
Harry panted, growling and moaning as he was prepped, bucking and wriggling around, arching hard as he was entered a loud gasp of pleasured pain falling from his lips, bucking into the other his nails dragging across the others back, leaving long red welts but not drawing blood as he was prone to do. "move." harry ordered panting hard. "fuck me!"
"Yes master."A smirk played at the raven haired man's lips as he fucked the wild child, driven into a lusty haze at the pain tht lit down his back. losing himself in the feel of enjoying this moment.
Harry snarled lightly tossing his head back panting softly. "don't EVER fucking call me that!" he demanded, struggling to sound angry, but all he could manage was aroused as he thrust back into the other needing more. "ye..yes good, James." he moaned reaching sown and grabbing himself, his free hand digging into the others lower back. "uh so good."
"harry..."james muttered as he moaned, his back arching as he drove himself to the man, coming, his eyes widening at the unexpectedness. Four years of celibacy catching up to him. Fr years that he'd hardly ever wanked either...truly this was heaven on earth for him.
Harry moaned arching hard as the other Came inside him, gasping loudly as he jerked against the other, spilling his seed all over himself and James. "a..aaah yes that's, so good." he moaned grinning a little. "mm your good at sex, i've never had it so gentle before." he admitted looking up at the other.
James looked startled as he rolled on his back, laughing softly."That was good sex?Wait till I get a few more times out of my system then I'll be amazing."He said running his fingers through harry's hair. "I've missed sex."
Harry chuckled a little and leaned into the other. "i've never had it like that." he admitted yawning a little. "it always felt more like rape, even if i was willing." he admitted yawning a little. "i'd have bruises. this is the first time someone held me while sexing me up. i liked it. it was really nice." he admitted sighing softly as he laid his head on James' chest his eyes closed. "i'm sorry i attacked your cop friend."
James laughed softly stroking his hair."Don't worry about it, I did my own fair share of attacking."he said pressing a kiss to harry's head. "I'm glad you enjoyed that."
Harry grinned a little sighing softly as he snuggled into the other closing his eyes. "...so did you read it then?" he finally asked after a long silence. "you know about Dumbledore and Voldemort? you understand now?" the journal explained everything, even the things harry had learned during sixth year about Voldemort's past, it explained what started the war, and why harry was expected to end it... it explained how truly, frighteningly powerful those two wizards really where.
James nodded slightly, sighing."I know I can't get them for committing the murder, but I'll be damned if I let them flush you out by using me as a hunting dog. Fuck that. I refuse to play there game."He growled holdign the man tighter.
harry smiled a little and shook his head. you do realize that i can't hide here forever right? the longer i stay here the more chance of Them finding me." he murmured softly. "and if they find us together, they'll kill you, just to fuck with my head some more. someday... i am going to have to leave." he admitted sounding sad. "someday i am going to have to leave, so i can kill someone, so i can save a world that hates me." and he knew, he would die in the process.
James growled possessively."They can try to kill me. But I'm staying with you.Even if you don't want me to."HE said unwilling to leave the wild child to his own devices.
Harry growled a little but stayed silent closing his eyes again snuggling into him a little. when the time came, harry would just vanish, and if he was capable, at the end harry would go back. he hated to admit it, but he was fairly certain that James had tamed him, James had tamed the Wild Child. "just stay here and hold me for a while." Harry demanded softly. "i want to feel loved.."
James smiled slightly, kissing his shoulder."I wasn't going anywhere."he sai wanting the wild child to feel safe, needing to make him whole again. it was the cop and ggeneral good person in him that needed it.
Harry sighed softly and closed his eyes, simply holding the other a little as he Dozed before he finally sat up. "thank you." he mumbled softly tossing James a smile. "i'm going to go....do something." the comfort was nice, but now harry was feeling awkward and skittish. he needed to do something active. he wished he could fly again, but it was too risky, and he didn't have his broom, Dumbledore was no doubt using it.
James nodded getting up himself and dressing."I need to get some work done anyways. Come down to my office if you need anything."James said sensing he wanted some space before heading downstairs to the big office, starting to work on the case, and trying to figure out how to get harry out of trouble.
harry sighed softly, relieved when the other vanished into a room and Harry moved to the outside settling onto the lawn and laying out flat on the grass staring up at the sky, letting the smell of the grass and the feel of the window sooth his ruffled 'feathers' wishing he could fly, but he didn't dare.
After a few hours James walked out, looking down at his wild child, tilting his head."Feeling okay?"He asked looking slightly worried.
harry was still staring up at the sky as James came out and he smiled a little. "yeah. i'm good." he admitted softly. "i was just...thinking." he admitted looking peaceful for once. "it's been a long time since i felt safe...honestly safe."
Harry smiled a little. "yeah i do." he admitted softly looking over at James. "i was wondering though." he admitted finally sitting up watching the other. "whats it like being a cop? he asked softly. "is it dangerous like in the movies where you drive down the highway and shoot at bank robbers through the windows as they try to get away?" he was struggling not to laugh at the ridiculous question, even he knew that was stupid, but he was curious about the day to day life of a policeman.
"You know, amazingly I have done that."James smiled sitting down next to him, "But mostly its paperwork, crime scenes, and taking care of people.Which I enjoy."He said smiling.
Harry laughed a little and grinned a bit. "that's pretty cool." he admitted glancing at him. "do you ever use magic to detain criminals?" he asked smirking a little. "if i survive, i'd like to do something like that. catch criminals, maybe not wizard ones though, i've had enough of that for one lifetime."
james nodded."You have. And I do sometimes.But only if its become a dangerous situation with innoents near me. I'm willing to chance my life by taking a crimminal on without magic, but I wont endanger someone else."He smiled slightly
Harry chuckled a little and nodded. "yeah." he sighed a little and closed his eyes. "it's funny really... before this... i wanted to be an auror." he admitted nodding. "or a professional quidditch player but now... all i want is just... to be left alone." he admitted shaking his head. "i don't want people staring at me, or hating me, or loving me just because of my name." he scowled a little at the sky. "my fucking name..."
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