
"True."James sighed softly before kissing harry, tossing the bacon and eggs he'd been cookng onto plates for them, before moing to the table."Come on, time to eat.Then we'll go see how the pretty ferret is."

"Oh come on Draco,"Marc said stumbling after him, following him out of the room."I'm sorry. Draco!"He yelled, pain and anger in the words. Angry with himself for screwing up already.
Harry snorted a little and nodded grabbing his own plate as he listened to Draco stomp around, throwing one of his infamous tantrums. "this should be rather amusing." Harry admitted listening to the two.

Draco just shook his head and spun on his heal, pain in his eyes as he jabbed his finger at the other. "you promised you wouldn't call me Ferret!" he complained, it wasn't actually that, that he was angry at. and Marc could probably tell, but he wanted the other to leave him alone before he started crying, and that was one thing he just couldn't handle was letting someone else, someone he LIKED see him cry. because no matter how much he trusted Marc, he knew that crying was a weakness, and that it would always be used against him.
James nodded tilting his head as he ate, listening.

Marc winced, looking the man over, rubbing his chest where Draco's finger stabbed him, sighing softly. "I know I know, but you were freaking out!I thought I'd shock you if I called you ferret..."He said sadly sighing softly. "I'll....I need a shower."He muttered turning to go to the bathroom.
Draco suddenly looked guilty and he grabbed the others wrist his eyes down. "i'm sorry.. i didn't mean.. i just.." he looked away, clammed up and then timidly. "can.. i shower with you?" at least that way, the water would hide his tears, and he might even get to molest Marc a little, Draco didn't mind being touched, or sex, or anything, and he really wanted to thank Marc somehow, for letting them stay, he thought maybe a very nice blow job would do the trick.
Marc looked shocked before nodding."If you want."He said smiling shyly before heading for the bathroom, shutting the door as they both walked in, undressing. As fit and tan as James was, though his back looked similar to Draco's, cane marks dribbling down his back. Not that he'd ever tell James what they were from...a fact that drove his elder brother insane because he didn't know who to hurt for it. Turning on the water he smiled as he stepped in.Sighing as the water slid over his skin.
Draco paused seeing the marks and before he could stop himself he had run his fingers down one of the scars, a strange look in his eyes. "where you abused too?" he asked softly his head tilted. "who was it?" he asked softly, not aware that he was being rude, or that he might be asking a hurtful question as he stripped himself down as well stepping into the shower with the other, nudging Marc out of the way so that he could hog the stream of water.
Marc nudged him back, unwillign to let him hog all the water. Shivering lightly at the touch, the scars were overly sensitive."Yes,and my father. Though soon after James beat the shit out of him for his own reasons, so he doesn't know."He said, the warning of, don't tell him on the end of the sentence.For once not minding someone asking about them.
Draco nodded a little in agreement. "my dad didn't start caning me until recently." Draco admitted softly. "when i was younger, he'd paddle me sometimes...but." he shuddered a little. "anyway, you have a nice house." he changed the subject so abruptly, it was very clear he no longer wanted to talk about fathers, or abuse, his silver eyes trailing slowly down Marc's body, this time not even trying to hide the long sultry looks.
Marc shivered under the attention, his cock hardening as he blushed slightly. Kissing the blond softly."Thanks."He said careful not to press to close, nervous about being to forward with the smaller man.Not wanting to be overbearing or anything....yea...for once the playboy of the century, was actually nervous to find himself in the shower with someone.
Draco smirked a little and turned to face Marc his head tilted as his fingers settled on the others belly. "you seam nervous." he admitted his fingers moving downwards, brushing the tuft of pubic hairs. "i should help you relax a little." Draco decided, a lustful tone to his voice. one thing was for certain, Draco didn't beat around the bush when he wanted something.
Marc moaned softly, shivering as Draco moved lower, catching the man's wrist in his hand as he gave him a look."If your going to do this, do it because you want to, not because I gave you a place to stay."He said sighing softly. Nerves and lust sowing on his fac.e
Draco growled as he was stopped, an angry look appearing on his his face. "i don't do anything unless i want to do it." he informed Marc with a stern tone of voice before he settled onto his knees and ran his tongue along the others length from balls to tip, without even the slightest hint of hesitation or fear, sure Draco was doing it to repay Marc, but he was also doing it because he really liked marc.
"Oh hell."Marc swallowed hard as he fisted his hand in Draco's hair, sighing as he rested his head back against the wall, the water pounding against his back, his free hand fisted against his side as he struggled not to fuck the blond's mouth. Not wanting to hurt him, or scare him, he struggled to stay in control.
Draco hummed lightly, pleased with himself as he ran the tip of his tongue along the others cock head before slowly taking the thing into his mouth, giving a good hard suck, trying to make Marc lose control as he moved slowly, so very slowly lower and lower along the others cock.
Marc growled, holding out for a few long moments before fisting both hands in the blond's hair, gently rocking his hips into the man's mouth, tilting his head back, sighing as the blond sucked him off, lasting only a few minutes before he came. Work had kept him so busy there'd not been alot of time for that kind of activites, so his endurance wasn't up to par.
Draco hummed, pleased when the other grabbed his hair and began to thrust, sucking on the outward, stroking with his tongue and teeth on the inward, not even choking when Marc came, just swallowing it down eagerly, a smirk in place. "there, feeling better?" Draco teased fighting the urge to giggle, or run away.
"Yes.I do actually."Marc smiled pulling him up to kiss him hard, pulling him hard against him, running his hands over the blond's body.Feeling more relaxed and content then he had in weeks.
Draco smirked as he was pulled up, and kissed back, his tongue stroking along Marc's, the tangy taste of cum still in the blonds mouth, along with the slightest hint of vanilla that was Draco's own unique flavor. "mmm me too." Draco admitted softly, smiling a little. "i feel better too." he ran his lips down the others neck, kissing, then nibbling, then offering small suckles along the skin, teasing and tasting.
Marc moaned softly, as he groped the man,shivering as draco sucked at his neck."Good.Now shower..."He muttered soaping up that lithe body pressed against him. washing the blnd off as his hand losed around his cock, gently stroking the slender length, smirking.
Draco smirked a little. "oh, you mean you actually intended to wash off?" he teased grinning arching lightly into the hands washing him, gasping as he felt his cock gripped. "o..oooh..." he groaned shaking his head a little, he wasn't used to people 'returning the favor'. usually he sucked them off, and they left him to handle his own libido. this was very new to him. "M..Marc, nn." but oh damn if it didn't feel good.
"Yes well, normal people get in a shower to wash off."marc said smirking as he shifted his hold, stroking the blond gently, easing a finger into him to find his prostate, pressing against it as he watched his face, worried about crossing the line.but wanting Draco to enjoy himself.
Draco moaned, bucking into the others hand, and wincing at the finger pressing so deep inside of him. "a...aah f...fuck!!!!" Draco wailed, tossing his head back at the touch to his prostate, oozing out a good deal of pre as he struggled not to cum, just from the reaction it was very clear that Draco had never had anything up his ass, not even his own fingers. "a...ah w..what the hell was that!?" He demanded looking rather dazed. "d...do it again!"
Marc looked surprised at the reaction laughing softly as he listened to orders, pressing firmly against Draco's prostate as he lowered his head, biting down on the blond's neck softly, stroking him hard."That my pretty little blond would be your prostate."
Draco moaned bucking into the finger panting hard leaning his head tot he side. "f..fucking...a..aaah c..Christ gotta... learn this...spell." he groaned blushing hard as he wriggled and bucked int he others grip. "c..can't hold it." he whined, he wouldn't cum until he was given permission, he got a great deal of canings for that, and once he'd been locked in a little room with no food for almost three days when he came without permission, it was so ingrained by that point, he didn't even realize it wasn't normal.
Marc frowned confused before kissing him hard,"come.its okay.Come when you want to."He muttered fingers brushing over the blond's prostate again, holding onto his temper with both hands as not to scare the man. "Its not a spell.Everyone has one."He said smirking as he kissed him again
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