
Harry smirked as he swallowed down the Cum pulling back and licking his lips a little with a satisfied sigh a smirk on his lips. "fell better?" he asked laughter in his voice as he hopped to his feet and straightened out his own clothes humming a little. "thank you for bringing me out here." he murmured smiling at James. "i really appreciate it."
James smiled slightly looking at him."I had fun to."He said before getting up, slowly tucking himself back into his pants buttoning them up."What about you?"he muttered pulling him close, pressing him hard against him as he kissed him.
Harry laughed a little and grinned his head tilted as he leaned into the other kissing him back blinking at him a little. "i had a lot of fun too." he admitted a chuckle falling from his lips. "wanna go home and have some more?" he didn't bother pausing after the word home, he was too pleased to be horrified with himself.
James looked startled at the words, kissing him again."Yea."He said before wrapping his arms around him, apparating them back to his house, and into his bedroom. Smirking a little.
Harry gagged as soon as they landed clapping a hand over his mouth, fighting back the urge to vomit, it would totally kill the mood. "give the Wild Child a warning for Merlin's sake!" harry whined sulking at James before pausing. "so how old are you anyway?"
Harry blushed hard as he looked up at the other smiling sheepishly. "er.... seventeen." he mumbled softly dropping his eyes, sounding almost ashamed. he was half afraid that James wouldn't like him now that harry was really a little kid. sure he was an adult according to wizarding status but, well James lived a muggle life.
"What?"James looked startled. Enough of a wizard to not find it overly disturbing, but still, he was young. More disturbed that so much had happened to him for him to be just seventeen then that he'd had sex with him. Wrapping his arms around him, he kissed harry's head.
Harry grimaced a little annoyed by the look of pity on the others face but he didn't pull away. "yeah.. i know i'm just a kid but i do know what i want." he admitted looking up at the other. "and i don't care if your old, i want you." he admitted biting his lip a little. "but.. if you wanna cut it off i understand.."
he smiled relaxing a little more into the other looking pleased grinning a bit. "are you sure? Wild child might piss in your bed and make it his." he teased flashing the other a smirk, making another 'bad dog' reference.
James laughed sofly at the reference, "If wild child does that, I'll just chain him up like a bad dog and teach him a lesson."
Harry's eyes flashed with lust and he smirked a little. "kay, ima go piss on the bed then, you go find a collar and chain." he ordered laughing as he raced for the bedroom, wondering if James would follow or call Harry's bluff.
"DAmn child, don't think I wont call him on it."JAmes said amused as he whistled, heading for his office. Before heading up to his bedroom with a pair of his handcuffs and a length of chain in his hand.
Harry smirked as he bounced on the others bed, messing the sheets and rumpling the covers pausing when the other walked in. "you came in too early, i don't have to pee yet." he complained pouting at James his eyes falling onto the handcuffs and chain and his eyes narrowed. "you, wouldn't, dare." he hissed softly a challenging tone, he knew James would dare... or, he hoped so anyway.
"I would."James said growling, walking to the bed and wrapping his arms around harry, holding him against him, kissing him slowly as he snapped the handcuff closed around his wrist.
Harry snarled as he felt the cuffs lock in place kissing back his teeth biting at the others tongue and lips almost playfully. "if you think you can control be just cus you've got me cuffed you got another thing coming copper." he teased laughing a little.
James laughed shoving him onto the bed, sliding the chain through the bedposts and tying harry down before leaning back to lok at him."Now don;t you look pretty."He teased."And I am so in charge."
Harry snarled a little jerking against his bonds, hissing darkly his eyes narrowed. "cheating bastard!" he complained, struggling against his bonds his face a little red, he looked so cute when he was pretending to be angry.
James laughed leaning in to kiss him, running his hands over the brunette's body."This isn't cheating. You dared me to do it."he said hnds gently groping the man through his pants.
Harry groaned a little as he felt the hands along his body panting softly his eyes fluttering as he arched into the groping, "it's ch..cheating!" he complained panting softly tossing a sulk at James direction, but there was an intense heat in those eyes.
James smirked sliding a hand along his cock, easing harry's pants down, fingers playing with his length as he looked at him."How so?"He teased grinning widely.
Harry panted softly tensing intot he touches arching a little his legs spreading as he shuddered. "u..uuh... it...it just i..is." he groaned flopping his head onto the bed to try and hide his blush. "p..perverted old man." he groaned, his cock hard in the others grip.
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