
JAmes ground his teeth together before getting up."I'm going outside. I'll be back in awhile."He said before walking out the door, because it was taking everything in him not to start screaming where the blond was, he walked slowly and calmly, keeping ahold of a temper that really wanted to beat the shit out of something.

Stepping outside again he transfigured one of the targets into Lucius, emptying a whole clip before he'd even realized he'd pulled the gun. Growling he reloaded, and went back to destroying any trace of Lucius for the moment.
Harry felt the bile rise in his throat and he gently wrapped his arms around Draco and let the blond finish crying, Draco had worn himself out and opted to take a nap, leaving Harry free to travel downstairs and into the backyard trembling with rage. "Lucius was 'training' Draco to be Voldemort's 'wife'." harry informed James, his voice trembling with raw fury. "a sex slave." he clarified. "that sick fucking bastard." he tranfigured his own lucius look alike, and with a single swipe of his hand, suddenly turned taloned, he ripped the things throat out. "Draco's calmed down though." he admitted, proceeding to completely rip apart the thing with his bare hands, bits of fake body flying everywhere. "he's sleeping."
"Good.He doesn't need to see us ripping apart his father and wishing it was flesh."James said, having already emptied six clips he sighed, setting the gun down before collapsing on the ground, leaning back on his hands. Trembling lightly. With fear,rage, and pain. Beause he'd seen kids go through this before, had for years on end, and not able to help more then to give them somewhere to stay. Had walked through his front door to many times to find a dead child waiting for him, having committed suicide to run from the memories. Walking some inner memory as he watched Harry ripped his fake body apart.
Harry panted softly as he tossed a foot into the bushes and collapsed next to James closing his eyes a little. "i feel better now." he admitted softly glancing at James. "Draco needs something, someone to love him." he admitted looking back up at the sky. "not a father figure, more like a partner.. a lover, someone to keep him grounded and help him heal over the pain." he closed his eyes and sighed. "it's certainly helped me get away from bad thoughts." he admitted smiling a little.
"It did."James said before frowning, raising his head to look at the other."Are you volunteering me for something?"He teased raising a eyebrow. Biting his lip. Wondeirng if there was anyone he'd trust to be with the blond besides himself and harry.
Harry smiled a little and shrugged. "i might be, if your interested." harry admitted. "Harpies often take more than one lover." he admitted glancing at Adrien. "but i won't if that bothers you." he admitted. "Draco is a very good option for a mate, he has good looks, and better personality. your for love, but he's for breading in a sense." harry admitted with a snort. "wow that sounded way better in my head." he admitted grinning a little. "i don't mind either way." he admitted leaning into James. "if you don't want to take Draco in as a lover, that's fine. i can always set him up with someone else."
"He is pretty isn't he?"James grinned, even though it sounded bad in harry's head, James knew what he meant. Before frowning, he raised his head again to look at Harry."Better personality?"He asked curious. Actually thinking about it, because he and harry were the only people he trusted enough to not make it seem like force, that they'd give Draco the option of walking away. He trusted them to take care of Draco...and he'd feel better for being able to take care of him.
Harry smirked a little. "i like fighting with him." he explained shrugging. "it gives me something to let out all my pent up stress on, and i know Draco feels the same. we fight each other because it's normal, and it's fun. i'm rarely actually mad at him, i just like picking fights with him." he admitted laughing a little as he leaned into James . "i can't fight with you like that, because i'm afraid i'll say the wrong thing and actually hurt your feelings. me and Draco are past that point, what we say to each other doesn't really matter any more."
"Ah, I see."James said relaxing, laughing softly."We probably should go check on him.We've been out here killing his father for awhile."He said before getting up,stretching as he reached down to help Harry up.
Harry nodded and took James hand grinning as he dragged himself up sighing a little as he looked at the scattered body parts, waving his wand to clean them up. "don't want anyone asking questions." harry pointed out, grinning a little. "he's probably still asleep." he admitted shaking his head. "he's pretty traumatized, sleep is the best way to handle that." he admitted. "i know from experience."
James sighed, giving him a one armed hug pressing a kiss to harry's head."I'm sorry."He muttered, hating that he couldn't protect everyone."WEll we'll just have to take care of him when he wakes up. And I'm going to show him how to beat the shit out of lucius."
Harry chuckled a little and nodded leaning lightly into James biting his lip. "hey love...i was wondering if you might,, do me a favor?" he asked hopefully. "you remember how Draco said Lupin had been sent to a muggle prison?...could you find him? maybe... maybe find out why he's in there?" of course, with the full moon so close, Lupin was going to have to be broke out, or escape on his own or the muggles where going to be alerted of werewolf existence.
James nodded, kissing him."I'll head in now to check."He said before apparating to the office, smiling as he sat at his desk, starting to go throuh lists, there was just alot of people in jail, so it meant doing it slowly to find the right person. So engrossed in looking, he didn't notice anything around him.
there was a small movement and the tip of a wand was suddenly pressed tightly into the back of James neck. "how pleasant to see you again." the smooth voice of Lucius slid over James like silk wrapped in poison. "i believe you and i need to have a little talk, keep your hands on the desk so that i can see them. any hint of magic from you, and i will kill you without a second thought. are we in an understanding Mr. Rizzoli?"
James nodded slightly,"Crystal fucking clear."James said turning his head a little, his voice like a wind off the artric, cold."What can I do for you?"
Lucius smirked a little pressing the wand harder into the others neck. "you should be more careful the sort of tone you take with me Mr. Rizzoli." Lucius warned his pale hand settling onto the table next tot he others hand. "i have lost something very important, and i know that it has gone to Harry, no one else would take the brat in. and i know you have harry, if you return my son, i will leave you and Harry in peace. Draco is far more important than some gryfindor brat in my eyes."
"Missing your fuckhole already?"James smirked slightly, leaning back in his seat, his hand twitching for his gun as he looked up at him."Get out. I told them both to get out and hide, I don't know where potter went."He said calmly.
Lucius smirked a little his lips brushing the others ear now. "that's quite sick, i've never fucked my son." he stated simply. "though the rest of his body, i had to prepare him to be Voldemorts wife." he admitted smirking a bit. "it's a great honor for Draco to be chosen, and i won't have a mudblood like you messing it up for me, i will find my son, and i will kill Harry, and then i will torture you." he informed the other calmly. "just for getting in my way." and then, just like that he was gone, vanishing without any noise at all. frightening.
James shuddered a litle, frightened, but finishing what he'd been doing before apparating home, looking shaken as he walked through the front doors, not even noticing Harry was waiting for him. That disturbed at seeing Lucius again.
harry and Draco where both in the living room, Draco looking sleepy and adorably mussed from laying on the bed, Harry was reading a book he had found in one of James bookshelves smiling a little as he glanced at Draco before looking over at James and scowling. "whats wrong?" he demanded, instantly worried about both James and Lupin. "James?"
James looked shaken, startled before smiling a little."Just realizing I'm going to have to break alot of rules to get him out of jail."He said, not about to tell harry what happened with Draco sitting there.
Harry looked hesitant as Draco blinked at them looking confused. "aren't you a pleaseman?" he asked baffled. "why are you breaking people out of your jells when your the one that's supposed to put them in there?" "Policeman Draco, and Jail." Harry corrected. "were looking for Lupin." he admitted nodding a little as he glanced at James again, clearly not convinced.
"Because I might be the highest ranking person in London, but it doesn't mean I can just let someone go."He sighed softly."So, what have you two been doing?"He asked, trying not to let the concern show on his face.
Harry snorted a little and rolled his eyes as Draco shrugged. "Harry poisoned me." he admitted and Harry scowled. "i didn't know you where allergic to peanuts! it's your own damn fault for eating it!" "it is YOUR fault." Draco protested making a face. "i only just stopped throwing up! i should have made you clean it up the muggle way!" "wouldn't be the first time i've cleaned someone Else's barf up the muggle way." harry admitted turning a page in his book, Draco looking mildly disgusted.
James wrinkled his nose in disgust."Well in that case, potter you're going to come help me make something for me to eat and leave draco in peace."He said before walking to the kitchen.
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