
James made a face sliding his fingers into the brunette without warning, "Don't call me old."He said tightening his grip on the man's cock as he jerked him hard as his fingers brushed across his prostate.
Harry smirked a little before moaning at the fingers deep inside gasping loudly jerking against his restraints. "a..aah fu..fuck!" he groaned pressing down, trying to get the other deeper inside of him panting hard. "a...J..James you.. nng... cheating.." he complained blushing hard, but appearing much more docile now that he was in a great deal of pleasure.
James smirked, pushing his fingers further in twisting them slightly. "I am not old."He said pressing his fingers hard aginst his prostate as he lowered his head sliding his mouth over the man easily, sucking hard.
James smirked before summoning the cock ring, sliding it over Harry's cock before looking up at him, as he moved away, before sliding into him with a sharp thrust."If you want to come, I want to hear about how good looking and young I am."He said thrusting into him hard, amused because the man refused to admit it. Granted he looked his age but it was a good 29, instead of a old and haggard looking one.
Harry yelped jerking at the cock ring panting hard. "a..aah fucking hell!" he growled arching into the others thrusts panting hard, harry lasted a while, jerking against his bonds every time James brushed his prostate, but even the Wild Child knew when he was beaten. "aaah fuck. James your.. hah.. so young and handsome, no one looks so good as you!" he groaned feeling a little angry that he'd had to give in, but he was starting to hurt, and the pressure, the pleasure was just too much. "please, i need to cum!"
james simled a little undoing the cock ring as soon as he heard the pain in harry's voice. He might have wanted to give him a hard time, but he didn't want to hurt his wild child. MOaning softly as he came, shuddering as he looked down at harry.
Harry groaned, arching hard as he spilled his seed across the bed panting hard. "ha...aaah f...fucking ye...yeesss." he growled jerking against his bonds. "i'm SO gonna get you for this you old bastard!" he complained glaring back at James, though there was no anger in his glare, just lust, seamed harry wanted more.
James shuddered a litle, staying buried in the blond as he panted, shifting a little, sighing softly."Are you trying to get punished?"He asked panting as he looked down at him.
Harry smirked a little as he looked up at the other. "you figured it out faster than i thought you would." he admitted with a snicker, tightening his ass hard around the others cock with a small groan. "i can't help it that you have interesting sex habits when your annoyed."
"You're the one who dared me to do it."He pointed out thrusting his hips a litle as harry tightened around him, sliding a hand down and sliding the cock ring back on.Smirking slightly, having every intention of driving him insane again.
Harry whimpered shuddering a little. "oh god. not the ring again." he pleaded panting hard again. "your so cruel." he whined softly jerking into the other, pushing the cock in deeper. "a..aah fuck me." he demanded panting, smirking. "just fuck me you old bastard."
James paused looking down at him, biting his lip. Trying to decide if he was going to leave the ring or not before he shited a little pushing the brunette's legs gup, pressing his knees into the man's chest, as he fucked him, deft fingers undoing the cock ring after a moment, not wanting to hurt his wild child.
Harry groaned arching into the fucking panting hard as he was fucked his fingers twitching against the chain, wriggling and writhing against the fucking panting hard, his face crossed with pleasure as he tried to buck into the thrusts, but with the position he was in that was rather impossible. "ja..James aaah ye..yes! so good."
James laughed softly, taking his time fucking him, smirking ever so slightly."Beg and I might make you come."He said enjoying himself. Wondering what it was about the brunette that brought out the usually non present sadist in his nature out.
Harry whimpered as he shook his head a snarl falling from his lips at the order. "f..fuck you!" he protested panting hard his fingers clawing at the chains, trembling a little, he wanted to cum! he was so close, the slow fucking was only keeping him at the edge and he groaned, fighting the urge to beg. god it was so good to be put in his place. "a..aah please.. please james lemme cum,." Harry suddenly blurted, unable to take the torture anymore. "please, please i wanna cum."
James grinned fucking him hard, sliding the cock ring off as he tightened his hands on James's thighs, moaning softly watching his face. Trying not to come as the man begged.
Harry moaned arching as he came again panting hard. "a..aah James! James yes! thank you a..aaah f..fuck too good." he groaned trembling as he came, arched hard as he felt the other still buried deep inside of him. it all felt so good, harry wanted more, just one more. "n..nng fucking...old.." he groaned panting hard flashing a smirk at James bucking into his cock. "old, old old man."
James growled lowering the man's legs, gripping his hips hard as he pounded into the brunette as hard as he could."A old man wouldn't be able to do this."He growled angrily,truly finally pissed off enough to be violent towards the man.
Harry moaned softly panting hard. "n..nn!" he groaned arching into the proper fucking panting hard, well aware he wasn't going to be able to sit down after this was done, and he was going to have bruises where James hips where hitting his ass and where his hands where gripping. harry bruised easy, but that was alright because he liked a little bit of rough sex. "n..nn!"
Harry groaned arching as he came one last time before falling limp on the bed panting hard, looking fully sated, bruises already blooming along his pale ass and hips, turning dark under the others fingers. "uuhm...good." harry mumbled softly snuggling into a pillow, uncaring that he was laying in his own cum.
James laughed softly as he undid the handcuffs and chains, cleaning them both and the bed with magic as he rolled on his back, pulling the brunette into his arms, nuzzling his neck as he started drifting to sleep."Love you..."he muttered sleepily, not even aware he'd said it.
Harry's wrists where covered in tiny cuts from the handcuffs, a few of them bleeding sluggishly, and they where covered in bruises as well but he wrapped his arms around James holding him tightly, not hearing the other at all. "mmm i love you James." he murmured softly, very aware of what he was saying before he drifted off to sleep harry's head resting on James chest.
The next morning James yawned, stretching slowly as he ran his fingers through his hair, sitting up slowly befre looking at HArry. Smiling at the sight of him looking so comfortable in his bed.
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