falling into the bathwater, startling draco. "sorry." he stated hurriedly, fearful of a punishment as he quickly splashed the tears away, scrubbing his face with the bubbly bath water.
"Hey hey, you're going to get it in your eyes."Marc said catching his ahnds before he could get close to his face, kissing his hand as he ran his fingers trhough blond hair."I'm sure you'll find soemone."He said resisting the urge to crawl in the tub with him and wrap him in a hug and cuddle him, to make sure he felt loved.
Draco snorted a little and shook his head using his fore arm to wipe his eyes instead. "no one is going to love someone like me." he stated simply standing up without warning and crawling out of the tub. "i'm sorry.. i'm tired, i'd like to go to my room now.."
MArc nodded slightly as he stood, kissing the blond lightly,hesitantly before pulling away."Come on."He said heading out, heading for the room down the hall,between his and james's
Draco froze at the kiss, tensing up a great deal before he stared at Marc, hesitated for a long moment as he followed behind before he grabbed the others wrist. "do it again?" he asked softly, a strange emotion flickering in Draco's eyes. "please?...uhm... a kiss." he asked, hopefully, he's never been kissed so...so gently before.
MArc studied him for a long moment before drawing the man against him, kissing him softly and gently, more just a brushing of lips instead of a good kiss. An experiment,because marc was afraid to go to far with him.
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