
Draco moaned softly as he tipped his head back at the others warm mouth, his pale fingers gripping James hair gently, not yanking or pulling, just holding so he could keep his composure easier as Harry groaned softly, thrusting into James a little faster at the sight, panting softly. "oh yeah." Harry murmured grinning. "what's Draco's cock taste like?" "wouldn't you like to know?" Draco bit back, sounding amused as he bucked lightly into James mouth.
James moaned swallowing around the blond, reaching out to hold him still, deep throating him, burying his nose against blond curls, rolling his eyes up to look at draco, even lick of his tongue, every swallow timed to go with harry's fucking, sucking harder with each thrust.
Draco was panting, his body hunched as he took in the pleasure, small barley audible moans falling from his lips as the other sucked him off, Harry moaning lightly as he smirked. "Damn that Malfoy perfectionism, Make him lose control James." Harry ordered softly, panting hard. "make him MOAN!" he wanted to see Draco lost in the throes of pleasure, because you where not supposed to look like you where enjoying a good laugh when someone was sucking you off.
James smirked sucking as hard as he could, sliding his teeth over the length in his mouth, just enough to add a hint of pain to the intense pleasure, hands gripping the blond's hips hard as he swirled his tongue over the head, using everything he knew, really wanting the blond to enjoy himself. Needing to know that he was doing a good job.
Draco gasped softly, his small pants turning to heaves as he finally let out a long, low moan, flinching at the noise as if he expected to be slapped for it, before letting out another before he could stop himself, arching into James mouth now, bucking his hips both hands gripping the others hair now as Harry moaned back. "there we go, that's better isn't it?" whether he was talking to Draco or James it couldn't be said, but harry didn't seam to be expecting an answer anyway.
James smirked slightly whimpering softly around the man as he came, swallowing hard as his hands tightened around the blond's hips. His body tightening around harry
Harry groaned softly as Draco shuddered against James his pale face twisted in pleasure, a blush staining his cheeks as he gripped the mans head and pulled it up and down, asking for more. Draco had never experienced such pleasure before! it was new, and while Draco didn't normally like new, he really liked this. "a..ah.." he moaned Harry groaning as he rode faster into James. "go..gonna cum!" he whined his head tossed back. "James, so tight!"
James whimpered as he swallowed around the blond, basking in the feel of the man in his mouth, and the man plowing his ass, struggling to coencentrate enough to get Draco off. Pleased at the look on his face.
Draco was moaning properly now, letting the sound of his pleasure fill the room as harry moaned back, thrusting faster as his fingers stroked down the others cock, touching and squeezing and teasing, panting hard. "a..aah fuck, so close!" Harry whined, Draco nodding. "little more." the blond whispered. "just a little more."
James moaned shivering, raising his head, closing his fingers around Draco's cock, jerking him off as he leaned up to kiss him. His tongue plunging through the man's lips as he was fucked. Moaning as harry moved in him.
Draco moaned into James mouth, bucking into the hand as he hesitantly touched his tongue to James, his grip dominant, but his tongue shy and submissive as harry cried out in pleasure and came hard into James, brushing into his prostate now as he milked himself out into James.
James whimpered as he came, closing his eyes as he kissed him back, shivering a little. Looking up at Draco with wide eyes, pleasure in his features.
Draco groaned loudly, his eyes shut tightly as he came as well, jerking as he spilled across the others hand panting hard. "a..ah g..good." Draco whimpered, pleased. "so good." he mumbled his silver eyes fluttering open. "thank you." he mumbled smiling a little Harry chuckling softly as he gently slipped out of James. "you alright there guys?"
"Sleepy..."James yawned as he rested his head on Draco's thigh, turning his head to look at Harry."bed?"He said straitening slowly, stretching, smirking at the blond."You alright?"He said studying Draco worriedly.
Draco nodded, looking almost stoned as he tried to remember how to work his legs. "ahuh... ok." he slurred smiling a little Harry laughing. "i think he's in shock!" he admitted smirking. "your mouth made him go into shock, damn James you ARE good." he teased grabbing Draco's wrist in one hand and James in the other and hauled them both into the nearest bedroom tossing them both on it before snuggling into them with a small sigh. "mmm i like this."
James laughed, snuggling draco between him and harry, pressing a kiss to the blond's head before he closed his eyes."Sleep,"He ordered quietly, before going to sleep, snoring ever so slightly as he cuddled draco.
Harry giggled a little as he cuddled Draco as well, sighing softly his eyes closed. James would notice in the morning, the twin black wings that curled around to form a heart 'tattooed' on James chest, right over the heart. it was Harry's mate mark, the sign that told everyone that James was mated to a harpy, that he was protected and that if you fucked with him you where going to die.
Whch the next morning as he stumbled to the bathroom,was the first thing he noticed. Smiling slightly as he traced his fingers over the draco wings, he smirked as he walked back to the bedroom, tilting his head as he leaned down to kiss Harry, "I love you."He said gently brushing his hair out of his face.
(their Harpy wings not Dragon wings XDD)

Harry mumbled something as his eyes fluttered open at the kiss, smiling as he looked up at the other. "mmm morning." he murmured sleepily. "are we starting to move already?" he asked rubbing his eyes as he sat up. "hey..what about your job?"
"That's what I was coming to tell you. I have to go in. for a bit."He said softly,"But I'm going in, turning my cases over to other people, and when I get home we'll head to scotland."
Harry nodded and stretched a little as Draco mumbled and shifted next to him on the bed, wrapping his arms around harry and snuggling in Harry grinning a little. "aaw he's so cute when he has his mouth shut." he teased looking amused. "you go on to work then, i'll make some breakfast for when you get back."
"He's cute even when its wide open.I'll see you in awhile."James aid before pparating out, settling in his desk once again, going over paperwork and things, trying not to think about the elder blond who'd surprised him last time he was here.
this time it was not an elder blond who surprised him, bit a red headed man by the name of Arthur Weasley. "excuse me, James Rizzoli?" he asked hopefully. "i'm here to file a missing persons report? they said i should talk to you about it, that you might have seen him.. his name is harry potter sir, he's got brown hair and green eyes, and a scar on his forehead shaped like a lightning bolt."
James nodded slightly, waving him in,casting the spell and shutting the door behind him before casting a silencing spell."Who's side are you on?"He asked studying him.
Arthur paused looking confused then. "dumbledore's sir." he stated calmly glancing around. "they said that the Dark got to him." he whispered softly. "me and my boys have been out searching when we realized that that pic Lucius was looking for him too." he admitted nodding. "my name is Arthur, Arthur Weasley, i sort of adopted harry into my family." he admitted. "i'm terribly worried about him." what a lie! he was one of the many that had betrayed harry, Arthur was only after Harry's money, harry himself had explained it in his diary. "have you really seen him? is he hurt? sick? has he been eating alright?"
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