
harry had stolen all of the blankets and had wrapped himself up in them like he was a cocoon sleeping peacefully, completely hidden from view but for his head, which was probably a good thing considering the state that his body looked. it almost looked as if harry had been raped, though it had all been willing Harry had no doubt that james would feel guilty. "mmm no thanks." harry mumbled. "i don't wanna be boyfriends." he muttered softly snuggling deeper into the blankets. "i already love James." he muttered sighing softly. "gonna get... mmm married." he murmured before drifting off into deeper sleep once more.
James looked shocked heading downstairs to make breakfast before bringing up a tray of food he sat on the bed, gently shaking the man's shoulder."Hey harry."He said bending to kiss him lightly.
Harry groaned a little and removed one arm to swat impatiently at James trying to make him go away, his wrist still covered in bright smears of blood and covered in thick bruises. "i dun wann go doctor." Harry slurred sleepily falling still once more, going back to sleep snoring lightly. not many people knew this but Harry was usually a pain in the ass to wake up in the mornings.
James winced genty tugging the blanket down, guilt on his face as he looked over the bruised body, going to his bathroom to get a potion before drawing the man into his arms, gently tilting his head back, shaking him a little."Harry, come on. You need to drink this."He said guilt and pain in the ewords
Harry groaned and turned his head away scowling a little as he tried to get back in the blankets. "no." Harry protested his eyes opening a sliver. "i don't wanna, i wanna sleep." he complained sulking a little. "i have to get to my wedding, i was so pretty." he murmured, clearly still half asleep. "and James was gonna kiss me." he snored a little falling asleep int he others arms again snuggling into him burying his cold nose into the others neck, trying to use James as a blanket instead.
James laughed softly, making a note to tease him when he woke up, he shifted the two around, wincing as harry's cold nose pressed against his neck, laying back he snuggled close, wrappign the blanket around them and going back to sleep. Even knowing he should go to work, wasn't enough ot get him to go to work.
Harry jerked awake a half an hour later, sitting up as stiff as a rabbit who had just seen a hunter his head tilted lightly as if he was listening to something. he let out a low guttural snarl that was anything but human as e shook James awake looking almost panicked. "James... James someones here." he whispered sounding on the edge of panic. he was half ready to leap out the window and fly himself to safety, but he wasn't sure who was waiting outside, and they might hurt James... for once, harry didn't know what to do.
James jolted awake, looking angry at having his nap interrupted."Stay. I'll go look."he said gently kissing the man's forehead before retrieving the hand gun from the side table and his hand tensed, ready to send a spell. Well prepared to see whoever it was as he slowly made his way downstairs.
Harry hesitated a little and then followed after James, jumpy and nervous as someone rang the doorbell downstairs. harry swallowed thickly, clutching his wand tightly as he paused out of sight of the door, but well within hearing distance. "James... be careful." Harry pleaded softly biting his lip hard.
"Always am."The older cop smiled at him as he walked to the door, making sure harry was out of sight before opening it, hand tightening on the gun, not sure who he was going to meet on the other side of the door.
on the other side of the door, was Lucius. "good evening sir." the older wizard stated calmly. "i'm sorry to disturb you but i'm looking for a missing boy who escaped from a mental institute and is considered highly dangerous, he's already thought to have killed three people, though we don't know for a fact if it as him yet." he pulled out a picture of harry. "his name is Harry potter, he escaped about six months ago, he's very Wild and hs a habit of telling the same lie, about a war that isn't real." he admitted shaking his head. "he's highly delusional, have you seen him?"
"No."James said simply, sounding politely curious, like a interrogator with every intention of getting every answer he wanted."Not that I'm aware of."He said looking at the blond with cold eyes."Now if you excuse me, you're interrupting a...date."James said with a smirk, leaving no doubt on what kind of date Lucius was interrupting.
Lucius blinked a little and sighed shaking his head staring at James. "you can't hide him forever Muggle Lover." he hissed dangerously before turning on his heal and stalking down the path leaving James to shut the door Harry sighing softly. "that's Lucius." he explained softly. "he's Voldemort's right hand man, Voldemort is hiding at Lucius Malfoy's manor right now." he admitted peeking cautiously through the blinds. "how could they have found me?"
James shook her head."I don't know."He said looking at the man nervously, biting his lip."Would you be willing to leave the country?I have vacation time coming to me. We can go to one of my other houses, or my mother's homes. Far enough away no one could think to look."he said looking sorry that this house hadn't been enough to protect harry.
Harry shook his head at the others question. "running away won't help me." he stated simply looking almost lost. "they'll just find me, again and again and again, and then they'll get annoyed enough to kill you, just to punish me." he admitted softly shaking his head. "no, i have to stop running..."
James sighed softly walking over to him, wrappgn his arms around the younger man."So what do you want to do?"He asked pressing a kiss to the brunette's temple.
Harry paused for a moment and then. "i don't know." he admitted softly. "i have to fight somehow.. but i have no friends.. i have no allies..." he sighed and closed his eyes. "i might as well face my own death now." he complained softly. "Dumbledore really fucked me over good..."
James growled softly, holding him tightly."You have me. We'll figure out something.Even if it's just facing death together."He said trailing a hand down the man's arm.
Harry smiled a little and leaned back into James with a small sigh. "i think i need to start writing some letters." he admitted softly. "if i can deal with Dumbledore first, then i should get the Order back under my control." he admitted softly looking up at the other. "do you have an Owl i can borrow?"
James nodded."Of course. I'm not a total barbrain."He said smiling as he trailed a hand over Harry's arm, leading him for his office.Wondering how he could help.
Harry smiled a little at the other and settled onto the desk and began to write occasionally asking James for help on a wording or how to make something sound more serious. he was writing letters, not to people, but to the newspapers, basically tattling on Dumbledore and giving evidence to prove it. Dumbledore was going to be torn apart by his own followers when they heard about all his un-loyalties. for a first move, harry had a good one.
James smiled slightly when the man finished, gently kissing him as he tied the letter to the owl."We'll just have to wait and see now. Though we'll probably get more visitors."He said frowning worriedly.Not worried about hmself, but about harry.
Harry nodded and sighed a little closing his eyes. "really... i never should have let you pick me up." he grumbled softly finishing the last letter shaking his head a little. "now i've gotten you into trouble too." he admitted biting his lip a little and closing his eyes. "but...i'm glad you did." he admitted looking up at the other with a small smile.
James smiled slightly,"ME to. And its no more trouble then I find at work...at least I like the person I'm protecting this time."He said kissing harry again.
Harry chuckled a little and kissed back smirking a little. "i had a dream last night." he admitted softly. "we where getting married, and i was wearing a pretty dress, all white with lace and silk." he admitted closing his eyes. "and you where wearing a very dashing suit." he admitted opening his eyes again to watch the other. "if we both survive, do you wanna marry me?" he asked his head tilted.
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