
harry snorted a little and rolled his eyes. "i made it for you." he stated simply dipping his biscuit into the gravy. "just eat it." he ordered flashing the other a smirk. "and maybe grow a backbone too why don'tcha?" he teased licking his fingers free of gravy, he didn't even bother with silverware. silverware was pointless on the streets and harry saw no reason to use them, he was Wild after all.
"I have a backbone, I just don't use it one guests.."james said reaching across the table and taking the other man's plate starting to eat sitting down.
Harry glared at the other and slapped at James hand and snatched his food back and wrapped his arm around it so that it couldn't be stolen again, snarling darkly at the other before continuing to eat, scooping the gravy with the biscuit and licking his fingers often, he was a horribly messy eater, but he managed not to get any on himself or the table.
James laughed softly, goign back to eatign his own food before grinning. Looking at Harry before growning serious."So, when did you want to go out"
Harry paused hesitating a little bit then. "now?" he offered licking his fingers clean, his plate empty, licked spotless his head tilted. "the sooner i get my journal, the less chance of it getting damaged." harry had a journal of his life, from the time he was eight and to the very day he had started living on the streets. using a 'unlimited pages' spell the diary was about the thickness of a phone book, one of the big ones, and because of that it was very noticeable.
James nodded pulling on his jacket, holding one out for harry."Here.Its getting cold out."He said, having every intention of refusing to leave if the man didn't wear it.
Harry didn't, he just shrugged it on and zipped it up, he knew all to well how cold it was out there. he huffed a little and stepped outside in front of the other and walked to the edge of the Wards and waited, scowling darkly.
James smirked a little as he looked at the man, dropping the words before smiling."So, are we walking or apparating?"he asked tilting his head.
harry paused a little then. "i dunno." he admitted looking at him. "would you rather there be no barf on your shoes?" he asked sarcastically as he moved through the ward, tired of waiting for him spreading his magic through it to allow him to pass through, harry could have broken through the wards at any time if he'd really wanted to.
James smiled walking after him, hands in his pockets."That bad of a reaction?And here I thought I was the only one."He said looking at the brunette, following.
Harry paused blinking at him. "you get sick when you apparate too?" he asked blinking a bit his head titled. "what about Floo?" he asked smirking a little. "hows that make you feel? or Portkey?" he wasn't getting along with the other! honest!
"Dizzy after loo, and jet lagged for portkey."He said looking over at him."Its why I like the muggle world. No one finds it odd I prefer walking or driving."
Harry grinned a little and nodded. "i get so dizzy after a Floo that i fall over." he admitted. "i always look like a complete idiot. and Portkey is just as bad, makes me feel like the world is spinning and makes me motion sick." he admitted shaking his head a little. "i prefer to Fly if i have to travel at all, since i can't drive and i never have any muggle money to take the buses or taxi's.. and i am NEVER taking that damn Knight Bus ever again!"
James grinned laughing as he watched the crowd walking around them, smirking."had that experience did you?I was sick for a week after. Kept thinking I was moving."
Harry nodded his nose wrinkling a little. "pssh, i kept suddenly having a feeling of Virtigo, almost fell down the stairs after i got off that damn thing." he admitted sighing a little as he looked around, trying to figure out where he was going heading for an alleyway. "HALT!" a rough voice suddenly demanded grabbing Harry's wrist, yanking him to the side. a cop! harry flew into immediate action, a feral, wild snarl falling from his lips as he pounced on the man, scratching and clawing ignoring the handcuff pressing tightly into his left wrist, cutting the flesh and making it bleed as the officer screamed and tried to get harry under control, the wild child leaping off the cop and racing away, streaking into the crowd and completely vanishing from sight. he'd run away. "Dammit! i almost had him!"
James growled softly as he watched harry leave, before turning to the cop, taking his foul mood out on the man."What the fuck are you doing?"He yelled.
the cop looked startled and scowled. "that boy is a murderer!" he stated back glaring at him. "we have evidence! his fingerprints are all over the Dursley house! he needs to be taken in before he kills someone else!" harry was being framed! either that or no one realized that harry had been living there. doubtful, they'd just have to ask the neighbors...unless their memories had been modified.
James scowled as he fisted his hands in the man's shirt, getting in his face."Back off. Send out the order, I have him. It's my fucking case,and if I fucking want to not fucking take him into custody, it is my fucking business and not yours."he said, glad for once he was a officer with only the comissioner outranking him.While he didn't believe harry was responsible, he was willing to abuse his position to get what he wanted.
the man swallowed thickly and nodded hard. "the commissioner isn't going to like this!" he warned getting to his feet and wincing as he touched the claw marks across his face. "that boy is mad! he's more likely yo murder you than anything else! you should be more careful!" the cop warned scowling as he limped off to take care of his injuries. little 'wild child' had really done a number on him.
"The sun will shine in hell before I play by anyone's rules."He snarled, as he walked the streets, looking for harry. He'd bend the rules, bend them till one of them broken, the rules or him.Searching for the man who he was trying to protect.
Harry was in a dank alleyway, licking the cuts on his wrist clutching a thick book tightly to himself snarling darkly at anyone, and anything that dared even look at him, already he had three snakes wrapped around him, uncertain what to do, hide, or go back to James? harry had promised, sort of that he would go back to James house, and harry had never broken a promise...but...harry knew the longer he stayed there.. the more he would start to care, and the more he cared, the more it would hurt when James betrayed him.
"Hey wild child,did you find what you needed?"James asked from the entrance to the alley, watching him worriedly. A soft frown on his face as he studied the man.
Harry snarled a little pressing away from James his eyes just as wild as the first day they'd met before he relaxed a little and nodded. "yeah." he admitted looking down at the faded cover tracing the letters that said 'journal'. a common thing you could buy at any store, though never as thick as that. "my friends where guarding it." he admitted stroking the head of what looked like a black mamba, certainly it did not belong in London, but there it was. he went back to licking his still bleeding wrist a scowl crossing his face again, he didn't make any move to get up. harry seamed to be anxious, nervous, worried about something and was struggling to make a decision on whether or not to go back with James.
James sighed softly, staring at the snake."Okay, time to go.I want to look at the wrist."he said nervously, not of harry but of the snake. He really really didn't like them. It was almost a phobia.
Harry stared at James for a long moment, a calculating look in his eyes before he gently set the snakes on the ground, hissing softly at them before heading over to James. "don't touch me." he ordered a snarl in his voice as he stomped past him, he'd gone all Wild again, one stupid cop had ruined all of James hard work. but harry was going with the other...that at least, was a plus.
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