
James finished his food, cleaning p before walking upstairs, knocking on the door before opening it. Crossign to the bed."Harry?ARe you sleeping?"He said softly, worry in the words.
Harry was, breathing softly on the bed a frown on his face his body twitching in a nightmare. "Cedric...no please...don't...don't kill Cedric.." he pleaded softly trembling on the bed. "Sirius... Sirius come back...don't leave me.." he mumbled softly clutching tightly at the pillow as if it would save his dead friends and family. "n..nng."
harry whimpered and flinched away from the contact his eyes fluttering open. "Lupin?" he mumbled hopefully turning to look at James, his face falling when he realized that no, it wasn't Lupin...Lupin was a traitor too, maybe even Sirius had been. but Sirius was dead now, in an instant it had all welled up and harry was sobbing turning his head away from the other pressing his face hard into the pillow, trying to hide his shame.
James sighed softly troking h is back, biting his lip. Hating that he couldn't help, that he wasn't this lupin that harry wanted."Harry you're okay..."He muttered stroking his hair.
Harry just sobbed into his pillow, the hysterical hiccups slowing into a gentle cry, slowing int a gentle pant, before falling still, his moment of weakness over. "it's been almost... ten years...twelve since I've cried." he admitted softly. "i can't remember the last time i actually let myself cry." he admitted wiping his eyes on the edge of the pillow and sniffling a little. "i feel better." he admitted looking over at James swallowing hard and gently taking his hand. "will you lay down with me?...i don't want to be alone.."
James smirked a little, a teasing smile, relaxing,"That's good you feel better wild child."He smiled softly kissing harry's forehead as he stretched out next to him, running his fingers through the brunette's hair.
Harry sighed softly as the other laid down next to him and he leaned into the others hands his eyes closing. "do you really not know James?" he asked softly. "who i am? who Dumbledore is, Voldemort... about the war that's ripping apart the wizarding world as we speak, about any of it? i don't understand how you can't know about it. the whole WORLD knows about it. I've met wizards in America, France, Iraq, even Africa that have felt the effects of Voldemort's cruelty, and have heard my name."
James sighed softly."I've lived mostly in Itlay, as a muggle. my family wasn't part of the wizarding world as a whole, so when I came to london I had no interest in visiting with wizwards.I find that the world as a whle is full of pompus asses....I'd rather deal with muggles."He said sighing softly again.
Harry blinked at him for a long moment and then smiled a little closing his eyes. "i'm glad." he admitted softly. "it's nice to be looked at as a person for once." he admitted softly snuggling into the other sighing softly. "James... i need to go out and get something tomorrow... you can go with if you want but.. if i don't go get it soon someone else will find it and trash it or something."
James frowned softly before nodding a little."I'll go with you if you don't mind."He said, not only worried at the idea of Harry not coming back, but if the man was truly in danger, he was worried about someone realizing who he was.
Harry nodded and relaxed a little, he had been afraid that James would say no. "mm that's fine." he murmured softly closing his eyes. "and don't get too comfy pervert, i might be nice now but it's only because i'm scared of having nightmares. tomorrow your just gonna be an ass hole again instead of a handsome guy who wants me to think he cares about me."
James pouted kissing his forehead, laughing softly as he closed his eyes."But I AM the nice guy that wants to take care of you."He said laughig softly, taking comfort in actually for once having someone with him as he slept. It was a weird feeling, ater having guys leave because they couldn't stand his job, it was weird having someone to hold while he slept
Harry sighed softly as he relaxed in the others hold his eyes closed. "i really wish i could believe you." he admitted his tone sounding hurt, so hurt. the weasley's betrayal, Dumbledore's betrayal had wounded him beyond repair, he would never trust anyone again, at least. that was what he told himself.
"Believe then."James muttered as he fell asleep, cuddling against the brunette as he slept. Curling around him with a easy smile.
Harry closed his eyes a little. it wasn't so easy as the other made it sound. but maybe he'd tell James someday, what had happened to him. he was up before James was the next morning the smell of fresh cooked food had filled the house to show that harry had made breakfast, and it smelled like bacon, harry had also bade sausage gravy and biscuits, just to show off a little.
James walked into the kitchenrubbing his eyes sleepily. "Mom, when did-"He stopped, staring at his guest. having not expected harry to be cooking."Having fun?"He asked sitting at the island, smiling softly.
Harry jumped violently when the other walked in and stared at him with an astonished look. "...did you just call me MOM!?" he demanded looking horrified. "do i LOOK like i have BOOBS to you!?" he demanded looking outraged. he wasn't really, he just wanted to have a chance to yell at Simon. "You don't get any!"
James pouted looking at him."But harry, I want food."he said lookng at him."I'm sorry, but my mom's the only one who ever cooks. I thought she'd surprised me.Sorry."He said contritely, sonding pathetic though it was a fake, because he was pretty amused.
Harry glared at him and lifted a half a slice of bacon and flung it at him. "there's your breakfast pervert." he spat turning back to the oven stirring the gravy, the biscuits sitting on the counter cooling, taunting James. they where flaky and perfect and golden and they looked delicious. Harry was struggling not to burst into laughter at the others face.
James dejectedly at the piece of bacon before looking up at the green eyed man sadly, a pout on his lips."Please, can I have more?"He said, though his face was serious, there was laughter in his voice, enjoying the taunting with the other man.
Harry smirked a little and took out a ladle full of gravy using a silent, and wandless spell to cool it before whipping around and splatting James full in the face with the lumpy, but delicious gravy. "there you go." every pore of harry was laughing at James his eyes dancing wickedly, a shit eating smirk spread across his lips, waiting to see what James would do.
James looked startled before using a spell to put the gravy in a bowl, before looking at harry."Can I have a fork?"He asked looking like a little kid waiting for a answer.
Harry blinked, startled blinking at him. "uh..." that was certainly not the response he was looking for. he silently gave the other a fork and blinked. "your supposed to put the gravy on the biscuits..." he grumbled shoving a biscuit at the other glaring at him, annoyed that the game was ruined as he fixed himself a plate of food pausing for a moment wincing as he set a hand to his forehead touching the scar and closing his eyes. "just can't leave me be." he whispered under his breath.
JAmes frowned looking at him."Sorry...I just really wanted some of the food..."he said after a moment tilting his head, pushing the food away."Though...I don't need it.I can make my own..."He said unsure getting up to start making something.
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