
James shivered a little as he turned his face to look over his shoulder at the man,"Bet you can't be creative. You just are gonna fuck me again."James taunted looking at him, shifting a little as he twisted his hands a little to see just how fast he was tied. Finding hiself turned on at having his options taken away.
Harry smirked and grabbed the others hips, pressing them down tightly into the bed, grabbing more rope out of thin air and tied James hips to the bed, so that he couldn't get away before he tied both ankles to the feet of the bed, forcing him to spread em wide and rest on the bed. "there, now don't you look like a little slut?" harry teased smirking as he lifted his hand and brought it down across James ass, smacking the flesh firmly. "you also, should never challenge a Harpy. we have a tendency to leave you tied up and horny for HOURS don't you know?" actually, that last bit was just harry's sadistic streak, but James didn't know that.
James moaned softly, shifting his hips, rubbing aginst the sheets as he shoot a look over his shoulder at the brunette through his hair. A glare at finding himself bound."Sadist."He growled jerking, trying to get free. He just didn't have it in him to lay still without trying to get away.
Harry smirked and ran his fingers along James' ass hissing with glee, his fingers already wet with a silent lube spell rubbing it into James entrance with an almost sadistic air. "of course i am, now shut up or i'll gag you too." he warned pressing a single finger deep into James, the talon vanishing at Harry's will. he didn't want to hurt James after all, just humiliate, degrade, and punish him, that was all.
James whimpered trying to press back against him only to find himself caught. Shivering a little he glared over his shoulder, relief in the look though at the loss of the talon, as beautiful as he found the man-harpy he didn't want to be hurting to badly, he just wanted to see how far he'd go. Swallowing hard to keep from talking.
Harry smirked, slipping the finger in and out of James licking along the others back, pausing to nip here and there along the spine as his free hand wrapped around James' cock and squeezed tightly, a tight restraint falling into place, a magical cock ring. Harry snickered a little as he pressed a second finger into the other panting in his ear. "i'm going to make you regret teasing a harpy." he hissed softly, smirking. "and then i'm going to make sure you want to do it again, and again, and again for the pleasure i grant you." he taunted chuckling lightly as he removed his fingers and stepped completely away from the other. "but what to do with you until then?"
James whined, shifting, trying to get friction on his aching cock. Whimpering as he rested his head on the bed."Please, harry please. Please touch me!"He said begging,wanting more from the harpy. his curly black hair clinging to his face with sweat, being driven insane.
Harry smirked lightly as the tight pressure on his cock began to spread, engulfing the entire shaft and head with tight, cum restricting pressure as it began to get warm, skin warm and pleasure him, it felt as if Harry's ass was riding up and down it, pressing tight, and warm all around his cock, while still keeping him from cumming, it was far too cruel. "this is a punishment James." Harry teased, smirking. "i don't want to touch you just yet. you DID challenge me to get creative." oh harry was a sick, and cruel bastard.
"Please harry!let me come!"He whined louder, shifting, pain in the words. Because the need to come was becoming a physical discomfor as he struggled to get his arms free, wanting to touch himself. Needing something more then just the sheets.
Harry snickered a little and gave the others ass a good firm smack before the pressure suddenly ended, as did the pleasure, harry's tongue stroking along James ass now, tasting and touching and stroking before sliding in and wiggling around, it was longer, and narrower than a humans was, and was very close to being able to reach the prostate, stroking and rubbing, teasing the flesh to punish James just a little more before he pulled away. "tell me what you want."
James whimered as Harry slid his tongue into him, trying to move against against the man's tongue"I want you to take your slut use me, abuse me whoever you want, but please let me c-come."He moaned as his hips jerked against the sheets. Even with the cock ring gone, it wasn't enough to make him come.He needed a firmer hand to do that.
Harry smirked a little dragging his talon along the others shaft, the tip of it barley scratching the skin, adding just the tingle of pain and fear to the others sexual drive. "you want to cum?" Harry asked, smirking a little. "alright." he agreed gripping the meat in his hand and stroking in fast, almost harsh strokes, bringing James to the edge and then over it, pulling his hand free to lap it clean of the others cum. "there you go."
James moaned shivering as he looked at the other man, raising a eyebrow. Looking satisfied, but he couldn't help but tease him"Is that all?"he challenged, lust and love showing in his eyes.
Harry smirked and continued to lick his hand clean, watching the other as he trailed his free hand along the others ass cheeks, stroking and teasing the flesh before he pulled away completely, a soft pressure appearing along James cock, that felt very similar to a tongue, pressing along the balls, up the shaft and to the tip, only to repeat. "your challenging a Harpy again James, naughty naughty."
James whimpered, rubbing against the sheets, smirking a little."Ah, I wouldn't if it wasn't so much fun."he growled looking at his lover. It was true, if he didn't enjoy the results so much, he'd stop teasing him.
Harry smirked and pressed something against the others ass humming happily as a small bead pressed into the others ass, followed by a larger one, which was followed by a larger one, they began to wiggle on their own as soon as they where encased in his tight heat, stimulating every bit of James ass. "now i've left you with the ability to cum." harry warned, smirking darkly. "be careful not to make a mess." he stated simply pressing the beads in just far enough that the smallest one danced over James' prostate before he headed towards the door. "i'll be back later to fuck you properly."
James whimpered watching him go. Hours later when Harry came back james was slumped on the bed, whimpering and moaning with each touch of the beads, his head pillowed on the sheets, messy and covered in sweat, whimpering as he raised his head to look at the brunette."Harry!"he whimpered needully.
Harry smirked as he watched the other, licking his lips as he watched the man wriggle on the bed. "my my, don't you look like a whore?" he teased smirking as he leaned against the doorway. "have you learnt your lesson yet?" he asked his eyes glimmering with mischief. "have i been 'creative' enough for you?"
Jame whimpered as he looked at the other man."Yes!I have. the whore's learned his lesson, please fuck me, please!"he begged straining against the bindings.
Harry laughed and approached the other gently pulling out the anal beads smirking a little as he tossed them to the floor, rubbing his cock along the others entrance just to get himself a little more aroused, moaning softly. "your going to be so tight."
James whimpered as he strained to press against the man's cock, whimpering as he felt Harry rubbing against him."Please!Harry fuck your tight little whore, I want you!"
Harry laughed, delighted in the others words as he positioned himself and began to slide in, moving slowly into James so that the man felt every inch of his cock moving into the tight tunnel of his ass. "mmm fuck yesss, your so tight and aroused James." Harry growled. "i could fuck you all night."
james whimpered, shifting back against him, biting his lip as he shuddered."You've had fun all day, it shouldn't be all night to."He whined moaning as the man slid into him."ohhhhh...thats nice..."He muttered
Harry groaned softly, smirking a little. "your the one that challenged me lover." he reminded James. "i DID warn you not to." he taunted, thrusting his hips into the other at a fast pace now, panting softly on his ear as his feathers tickled the ass and balls, his wings wrapping around James teasing the arms and back with more feathers, silky soft, erotic feathers.
Within moments James was a whimpering, moaning mess under the brunette. Totally coming unhinged at the feel of the brunette fucking him. It was to much, after so much enticement for hours, pleasure was slowly starting to cross that line into pain, even though he enjoyed it, it was starting to be to much.
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