
Harry frowned a little his head cocked to the side as he followed James out into the backyard once dinner was done, gently wrapping his arms around the others hips, watching the Targets explode with his lovers anger. "James, whats wrong?" he asked softly his head tilted. "what did Draco say?" he asked, concerned for James.. and malfoy too, though he hated to admit it.
"Nothin."James sighed softly lowering the gun, leaning back into his arms."I had a case once...guy came into the morgue with a bullet dead center between the eyes...and in the course of investigating, I found out what he'd been doing to his son. His back looked like draco's, and he was so scared he could barely stand to be in the same room with me."He said, his voice thick with tears."He'd put a bullet in his father's head, and I had to arrest him...I sent him to hell for defending himself. I was the rookie on the case, I couldn't do anything else....within two weeks he'd committed suicide."James cringed a little."I promised I'd never let someone suffer like that again...but there's nothing I can do for Draco. Except let him stay here."
Harry looked horrified his head tilted a little. "James, you letting him stay here IS helping." he admitted softly a small smile on his lips. "i know what Draco is going through, a little bit at least. just having someone be kind to him, and not punish him for things he should be able to do is helping." he closed his eyes. "i never knew his home life was that bad..." he admitted sounding rather astonished. "i mean.. i never would have antagonized him if school if i had known." he paused a little. "of course, he started most of it, the little bitch."
"Probably acting out because his home life was so bad."James sighed turning in Harry's arms to look at him, kissing him as he wrapped his arms around him."I'm not that kind potter."He said looking torn. Because he really was that soft hearted, that even for someone he'd just met, his heart broke to see how hurt he was. Not that he'd believe it, he thought he was a hard hearted, tough as nails cop, but he was just a teddy bear.
Harry chuckled a little. "nah, we've just always hated each other." he admitted. "i think he just liked picking on me, because i didn't just lay down and take it like everyone else, Draco is an ass, but he's not a bully, he wanted someone to fight with i guess." he admitted snorting. "of course, it was the same with me." he admitted nodding a little. "besides, we both know your a soft widdle teddy bwear." he teased laughing as he pinched the others ass. "you know, i'm still wearing that cock ring."
James moaned at the mental image that brought, pressing his suddenly hardening cock against the brunette's thigh."Good. After dinner, we'll do something with that. Come on, time to eat, and see if Draco's done with his bath."He said pulling away,before saying over his shoulder as he walked inside."I am NOT a teddy bear!"
Harry laughed at the other and nodded. "you SO are." he taunted smirking a bit his head tilted as he followed after James into the kitchen where Draco was sitting, fresh and clean and looking much more calm as he glared at Harry, determined to fall into a more normal routine Harry sneering back at the blond, glad that Draco was feeling calm enough to pick fights.
"Tell the man he's a jackass Draco. I am in no way shape or form a teddy bear."James announced as he set the table, including the man in their argument because it was something innocent, something normal.Something completely harmless.
Draco blinked at him and then. "well you certainly don't look fuzzy but you are very kind." Draco admitted simply. "so yes, your a teddy bear." Harry burst into laughter at the stove Draco's lip twitching a little as he fought back a grin, trying to be nice to harry in thanks for lending him a hand. "oh my god Malfoy." Harry stated still laughing. "if i didn't know any better i'd swear that was a sense of humor!" "i've always had humor potter, you where just too stupid to understand it." Harry scowled a little. "yeah well at least i can SEE, even with glasses i could always catch the snitch before you." Draco snarled and Harry growled and they both went back to what they had been doing previously. aaah normality, what a wonderful thing.
james grinned watching them, pointing at the blond."No,no,no.You're in my house!Your supposed to agree with me!"James whined before laughing."We might have to have a seek off, and see who catches the snitch first."He said amused watching them.
Harry and Draco both glared at James. "THAT WILL BE ME!" they both yelled before glaring at each other and beginning a whole new round of yelling, most of what they where saying couldn't be understood, as they where yelling over each other waving fists and stomping their feat and growling and baring their teeth, but neither threw a punch, too conscious of the other to do anything physically to each other.
James laughed, before whistling, yelling to be heard."HEY!You to are burning my dinner!"he yelled, "Now, I want to eat. And you two are going to sit down, and have a civil conversation over dinner."He said, mentally laughing as he talked sternly to them because he sounded so much like his father discplining him and his younger brother.
Draco flinched at the sudden yell from James and looked fearful for a split second, his eyes darting to James before he relaxed again and slumped down into his seat lifting his chin in the most proud look the blond could give to someone. one of those 'how dare you tell me what to do' looks that Draco was so good at in school. Harry just hissed and went back to finishing dinner, plating everything and laying it out on the table shaking his head. "jackass." "bitch." "whore." "slut." "faggot." "cunt boy." well, they weren't yelling anymore at least.
James rolled his eyes, wincing at the blond's reaction, sitting down and grinning a little at the look on Draco's face. IT really was the best look he'd seen in awhile."I said civil you two."He said starting to eat.
they blinked at him a little. "we've been enemies for almost seven years." "this IS civil!" they stated slumping down in their chairs to eat Draco glaring at the food, clearly miffed about having nothing to bitch about. "well at least i know why you suck at potions now." Draco admitted looking pleased Harry pausing, looking more interested than angry. "what do you mean?" "well, if you do potions like you cook, it's no wonder you suck." "my cooking is PERFECT!" "that's what i mean." "...are you fucking with me?" "no."
"He better not be fucking with you. Otherwise I might have issues."James said grinning a little, eating. Amused at their antics."Ad this really is good. Better then my food."James said.
Draco snorted a little. "i'll explain as simply as i can, so widdle potty doesn't hurt his bwain." Draco taunted. "Cooking is about mixing and matching flavors, 'ingredients' there is no specific way you have to do it, you throw the ingredients together, in any amount yu want to match your specific tastes." he explained Hary nodding. "potions aren't like that, they are exact, you must follow them step by step, ingredient by ingredient, you can't just add a splash, it has to be a specific amount or it will turn out badly. understand?" Harry was gaping at Draco and then nodded. "y..yeah, that.. holy crap Draco has a brain!" "i'm gonna kill you one of these days! i swear to Merlin!"
James laughed."Not under my roof,so that begs to question, I assume your good at potions Draco?"he said waiting for the nod, before going on."Can you cook?"He said, knowing people who had been abused tended to like keep busy, and there wasn't that much to do in the house. Maybe letting Draco cook would help.
Draco shook his head. "no, i'm too precise for cooking." he admitted hesitating. "besides i'm... i'm not supposed to do house elf work." he admitted looking nervous, as if expecting another slytherin or his father to pop up, and also waiting for harry to scowl and start bitching at him. but for once harry stayed silent. "well." Harry stated after a long moment. "you have to have a hobby?" He suggested. "it gets pretty boring around here when you don't have someone you can screw." Draco went beat red and he coughed a little and shook his head. "i didn't really have time to myself... it was, classes, study, train... that's.. all i really know." he admitted looking skittish again Harry nodding. "well, maybe we can duel later, i'd love to wipe the floor with you." "ha! as if potter! you couldn't beat me if i was wandless!" "sure i could, i'd just punch the hell out of you."
James snorted laughing, nearly choking on the piece of meat he was eating before clearing his throat."now draco, tell me you can throw a decent punch. If your going to duel him, you better know how to fist fight. He's liable to give up on wands half way through."He said grinnng. Lving the idea of giving the blond another way to fight back besides with a wand.
Draco paused and looked down at his hands. "uuuh..." he muttered blushing faintly. "like this?" he asked curling his hand into a fist, his thumb tucked under his fingers making harry snort. "if you want to break your own thumb, sure go ahead and throw a punch like that." "...then no, i can't throw a punch."
James sighed softly, shaking his head"I'm sad. that's pitiful."James teased smiling."I'll show you after dinner. And you can use harry as a practice dummy."He said, unrepentant in offering Harry up as a punching bag.
Harry snorted a little. "he couldn't hurt me with those scrawny ass arms anyway." he stated rolling his eyes, Draco looking very hesitant now. "i.. i'm not..." he bit his lip hard, remembering what James had said. 'do what you want.' ok he would. "i would like to learn, how to muggle duel." he agreed nodding, Harry looking startled, and then pleased. "cool, i can kick your ass even easier then."
"Oh joys, I think I have to move my breakables now."James said sarcastically as he finished eating, grinning a litle."But this will be fun.It's been awhile since I helped someone learn to fight."
Harry grinned a little. "i wouldn't mind learning a few bits myself." he admitted. "i know a bit, enough anyway, but it's all street fighting, not good in a real fight." he admitted shaking his head as he pushed his uneaten food out of the way. he wasn't very hungry. draco finished the last of his and nodded, wiping his mouth with a napkin, looking almost, eager.
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