
"City morgue."James said coldly, emotionlessly. "I took him in my house for a few days when he was sick, but he never got any better and died. I had him cremated days ago."He said watching the man as he finished up his work.
Arthur looked shocked, almost horrified for a moment before a gleam of satisfaction and pleasure rushed across his face before it settled down into pity and sadness, "that's... that's too bad.." Arthur whispered, his voice sounding as if it was shocked, pained, and there was even a touch of guilt int here. "i.. i'll have to tell molly... the boys i.." he paused and set a hand over his eyes. "oh god... please excuse me." he stated, voice choked with tears as he vanished with a loud crack, the show was enough to make someone sick.
James gagged a little, smirking as he apparated home, looking well pleased with himself as he walked into the kitchen,"I should have been a actor."He announced looking at the two.
James wrinkled his nose,"No.That's just gross."He grinned, pointing at Harry. "The wizarding world is mourning it's favorite hero. As of this morning, Harry Potter is dead in the wizarding world."
Harry gaped at him a little. "e...excuse me!?" he demanded looking baffled, completely baffled Draco gaping at him. "you... faked Harry's death?" he asked looking shocked as he stared at James. "that's...rather impressive." Harry admitted. "but... how did you do it?"
"the redhead...arthur, he startled me. it was the only thing I could think of on the spur of the moment."He said blushing a little as he sat at the table."I hadn't planned on it, but the words just came. And he actually believed it. I am a genius."
Harry snarled darkly at the name, the glass in his hand shattering with the force in which he was holing it, making Draco flinch and then stare at harry wide eyed as the golden boy stared down at his un-bleeding hand. "sorry...i'll clean it up." harry muttered sheepishly bending over to pick up the pieces of the glass. "so it's true then?" Draco asked softly. "they where all..." he cut himself off and Harry nodded a little.
James sighed softly."I have to go pack the rest of my clothes. And then we'll go."He said before heading upstairs packing enough clothes for all three of them knowing marc would have some to. Smiling as he walked downstairs again with the three bags he looked at the two, sitting down to eat."So did you two sleep well?"
Draco blushed brightly at the question and Harry smirked a little. "oh yeah, slept like two boys who had the greatest sex of their lives.. OW!" he yelped when Draco smacked him over the head, looking about as red as a tomato and truly mortified, Harry just snickering away, amused by Draco's shyness.
James laughed softly, eyeing the blond, before looking at Harr."It probably was the best sex blondie's had."He teased, raising a hand to warn off attacks with vegtables.
Draco flushed again but, shockingly, he nodded looking mortified again and Harry gaped at him a little. "it was... sort of the...first real sex..." Draco admitted fidgeting a little. "i mean, i know it's not actually sex but it still....felt really good." he admitted Harry chuckling a little. "well good, it's supposed to." "shut up potter before i whack you again!"
James stared at him, "You poor deprieved boy. I'm almost looking forward to seeing you and marc in the same room.""He said, smirking at the idea of his pretty boy play boy brother in the room with the pretty malfoy
Draco blinked at him a little then. "your Brother... he won't... molest me, right?" he asked a tremor of fear running through his eyes and Harry paused for a moment. "Draco... are you, afraid of sex?" "NO! i ...i just..." he hunched over a little. "i don't like being touched..... that's all..." but it was ok with harry and James, they wouldn't hurt him, he had already established that in his own mind.
"No, he'll flirt but he wont touch until you tell him its alright."James said assuringly ,a smile on his face."And if you tell him not to flirt, he wont do it. You just have to set boundaries with Marc."
Draco hesitated and then nodded looking around a little. "and..my father won't find me there?" he asked hopefully. "i'll... i'd rather kill him then go back." he admitted his eyes showing a strange sort of determination. "and.. and i WILL kill him!" he decided, suddenly realizing that, well he could if he had to, just because Lucius was his father, didn't mean that he was defenseless against him, Harry grinned a little and rolled his eyes. "are we going to go or not? tick tock times a wasten!"
"No, no one will find us. And if they do...well you can break his nose and kill him."James said grinning, making them hold their own bags before touching both of them, apparating to the castle. Whistling softly. Still amazed that his little brother lived in a house that could fit like three of his own place inside of it."Welcome to Dragongard."He said smirking as he walked in."Marc?"

"What?"Marc said appearing at the top of the stairs, still looking bed rumpled, his hair sticking up every which way and only wearing a pair of sweats."Oh shit, its that late already?"

"Yes it is. Harry, Draco, met Marc Rizzoli."
Harry grinned a little as he looked at the castle and Draco whistled, silently impressed. "bigger than Malfoy Manor." he mumbled, looking rather awestruck as he was led inside Harry grinning brightly. "i bet you could fly all over the place out here!" he chirped happily Draco nodding in agreement as he looked at Marc with the most adorable 'i'm shy but your hot' expression on his face, Harry just laughed at him. "so he IS lazy! i knew it! everyone who lives in a castle is Lazy!"
Marc wrinkled his nose, looking adorable."I am not lazy, I just work midnights."

"As a cop.You suffer as much as I do."James said smirking, so glad that he was the boss and got to schedule himself for afternoons when he did show up to work.
Harry snorted a little looking amused. "Excuses excuses." he teased Draco rolling his eyes. "ignore him, Potter has the brain of a rat and the attention span of a two year old cracked out on sugar." he stated simply harry's head whipping around to glare at Draco. "at least i don't have the attitude of a piss poor INGRATE!" oh boy, there they went again. "are you trying to imply something Scar head!?" "yeah! i'm saying your a fucking spoiled brat ferret He hissed back both of them glaring furiously at each other.
Marc laughed softly."Are they always like this?They sound like us." "Yea, pretty much." "He's such a pretty little ferret."Marc said grinning as he looked the blond over.
Draco turned to glare furiously at mark. "IO AM NOT A FUCKING FERRET!" he roared before looking terrified, clapping his hands over his mouth shrinking to hide behind James, afraid that Marc might punish him for yelling, and speaking out of turn Harry gaping at the blond his eyes wide and startled.
James smiled slightly, shifting to wrap a arm around the blond,"He's safe remember?He'll treat you like I treat you."

Marc raised a eyebrow, gentling his voice, tilting his head slightly."Well, he's pointy and pale enough to be one. Though I've never heard a ferret yell like that."He smirked slightly. Looking to piss him off, like james, figuring anger was better then fear.
Draco hissed darkly under his breath his fingernails suddenly digging into James inner thigh, too angry to realize he was hurting the wrong person. "When i find out how to use a gun i'm going to shoot you!" Draco yelled at Marc Harry bursting into laughter at the statement, yelping as Draco pounced on him, aiming to cause Harry damage for starting the whole damn ferret thing again. he STILL had nightmares about being bounced about by that goddamn fake moody.
"Hey!"James yelped a little at the nails, the brothers wading in and bodily piking up each. Holding them away from each other."Knock it off you two!I'll lock you up and refuse to let you near a firearm if you keep it up."
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