
James smiled getting up."Do the dishes, and let the food settle. I don't want to be thrown up on because one of you accidently missed a block."He said grinning as he walked out of the room, leaving them to decide who was doing dishes.
Draco nodded as Harry started gathering up all the food items and scraped them off, tossing a Towel into draco's face. "you can dry." he ordered smirking a little as Draco glared at him but took his spot at the sink to dry the dishes sulking at being forced to do manual labor.
When they were done James smiled slightly as he saw the two sulk in, settign the last breakable item in the adjourning room he looked at them."Sulky enough from doing dishes?"He asked, knowing the best way to get Draco to not worry about what he was doing, was to piss him off. Well, he was going to draw that line and dare him to cross it.
Draco glanced at James and then looked back at the last dish that he was drying, still too afraid of the 'adults' in his life to glare at the other or snap at him Harry snorting a little. "please, i used to have to do the dishes three times a day, AND mow the lawn, trim the hedges, weed the garden, wash the bathroom, sweep the floors, make all the beds, do dudleys homework, the list is endless."
"Well then, that just means you get to fight with the cock ring on. and here I was going to be nice and let you take it off."James smirked stealing a kiss before dragging them both into the living room.
Harry groaned a little and closed his eyes and Draco choked on air turning a bright viscous red as he immediately looked down at Harry';s crotch, unable to help himself. "Don't look you pervert!" Harry demanded glaring at the sputtering Draco, who looked almost mortified, too shocked to even get a word out.
James laughed at their reactions, stepping forward to take Draco's hand in his, gently folding the man's hand into a fist."Like this. Any other way you're going to bust up your hand more then injure whoever your hitting."
Draco jumped, flinching as he was suddenly grabbed, looking ready to try and hex James before he realized what the other was doing and payed close attention Harry grimacing lightly at the blonds reaction to being touched. Harry knew all too well that in slytherin, the only contact was a painful one. "ok." Draco murmured nodding. "would i really have broken my thumb?" he asked curiously harry nodding. "yes you would have." "i was asking James!" "i know the answer too!" "no you don't your just an idiot!"
James smirked lightly, glad to see the blond fighting something. Before wincing."Sorry...Dray, I'll try not to, but even if I do touch you, I wont harm you."He promised before nodding, raising his own hand, pointing to the scar on the inside of his thumb."See that?When I was a kid I punched my brother, broke the bone so badly it ripped the skin."
Draco stared at the thumb his eyes widening a little. "ok then.. i would have broken my thumb." he agreed Harry scoffing and holding his hand out, palm flat. "ok then smart ass, punch my hand, hard as you can." Draco didn't even hesitate, he turned and punched, the sound of flesh hitting flesh filled the air and then. "...good god your a pansy." "SHUT UP POTTER!"
James smirked a little,"Well, he might be wrong alot, but he's right about this. You just don't have the muscle to do damage."James said before looking at harry."Hand up."He ordered,"The goal of a punch isn't to hit the surface, its to hit five inches past the target. That's when you do damage."he said raising his fist, slamming it into the brunette's palm.
Harry yelped as the other punched him, letting his elbow bend to let the force of the punch distill away so that he didn't get badly damaged. "why am i the one getting punched!?" he demanded shaking his hand out. "your the cop! you should be the one getting punched!" Draco just snickered and nodded. "hold on, let me try one more time on potter!" "fuck you malfoy!" "i'd rather not have you sully my ass potter!"
James laughed."But it's such a nice ass Malfoy."He teased before raising his hand."Fine fine, take a swing at me."He said looking at the two. Amused by their antics."And I wanted to show Draco what a punch was supposed to be.Cant really punch myself."
Harry snorted and shook his head. "you could set up a punching bag." he pointed out lifting an eyebrow. as Draco hesitated again, looking from James, to Harry to james chest and repeated before he steeled himself and swung, landing a hit right on the mans chest before ducking and cowering, waiting for the response blow, cracking an eye open when he felt no pain Harry looking disgusted again. what the hell had the blond gone through to have such a reaction at something he had been TOLD to do!?"
James turned his head, focusing on Harry to keep hold on a slippery temper Draco's reaction was making him violent.And he really wanted to beat the shit out of Lucius."Pansy."He growled at the blond. Wondering if he could wind him up enough to strike out in anger."I know your not used to it, but Ive had girls hit me harder Malfoy. Come on, put some anger in it or I might think you suck as much at Qudditch as you do at punching."He said taunting, teasing.
Draco straightened up in an instant, rage in his eyes at the goading and he stepped forward and took another swing, this time at James face, looking in much better form than the last time, this punch was really going to do some damage. Harry gasped softly and moved to intercept the punch, but he was too far away, it was up to James to either get out of the way or take the punch.
James tensed, but let the punch land, sighing softly as he felt his nose break, raising a hand to stop the blood from landing on the floor, raising his eyes to look at the blond."Good job. Now if you'll do that without being goaded, you'll do some damage."
Draco had frozen in place looking terrified, too terrified to even move, run away as he felt the bone break under hsi fist. he could already see James fists falling all over his body in penance, but the man just congratulated him and Draco began to tremble from the adrenaline. "i.. i'm...." he shook his head and took a step back, away from james and then fled into the house, too much, that was all, just too much for the day. Draco couldn't handle it. he was going to take a nice long bath, and go to bed. he would deal with it in the morning. "you ok?" harry asked gently examining the others nose. "i can't believe Draco actually threw a punch, i have to admit i'm a little impressed."
"So am I.Damn."James winced as Harry gently touched his nose, before casting the healing spell,sighing as his nose tingled.Knowing he was going to look like raccoon."I'm going to have to tell him good job for managing to give me two black eyes."He said looking towards the door,worried about the other man.
Harry smiled a little. "no." he murmured softly. "leave him alone, he needs time to himself right now, he's confused and he scared himself a little, he's uncertain if your mad and he's scared that you are, you can tell him when he comes back out." he admitted gently touching the others nose before kissing it pressing his crotch into the others knee. "besides, you have a 'problem' here to take care of."
James moaned at the feel of the man pressing against him, nudging him towards the door before dragging him upstairs to his bedroom."I do don't I?"he said kissing the brunette hard, careful not to brush his still tender nose to hard.
Harry moaned softly smirking as he shed his clothes the instant their door was closed, standing fully naked in front of James in seconds, his cock hard and pointing to the sky, twitching as if begging to be pet. harry wanted relief dammit! the Gryffindor moaned softly as he trailed his fingers along his own cock, his eyes fluttering closed as he arched into his own hand, giving the other a little show.
James smirked,"Poor harry. No relief all day."He smirked as he slid off the cock ring, sining ot his knees as he took the man in his mouth, moaning ever so softly as he slid his mouth over th ehard cock, his finger sliding into the brunette without warning, stretching him.
Harry moaned tossing his head back as the others mouth settled onto his cock, his hips jerking upwards intot eh others mouth, a long, low pleasured howl falling from his lips at the finger in his ass arching hard. "ye..yes! oh fucking hell YES!" he cried, trembling, trying to keep himself from cumming already, but it was so close, so close and so painful.
James smirked tossing up a silencing charm as he brushed his fingers against the man's prostate, wanting to make him come, swallowing around him as he rolled his eyes up to look at him.
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