
Harry laughed bitterly. "because the fucking bastard has been trying to kill me since i was a year old!" he stated almost hysterically. "harry Potter! the Boy Who Lived! the Bloody Golden Fucking Gryffindor!" he spat angrily. "Savior to the entire fucking wizarding world!" his words bitter, angry, hateful as he curled away from the other. "just leave me alone." he whispered his head turned away. "you can't help me...no one can."
James sighed softly as he watched the man."Stay. the wards are solid, and they'll take a hell of a lot of damage."He said before leaving, absently checking the wards. Because they were the house wards and not his own personal ones, built over the centuries by the woman in his family, to have a sanctuary awy from the men of his family.
Harry snorted a little and shook his head. "i can't stay... if HE doesn't find me than the other one will." he spat glaring at James. "besides, i don't trust you even for a second." he stated shoving the other out of the way as he got to his feet and stalked back for the stairs ready to vanish and hide somewhere. no more Mr. Nice guy, harry meant business now, if James wasn't willing to let him go, then he'd just have to make him angry enough to kick Harry out.
James stumbled for a moment, sighing."Aw, after I'm willing to give up a murder case?I'm saddened by your lack of trust."He said smirking a little as he headed to the kithen to get something to eat.
Harry just snarled and chucked something down the stairs, something that shattered when it struck the ground. it sounded like a vase. harry slammed the bedroom door closed hard enough to make the walls shake and then silence reined again. but harry had locked the door, and wouldn't come out when James finally called that dinner was ready. Harry was going to ignore the other completely.
james sighed sofly as he cleaned up the vase, hoping where ever she was traveling, his mother would forgive him for getting her favorite vase broken. Smiling a little he finished the ravoli, yelling up for harry to come down and eat.
as harry had promised himself he did not respond, nor did he go down scowling a little as he looked over the window wondering if they where locked. he smirked as the window slid up with ease and he kicked out the screen with an Air of delight poking his head out. if he could disable the wards, he was a free man!
James smirked as he felt the wards trip, tilting his head as he waited to see what the man would do. Because the wards were still set to be what it was like when he was a kid, and sneaking out, his wards would let him jump out....then catch him before he hit the ground. His mother's wicked sense of justice had left him hanging outside the window for hours at a time.
Harry stared down at the ground for a long moment and then sighed turning away from the window. "call me a fickle beast." he grumbled shaking his head as he unlocked his door and set a scowl on his face shoving his hands in his pockets. he was safe there, really... and warm, well fed.. not ogled at like a circus act.. and if James was going to hurt him he would have already...right?
James yelled up from the bottom of the stairs."Would you get down here?There's food.And its nicer in here then outside."He said, waiting for a answer.
Harry scowled a little then. "Shut up you old man!" he yelled back. just because he'd decided to stay, didn't mean he had to let the other decide that. "i'm not hungry! stuff it up your ass!" how pleasent, but harry was still a wild animal and he intended to act like one.
I'm not old, I'm older, and get your ass down here before I come up and drag you out!"James yelled back. Looking amused and pissed as he stared up the stairs.
Harry smirked a little to himself as he relocked his door. it felt good to fight with someone again. "as if you could you old jackass!" he knew he was acting like a spoiled teenager, but hey, he WAS a spoiled teenager. "go find someone else to kidnap you pervert!"
James stomped the stairs, shoving open the door."Why should I when I already have you?Downstairs, child."The slightly older man grinned a little, enjoying himself.
harry glared at the other and crossed his arms his eyes challenging, wild. if the other grabbed him he was going to get clawed. "make me." he snarled baring his teeth at the other. resisting the urge to burst into wild laughter. he felt...Merlin he felt normal.
"Do you want carried down or floated down?Dealer's choice."James said looking solemnly serious though he was fighting laughter.
"I wouldn't?"James questioned as he cast, making the man float towards him before backing out of the room heading downstairs.
Harry yelped startled and in an instant he'd panicked. "NO!" he screamed, his own magic flaring out, breaking the spell making him fall to the ground with a thud and a groan harry blushing hard as he set a hand over his eyes. "i don't... like being picked up.." he admitted softly. "sorry..." it was more than that really.. he didn't trust someone not to drop him anymore. he didn't understand the terror himself, but it was still there.
James stared at him for a long moment as if he understood the fear before tilting his head."Then walk your ass downstairs."He said ignoring the reaction, just watching the man.
harry sighed softly and shook his head getting to his feet. "i don't like ravioli's." he complained simply stomping his way down the stairs as if nothing had happened, immediately heading for the fridge and opening it, examining the contents before pulling out some eggs. "since you can't cook." harry stated simply. "i'll do it for you idiot...OLD idiot." he stated simply digging through the cupboards as if he owned the place, taking out spices and a large pan to make some scrambled eggs tossing the nasty Ravioli's on the table. he couldn't stand the things after he had been fed them, locked in his room with bars over the window... he froze at the memory taking a shaky breath as he gripped the counter to steady himself before continuing to make some scrambled eggs for himself. James had to ask!
James stared at the man's reaction, tilting his head slightly."Are you okay?'He said his voice gentle,"I'm sorry...I was only kidding around..."he said slowly, resting his head on his hand as he watched the man cook.
harry nodded. "i just..." he sighed a little. "i was..." he shook his head. "i have a lot of bad memories." he admitted softly. "sometimes...they catch me off guard, that's all." he admitted scraping the eggs around the pan before dumping them onto the plate and taking a bite, not even bothering to sit down, simply heading back for his room. "there, i came down and i'm eating, happy now?"
Harry paused for a moment and turned back to stare at the other for a long moment and then sighed and said through gritted teeth. "thanks...." he grumbled before heading back upstairs to stare out the window for a long time, just thinking about his life before laying down on the bed and closing his eyes. he was tired again.
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