
Harry smiled a little and leaned back into James shaking his head. "no... it's nothing." he promised softly closing his eyes. "just... worried about something." he admitted. "i don't want to tell you yet." he admitted softly. "i'm afraid of what you might think of me." he admitted sighing softly as he looked over at the other.
"As long as you don't tell me your a woman, I'm good."He said with a yawn, leaning up to kiss the brunette."Or that your like my cousin or something. There's one thing about keeping it in the family but thats a little to close."He teased, wanting the man to relax as he wrapping his arms around him tighter.
Harry chuckled nervously and shook his head. "no i'm not a woman." he promised snuggling into the other. "and if your related to me i certainly don't know about it." he admitted falling silent for a long moment. it almost seamed as if harry wasn't going to tell James after all, then. finally. "i'm... not human." he finally stated shaking his head. "i'm not human..." he sounded almost... afraid, Harry had never told anyone, Dumbledore didn't even know, not Ron, or Hermione, not even Sirius or Lupin. James was the very first person to know Harry's 'dirty little secrete.'
"You're to tall to be a lepruchaun and not pretty enough to be a Veela."James teased a little."And I've seen you out in daylight, so that strikes vampire off the list. I give up, what are you?"He asked running his hands over the brunette, willing him to relax.
Harry swallowed thickly and sat up, sliding off the bed, uncaring that he was nude and bruised and bleeding as he turned to face the other, a troubled look on his face. "i'm a harpy." he stated under his breath. Harpy where known as Dark Creatures, due to their foul temperaments, and wild personalities as well as the fact that they often leached magic away from other people, and fed off of strong emotions. usually it was anger, fury, shame, rage, and even hate that they fed off, often tormenting, or torturing someone to get the emotions they wanted. during the first war with voldemort, the Harpies had swarmed the battle field, not to fight, but to feed off of the misery, fear, and hatred that had filled the world. even those who had not seen a harpy in person where told terror stories about them taking off with little kids to feed off of their terror for weeks on end, only to abandon them later. muggles even knew the terror and horrors of the various harpy breeds.
James was quiet for a few long moments as he thought about it, raising a eyebrow."Have you fed on me?He asked curious, wondering if that was why he wasn't feeling as guilty as he normally would have been about being as rough as he was. Or maybe it was the fact that Harry was harry. Either way he didn't mind overly much, because if Harry hadn't been a harpy, he wouldn't be the man he loved.
Harry smiled sheepishly. "only a little..." he mumbled, fidgeting a little, looking about ready to bolt. "i mean, you weren't an angry person really so i sorta fed on your lust instead..." he mumbled staring down at his feet, certain that James was going to start yelling at him. "i'm sorry i was hungry and i was scared to tell you because NO one likes a harpy. were Dark Creatures and Dumbledores been working on killing them all out and so has voldemort for that matter and... and i just.." he shut himself up, well aware that babbling wasn't much of a turn on.
James bit his lip to keep from laughing at him, sure the man would take it the wrong way if he busted up at the babbling. Reaching out he jerked him back onto the bed with him."I'm not everyone, and if you get hungry again, at least let me know, so I don't find it weird if I dont react normal."He said kissing the man's head.
Harry tensed as he was pulled into the others arms, and relaxed at the lack of pain or yelling his green eyes flicking up to look at the other before smiling a little. "you can't feel it when i feed off you." he admitted simply. "i used to feed off my family all the time, they where always angry and hateful." he admitted nodding as he rested his head on James arm. "if i was to start sucking out your magic though, you'd be able to feel that." he admitted smiling a little shaking his head. "not that i ever would."
"So you say."James muttered sighing softly as he ran his hands over the man's body."Just be careful okay?I don't mind, but there are others if they find out...."He shuddered at the idea of someone hurting harry. Worried. Wondering what was going to hppen.
Harry smiled a little and nodded. "it's ok, no one else knows." he admitted softly. "i just.. i love you, and i didn't want to keep it a secrete from someone i love, you know?" he admitted smiling at James before smacking him on the ribs. "now go get the first aid bitch, my shoulder hurts."
James yelped."Ow.That hurt."He said but followed the directions getting up and walking out before returning with the first aid kit, sitting down as he started taking care of Harry's shoulder."Better?"He said, gently running his fingers through the brunette's hair.
Harry sighed softly as the pain in his shoulder eased and he nodded. "much." he admitted grinning. "i hope it scars." he admitted smiling. "i like the thought of having you mark me, now everyone knows i belong to you." he admitted looking highly pleased glancing at James. "i should show you my true form though..." he admitted softly, leaning into the hands in his hair. "i'm actually very beautiful you know."
"You already are."James said smiling as he kissed his lover, before sitting up. "If you want to, go ahead."He said looking at the brunette, actually very curious about what Harry looked like in his true form. Not afraid, just longing to see him.
harry smiled, looking a little nervous as he stood up once more, his form rippling lightly as the form he so often held inside begane to emerge. long, glossy black feathers ran down harry's arms covering his shoulders and running down the length of the back of his arms, coming to a stop at the backs of his hands. his chest remained untouched, as did his face though his eyes became larger and more bird like. his fingers twitched as the pinky and ring finger fused together, dark claws slipping out as the fingernails vanished. feathers coated his crotch, hiding his male parts and crawled all the way down his legs like a complex pair of pants. he stood now, on the balls of his feet, his heel raised high into the air, a thick claw jutting out gleaming dangerously in the light, his toes had fused into three, and lengthened so that they could grab and hold like a birds talons. two large wings sprouted from his back between the shoulder blades and feathers crawled down his spine to fan out into long tail feathers. he looked beautiful, magic enhancing his natural features to make him almost irresistible, despite the bird parts. he looked like a perfect version of himself, and lethal too as he smiled lightly at James. "what do you think?"
James smiled slightly,"You look lethally beautiful."He said standing to walk around him, sighing softly. Despite the bird parts, his lover was beauitful."Like a tiger, you know they'd probably rip your heart out and feed it to you, but you still want to touch."He said hesitating for a minute befre reaching out and brushing his fingers over Harry's wings.
Harry grinned a bit more as he watched James reaction shifting lightly. "no ones ever seen me before." harry admitted softly watching James closley. "it feels strange to have someone look at what i really am." he admitted, his wing shifting lightly under James touch, the feathers where smooth, and as soft as silk and apparently sensitive, because as the fingers brushed over feathers, harry crooned softly.
James smirked a little at the reaction, fingers stroking the silky feathers again, "Do you want me to stop looking?"He asked, knowing he wasn't having a normal reaction, but the man was beautiful. He couldn't be afraid of him, because he was beautiul and he loved him.
Harry flushed a little and shook his head. "no.. it's ok if your the one looking." he promised crooning again at the fingers in his feathers the appendage spreading wide so that James could have full access. "your gonna make me horny." Harry warned. "and i won't be the one on bottom this time." he growled smirking. "i might look like a bird but my Dick is all man."
James smirked trailing his fingers over the wings again, amused at the reaction."So you say.I'm not so sure."he grinned laughing softly."And if you keep the wings out, I might not mind bottoming.Maybe."He said smirking.
Harry crooned again and turned to glare at James. "seriously, stop that."' he complained. "it makes me go all hard and happy." he stated turning to him smirking a little as he reached down, shifting a few feathers out of the way to let his cock free, the hard shaft sticking up in the air. "see? i'm all hard now, your going to have to do something to fix it."
"I have to do something?"James smirked stepping around to face him, tilting his head as he pulled the man down for a kiss,resting his forehead against the brunette's."What if I don't want to?"He teased, wondering if the man would punish him like he'd punished harry.
Harry smirked at James his clawed fingers gripping the others hair tightly, forcing James head back as Harry licked along the others neck. "you should know now." he murmured. "that you should NEVER tease a Harpy, they have a tendency of taking what they want by force." he admitted chuckling lightly. "and we can get...very creative, with our punishments if you refuse us."
James moaned softly, shivering slightly as his knees gave out a little in the effort to relieve the pressure on his hair."Ah, it is your turn to be creative.I was last time."He panted, fingers reaching out and touhing the wings again.
Harry snickered a little and touched the black collar at his neck, he had never removed it after their 'playtime'. "that wasn't creative, i told you what to do." he teased backing Adrien to the bed hissing lightly as his wings where touched again, his cock bobbing at the sensation as harry grabbed James wrists and pushed him face down into the bed, tying his wrists together behind his back. "naughty little bitch." Harry growled smirking. "touching me without permission. now i REALLY have to punish you."
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