
Harry snorted a little and closed the book Draco looking relieved as he laid back down on the couch for another nap Harry gently taking James hand and offering it a squeeze, putting up a silencing spell so that Draco couldn't hear them. "whats wrong James?" his lover seamed jumpy all of a sudden, and that bothered harry, policemen where NEVER jumpy.
"I'm sorry.I was trying to act normal."James sighed wrapping his arms around harry,kissing his head."Lucius stopped to visit me.He was looking for draco.Seemed to think we were the only ones nice enough to take him in."
Harry tensed and nodded. "he's not wrong." he admitted softly. "what did he say?" he asked softly glancing up at James. "did he hurt you!?" he demanded, sounding even more worried. "he better not have! i'll rip him to pieces myself!" he paused and then sighed a little. "we need to strengthen the wards... if he got in before..."
James nodded,"I already did, bt if you toss up some it'll be even better."He sighed softly."I'm not hurt."He said swallowing hard, remembering the man's threat. Fear showing on his face.
Harry gently touched the others face and looked hesitant. "i...i want to be your mate..." he mumbled softly. "i want to bind my soul to yours, then i will always know when your in danger, and can go and help...and vice versa." he admitted smiling a little. "it's like a marriage, only tying us together through magic." he admitted softly nuzzling the others neck. "would you be comfortable with that?"
James smiled, nuzzling his neck before biting down softly,holding him tightly."I would like that."he said loving the idea of being able to find Harry no matter what if he was in trouble.
Harry looked overjoyed and he gently nibbled on James neck before he paused, blowing in the others ear. "later tonight then." he murmured smirking. "i'll mate with you, and you'll mate with me." he mumbled happily pulling away to look into the living room. "what about Draco?...should we move him to somewhere else?... i don't think he's safe here, and he's finally starting to recover from his father."
James nodded slightly, blowing out a deep breath."It's not the best idea...and I know you said you didn't want to run,but my younger brother... has a place in scotland, we could all stay. So Draco feels comfortable being there, and it adds one more person to be on guard if Lucius or anyone comes."He said, not adding that his younger happy go lucky brother might just be what Draco needed.
Harry bit his lip hard and then nodded. "i don't want to run but for right now i don't think we can do anything else." he admitted. "the newspapers are running my story tomorrow." he admitted. "and then Dumbledore is really going to be pissed." he admitted sighing softly. "it's getting dangerous now, and i don't want to get you or Draco hurt in my personal war." he admitted closing his eyes a little. "we should all go to Scotland."
James nodded drawing away,"I'll send him a owl, and we'll go in the morning."He said tilting his head."You might want to go tell draco whats going on and who we're staying with, so he doesn't freak out."He said kissing the man softly.
Harry nodded and kissed back, breaking the silencing spell and started making dinner. "Draco is sleeping." he admitted. "we'll tell him during dinner." he decided nodding. "it's not like me and him have much to pack." he admitted with an amused grin.
"True."James said smiling as he sat down. When dinner was done he walked into the living room, laying a gentle hand on Draco's shoulder."Draco, dinner's done.Time to wake up."
Draco looked almost at peace sleeping on the couch with his hair spread out in every direction, gray eyes fluttering open in confusion at the gentle touch. "nng... huh?" he asked looking up at James blinking stupidly. "i don't wanna..." he muttered already sitting up and trying to wake up.
james laughed softly."It's dinner.Come on, we gotta talk."He said before heading back to the kitchen, leaving the man alone to wake up.
Draco groaned a little and nodded rubbing his eyes a little as he followed after James as Harry finished setting the table, he had made very certain not to use any peanut anything in the meal this time. "morning sleepy head." harry teased Draco who simply flipped harry the bird.
Draco slumped into the chair and flipped James off as well, Harry laughing as he began to eat his own meal Draco nodding at the question. "what are we talking about?" Draco asked nervously poking at his mashed potatoes. he got right to the point didn't he? "it's nothing bad Draco." harry promised. "it's just... we're not safe here." he admitted. "so we're going to move to Scotland, we want to take you with us..." Draco paused and looked up at the two and then nodded. "alright then."
James looked surprised before smiling."That was easy. But we're going to be staying with my little brother, and he has....a odd sense of humor. He'll be kind, and nice. But I thought it'd be a good idea to warn you."HE said with a smile.
Draco shrugged a little. "i have nowhere else to go." he admitted simply. "it's either move with you or live on the streets and be found." he smiled a little sheepishly. "i'd rather just move, it's much easier." he paused and poked at his food again, he didn't look very hungry, was probably still suffering the effects of the peanuts.
James smiled a little,"I have a potion upstairs if your still not feeling well. Or you could punch harry, since it's his fault your sick. Though avoid his nose, he's to pretty to have a broken nose."He said brushing a hand over his own tender nose, knowing his eyes were still bruised from a black eye.
Draco shook his head. "no.. i'm ok.. i just..." he closed his eyes. "i know.. it's so sick but i... i miss my father." he admitted swallowing thickly. "and my manor, and everything.. he didn't always used to be..." he closed his eyes again and sighed. "i'm sorry by the way, i didn't mean to break your nose..."
James smirked a little,"It isn't the first time it's been broken, and it probably wont be the last."He sighed softly,"It's not that bad....I've had...others who missed them."He said slowly,"But...if you need to talk I'm here. I..."He said stopping, pain and memories in that look, the memories of children, of people he couldn't save from themselves.
Draco shook his head. "i'm not going to kill myself." he promised looking James dead in the eye. "i am no coward who cannot face my own pain." pride in every word. "i will fight through this like i've fought for everything else in my life." he admitted his eyes filled with a strange inner strength that had seamed to have come from nowhere. "i miss him, but i will never forget him, i will never forget, and someday i will be strong enough to make him pay for it." he looked back down and shook his head. "i'm sorry, i don't feel well, i'm going to go lay down." he decided shoving his plate away and getting to his feet. harry was grinning though, looking pleased. "that." Harry murmured softly. "is the Draco i grew up with."
James relaxed, smiling a little."good. I'm glad he found it in himself. I'm tired of cleaning up kids I've learne to like."he said before getting up, wrapping his arms around Harry."I love you."He said nuzzling his neck, smiling softly.
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