
Harry laughed a little and shook his head. "i don't usually have sexual encounters." he admitted grinning a little. "i've only had sex maybe... six times in my entire life, and i've only topped twice." he admitted slipping out of the other. "your the best on both counts though." he teased snickering a little. "hungry? i think i'm going to go make some lunch."
"Well, at least I'm the best."He muttered looking sleeply yawning as he stood with a wince, hunching slightly as he looked at the man."I want food."He said wrapping a arm around the brunette's shoulders.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded hopping to his feet and stretching. "aaah i feel good." he murmured smirking as he tucked himself back into his pants and zipped up. "pervert, what are you standing naked in the middle of the day for?" he taunted laughing as he skipped inside, leaving James to get his own pants back on, there was no saving the shirt.
James growled."You made me that way!"He yelled after the man as he dressed, before following him inside his back was giving him issues. Wondering if he had a potion somewhere.
Harry laughed a little and watched him limping his amused grin vanishing into a fearful one. "i hurt you!?" he demanded looking horrified in an instant rushing back over to the other and gently supporting the others weight so that he could walk easier. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to!" he promised softly. "i'll get you a potion, i'll go to Diagon alley if i have to." he promised biting his lip hard. he hadn't meant to hurt James, he honestly hadn't, it made him feel very...evil to know what he had done, purposeful or not.
James sighed sitting slowly, shaking his head."I'm sore, but not really hurt."He said kissing him slowly."I have a potion somewhere."He said looking at him."Make lunch. I'm hungry."
Harry relaxed a little and nodded as he helped James into the house, turning to the stove and pausing. "what do you want?" he asked looking t the other his head tilted. "anything specific or should i just make whatever?"
"Just whatever."James slipped as he sat down at the table, watching the man. His back and ass hurt, but he was relaxing slowly.FEeling better as time when on.
Harry nodded and started working on a warm soup, filled with noodles and vegtables and large chunks of chicken as he chopped up long leaves of spinach and tossed them in as well at the very end adding in the spices and herbs he set the pot on the table. "done, eat up." harry ordered smirking a little as he handed over a bowl and tucked in himself watching the other. "are you sure your alright?"
James smiled slightly as he started eating, sighing softly as he ran his fingers through his hair, giving the man a amused look. The wild child was worried about him...amazing."I'll be fine. I'm sore. But fine."He said wanting the man not to worry.
Harry nodded a little and watched him intently as he ate, sipping at the soup with the table manners of a monkey, but like always he didn't spill a single drop, and the bowl was licked clean. you learned not to waste food when you where starved every summer. "anyway." he stated simply leaning back in his chair and looking up at the ceiling. "it's boring here, i wanna go out and do something sometime."
"We'll go out tonight.Where do you want to go?"James said getting up slowly as he picked up their bowls finished with his food, walking slowly to the sink and setting them down,before sitting down again.
harry looked over at the other. "i want to go somewhere, where i can Fly." he admitted looking back up at the ceiling reaching his hand up into the air. "i want to fly so bad it makes my bones ache." he admitted sounding so whist full. "i want to fly one more time before..." before he left James, and went to his own death.
""Before?"He asked as he looked at the brunette, knowing where they could go, but not willing to take him until he had a answer.
harry looked over at the other. "before they find me." he whispered softly. "they will.. i know they will...they always do." he admitted softly closing his eyes. "this time... i don't know if i will survive, i just...don't have the strength anymore, to drive them off." not a lie, harry was so tired, he'd been using his magic steadily ever since he'd gone into the street to mask his own magical signature. a wizard could look right at him, see him and his scar, and still think h was a common muggle. it was very draining.
"Then I will."He said growling at the idea of HArry getting hurt because two bastards couldn't leave him alone. Wrapping his arms around the brunette."We'll go flying tonight."He said, kissing him hard.
Harry smiled a little as he leaned into the other. "i like you." Harry admitted softly. "your nice, and you don't try to make me feel guilty or use me, and you hold me even when i yell and try to push you away." he admitted his eyes closed. "and you don't hate me when i do bad things, or even when i hurt you..." he still felt bad about that.
James sighed, poking him."Don't feel bad."He said looking at the brunette's face."I'd never bottomed, it was bound to hurt."
Harry looked up at the other. "i wouldn't have been so rough if i had known though." he admitted shaking his head. "i would have been slower." he sighed a little and then laughed a little. "it's just... everyone i've ever cared about.. i always end up getting them hurt, or killing them." even if Cedric and Sirius's deaths weren't his fault exactly, it was still him that had caused their deaths. that was how he saw it anyway. even Ron and Hermione, he had hurt them indirectly just by being their friend, even if they had been bribed to do it.
"You did it by accident. So don't worry and it'll take alot to kill me. DONT worry."James ordered, smiling as he kissed the man.
harry smiled a little as he kissed back his eyes closing a little as he nodded. "alright i won't then." he agreed slipping off the other and walking away whistling, the gushy scene ended along with Harry's romantic mood. harry sure was a moody little bitch, but at least he seamed to like, and trust James now.
James grinned watching him go. That evening walking into his living room where the man was resting, tilting his head, holding a broom in his hand."You want to go?"He asked watching the brunette.
Harry was dozing on the couch, Remote in one hand a bag of chips in the other his eyes unfocused as he stared at the tv, watching some random crime show turning to look at James and leaping to his feet the same way a sleepy dog would at the word 'treat. "Yeah! lets go!" Harry ordered sounding excited as he rushed for the door grabbing James hand along the way, ifgnoring his bare feet the way he always did. he was going to have to buy shoes at some point though
James grinned pulling him to a stop, kissing him."We're going to apparate okay?I know its not the best, but we're going out of town."He said holding him close.
Harry blinked at the others sudden halt and pulled a face at the word apparate. "but..." he complained scowling a little before sighing. "fine." he grumbled stepping in close to the other. "but it's your shoes that are going to suffer the consequences." he muttered sourly flashing him a smirk. "apparate then." he demanded trust in his eyes, a trust harry knew he shouldn't give but he did anyway. "and you have to promise not to panic when i pull stupid stunts too!" he demanded snickering a little, certain that he would give the other a heart attack with some of his fancier Quidditch tricks.
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