
James smiled slightly."As long as you don't mind suffering our company, you can stay here."He said looking at the blond."You should be warned though, WE share a bedroom, so if that bothers you I'll send you to my mother's house."He said studying the other man, pressing a kiss to harry's head, a arm over his shoulders.
Draco blinked a little at them looking startled. "i didn't know Potter was gay." he admitted shaking his head. "it doesn't bother me." he admitted wrinkling his nose. "i've walked in on worse things, believe me, at least you two look moderately human." "moderately my ass." Harry grumbled before pausing. "...Malfoy, whats wrong with your back?" Harry suddenly demanded, realizing the blond was hunched over, Malfoy's NEVER hunched, ever. "nothing, mind your own business!" Draco demanded glaring at Harry who scowled and shook his head. "fine, be a jackass!"
"Hey!Knock it off you two."James yelled, looking at them,pointing at Draco."What's wrong with you, or I swear to god I will strip your ass and see what it is. Be nice nad just tell me. I don't want to put the effort into fighting to undress you."
Draco snarled darkly and glanced at harry before turning his head away., "you can both just fuck off!" he spat and harry paused and then glanced at James. "alright, he's being a bitch and i feel the need for some fresh air, i'm going to go for a walk." he snapped stalking for the back door and shutting it with a slam, Draco closing his eyes. "it's none of either of yours business!" Draco snapped at James, but with much less fury. "just leave me alone.."
James rolled his eyes watching Harry go, before looking at Draco again."No.I've been a cop to long to leave you alone when it's obvious your hurt.Let me help."
Draco shook his head harder and then hung his head and started to unbutton his cloak, letting it fall tot he floor, revealing his pale back, which had been layered with so many whippings that they where still bleeding, gently sliding down the smooth of Draco's back to get soaked up by the towel that draco had stuck to his back where the worst of the damage was. someone had really caned the shit out of the boy, who was looking as if he was ashamed of his injuries.
"Shit."James cursed before making the man lay down before walking out, retrieving a potion and a salve from the bathroom before handing it to Draco."Drink that. I'm going to put this on."He said gently pouring the cool liquid onto the skin, gently rubbing it in. Knowing was going to hurt, but it was the best way to make sure the salve would be soaked into his skin."Draco, who did this?"He asked angry that anyone would do this to another human.
Draco flinched as James made him lay out on the bed, as if he had expected to be slapped, and hesitantly drank the potion, tensing at the pain in his back but never uttering a noise. he would get beaten again if he made any form of protest, or let out any sign that he was in pain. "it doesn't matter." Draco muttered softly relaxed now that he'd remembered that James was a good guy, James wasn't going to hurt him... he hoped.
"Yes it does, and you didn't deserve this Draco.You didn't do anything to deserve it."He said gently rubbing the salve in, sighing softly as the bleeding stopped, and flesh knitted together. Fragile, but healed."As long as you don't move to quickly, that'll heal in a few hours."James said sitting back, running his fingers through his hair, not noticing he'd smeared blood through it.
Draco bit his lip hard. "no, it doesn't matter." he stated firmly, even though Draco had been beaten bloody, and many times if you looked at the thick scars coating the blonds back, shoulders, chest, belly, ass and the backs of his legs, he was still protecting the person who had abused him, probably for years. and that could only mean that it had been either Lucius or Narcissa. Draco sighed softly at the end of the pain and gently sat up. "don't tell potter...alright? it's bad enough i'm asking him for help, i don't need him thinking i'm weak too..."
James nodded, having a idea of who it could be and had every intention of having a talking to with the elder malfoy sometime."Anyone who survived that isn't weak, but I wont tell him."He sighed as he stood, tilting his head."Do you want something to eat?"
Draco yanked his cloak back on and hesitated a moment before nodding. "yeah, i could use some food." Draco agreed his stomach letting out a feeble growl of hunger as Draco followed after James, making sure that he was behind the older man at all times, and stayed well out of his way. common actions of a boy long abused and forced into a subservient role.
James sighed softly, recognizing the actions of long abuse, before opening the backdoor."Wild Child, get in here and cook before I accidently kill Draco by cooking for him!"He yelled at the brunette he could see walking in the backyard.
Harry snorted a little and rolled his eyes as he headed back for the house. "i'm sure malfoy won't die if he eats something other than five star food for once in his life!" harry yelled back Draco shrugging. "i might." the blond admitted simply. "it can't be any worse than something you might cook." the blond taunted and Harry snarled shoving Draco out of the way, the blond tensing lightly at the shove, but no sound, or show of pain fell from the blonds figure as harry started making home made macaroni, garlic glazed brussel sprouts, and brandy glazed porkchops.
James watched the blond, before tossing a thought to the harpy.be careful love, please. For me...be kind. he thought swallowing hard."He's good at cooking. It wont kill you, were mine might."He said before sitting down at the table.
Harry growled a little but said nothing to James though request as he started flipping the pork chops glancing at Draco his eyes narrowing a little his head tilted. "there's Milk in the fridge if you want some." harry finally stated. "and pumpkin juice, help yourself." Draco's eyes flicked to the fridge and he swallowed a little, he looked thirsty...but he didn't get up, he was almost certain it was a test. malfoys did not fetch their own drinks, they had house elves to do it for them, but he knew for a fact there where not any house elves there.
James frowned at the blond before sighing, getting up and pouring himself some pumpkin juice before pouring Draco some, setting the glass in front of him before sitting back down."Sorry, no house elves your royal highness. I'm almost not here enough to keep one busy."He teased him lightly, watching Draco. Concern on his face.
Draco offered a hesitant smile and dropped his eyes to the floor before carefully sipping at his pumpkin juice harry scowling a little. he's acting like i did, when i was at the durlseys. harry informed James. "dinner will be done in a bit." Harry promised Draco's stomach growling loudly at the thought of food as he took another careful sip of his juice.
so?Draoc said back to his lover before smiling slightly,"Im so glad Im not the only one who has a stomach that growls that loudly."He said, relaxing, wondering how he could make the blond relax. Hating that he couldn't help more.
harry paused for a moment then. it means that he gets punished for doing something, or for not doing it in a specific way. i spent my first weeks at Hogwarts worried about eating and trying to clean the dorms before the elves could, i was terrible at my magic because i was afraid that Vernon would pop up out of nowhere and beat me with his belt and lock me in the cupboard under the stairs for another week. Draco's acting like that, i'd say that he hasn't been in school for the last several months. he's been suffering under either his family, or voldemort. Harry admitted biting his lip a little as he glanced at Draco again who was staring into his cup of pumpkin juice with a blank look on his face.
Yea...thats about right.James thought, swallowing hard at the memory of the blond's back,whistling softly to get Draco's attention."Hey. Do what you want. Hell, get in a slugging match with potter. Just means I'll get to play doctor."He said with smirk."Draco, do what you want."He said slowly, watching him.
Draco hesitated and looked from harry to James repeatedly, looking about as skittish as a squirrel in a den of wild dogs his finger twitching a little as he tried to figure out if it was really ok before he stood up and hesitated again looking from James and back to Harry, who was still cooking, or pretending to. "i...uhm....shower.." Draco stuttered inching his way towards the stairs Harry watching the blond out of the corner of his eye. i never realized Draco's home life was that bad... christ he acts like were about to toss a crucio at him. maybe they had...
James grinned at him, standing."Come on. i'll show you were it is."He said walking upstairs with the blond, giving the skittish man his back, because he knew Draco wouldnt want to walk in front of him. Walking into his bedroom he opened the door to his private bathroom,having chosen to let DRaco into the privacy of his rooms because it was the best guarded, and..."Hey. This is a intercom.You press the button, and it'll let us know if you need anything."James said pointing at the box near the door, showing him what button to use, before handing him a towel."You can shower, or take your time in the bath. Personally, the tub's good, it has jets and everything."He said smiling easily at the man.
Draco followed after him looking around the room and jumping as the towel was thrust into his hands and he ran a trembling hand through his hair. "t..thank you." he finally stuttered looking at the box like it was going to bite him, he didn't trust muggle technology. "thank you for taking me in, i... i just.." he closed his eyes. "i'm not..used to things like this... i, i know it's probably hard for you to take in a stranger... but, i.. i don't know." Draco finally admitted. "i just thought i should thank you.." he smiled hesitantly at the other and then vanished into the bathroom, his courage for the moment used up. Draco had gone through one hell of a training session, he hadn't even been allowed to go back to school. he shuddered every time he thought about what his parents had been training him for.
"You can yell to, if you need something."James called as he left the room, having seen the look Draco'd given the intercom. Managing to keep a hold of his temper for the few minutes it took him to walk back downstairs."I'm going outside. Yell when dinner's done."James said retrieving the gun from the study before retreating into the backyard, and firing the pistol at the targets he had set up. Imaging each and every shot was being driven between the elder malfoy's. he was so going to kill him if given the chance. For the first, his true temper had come to the surface. With harry itd been teasing, a harsh loving tease, but this, this was cold fury.
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