
James sighed softly at the words. Shaking his head a little as he waited. Wanting to see if the man was really okay,for reasons confusing to him, he actually cared if the wild brat was okay."Harry?"He asked after a few moments of silence, waiting for a answer.
Harry panted softly and closed his eyes sliding to the bottom of the shower, shaking his head as he sat and rested... he needed to be clean.. "i can't egt up." harry finally admitted through gritted teeth. "and i can't finish..." he wouldn't ASK for help, but he could admit that he couldn't do it by himself. hopefully James wouldn't be an ass and make him ask for it like some people he could name.
James sighed softly as he let himself into the bathroom,silently helping him up,even though he kept his eyes off the man's naked body, staring at the floor, "Why did you think you could do it?You've been bedridden for a week."He said calmly.
Harry panted softly and shook his head trying to rinse the soap off his now clean body and out of his hair. "i'm not used to relying on people." he admitted. "i've always had to do everything for myself, sick, hurt, broken...i've never had anyone help me." he sounded so stern. "i hate it when i need help." he admitted glaring at James. "and i hate it when people help me..." then his eyes dropped to the floor. "i don't know what game your playing...i wish you'd stop."
James sighed as he looked at him, focusing on his face."Why must I be playing a game?Couldn't I just want to help a man who seems unable to help himself?"He sai scowling slightly. Disliking having his motives questioned.
Harry stared down at his feet. "i stopped hoping that people could 'just help me' a long time ago." he admitted softly. "there's always a motive, and it's usually for my death." he admitted closing his eyes. "i gave up trusting people when the whole world screamed for my death." he admitted coughing a little.
"My motive is to see that you live through winter. Now stop being so pesstimstic and wash yourself."James said, making a note to figure out just who in the hell was standing in his shower. Curiousity was eating him alive, yet he couldn't bring himself to ask the man who seemed to be in pain, despite the anger hiding it.
Harry snorted a little and started washing himself again, dropping the sponge once he was finished, the red streaks of a rash hiding a great many of his Scars, but not the one on his forehead, the lightning bolt scar of a curse victim. "..i didn't used to be." he admitted suddenly. "i used to be happy...used to laugh..i used to have a house...three of them! i played quidditch, i was the youngest player Hogwarts had seen in centuries. i was brave..and powerful and loved by everyone.." a few tears dripped down his face, hidden by the running water. "and then...i found out it was all a lie." he wiped his eyes and moved to step out of the shower. "everything is always a lie."
"No. Everything is as it is. It's people that lie."James said running his fingers through the brunette's hair, not reacting at all when his fingers brushed against the man's lightening bolt scar, gently washing the soap off the man before turning off the water and handing him a towel."Come on kid, lets get you back in bed."
Harry nodded wrapping the towel tightly around himself, leaning against James as he walked so he wouldn't collapse falling into bed with a small sigh curling up and drifting into a doze his hand gripping James shirt tightly, not that he was aware of it. but it was a sign that harry was beginning to trust James, it meant that James might...might, be able to tame the wild animal that harry had become.
James sighed softly as he looked at the man holding his shirt, before sitting down with him, gently brushing his lips against his forehead as he laid down also, dozing. Peaceful for once as he laid against the man.
Harry slept peacefully through the night and in the morning he was shocked to find James in the same bed. "I KNEW IT!" harry shrieked pushing James off the bed. "PERVERT!" he yelled glaring at the other violently. he was clearly feeling MUCH better.
James yelped as he hit the floor, raising his head to look at the brunette over the edge of the bed, glaring back."You held onto me jackass!You wouldn't let go!"He growled but stayed where he was.
Harry scowled at him harder then. "whatever." he bitched shaking his head as he slid out of bed and grabbed his nasty clothes that where way too big for him. "i'm better now, see no fever, not even dizzy anymore! so i'm going to leave now." he decided pulling on his shirt. "thanks for the shower and crap." he stated heading for the door before pausing and turning to glare back at James. "well!? you gonna drop the Wards or not!?"
James wrinkled his nose at the brunette, "No."He said as he got to his feet, "You are getting some lothes first. And a few dys worth of fod. Then I'll let you go."HE said before walking past the man heading for his own bedroom. Glad that they were close enough in size harry'd be able to wear some of his winter clothes.
Harry glared at the other and scowled. "Kidnapping is against the law you know!!!" he yelled after the other scowling darkly. "i thought you where a cop!?" he demanded stalking down stairs and flopping onto the mans couch. if he was gonna be held there at least he was going to enjoy himself while he was there. the Tv was on when the other came in, and Harry's face was ashen. "Mr. Potter vanished without warning six months ago, and is still missing. if anyone see's this boy please call the number flashing below. he is a key witness to a murder that took place on..." Harry flicked the tv off swallowing thickly. "so... now they even have the muggles looking for me..."
James walked in holding a armful worth of winter clothes."I am a cop but you need someone to take care of you."He said tilting his head towards the screen, laughing softly." My case is going to fall apart with the fuckng 'evidence' they give me, and they get on and announce I have a suspect. Fuck that. That case happened in scotland yard, nothing to do with you.Fuck them for fucking with my case. I'll feed them their fucking balls."James said drpping the clothes in midrant, pacing the room and looking overly pissed.
Harry paused looking up at the other frowning a little. "i'm sorry?" he asked suddenly incredibly nervous. "are you... are you the one that's looking into the murders of Petunia, Vernon and Dudley dursley?" he asked curiously his hands shaking a little clutching them tightly into fists to hide the trembles.
"Yes unfortunately, and from general consensus the killer did the world a favor by serving their hearts for dinner. I'd probably done it myself if I had to put up with them.What the fuck.I'm going to kill someone for fucking with my case."He scowled passing.
Harry burst into a nervous laughter and clapped his hand over his mouth gritting his teeth. "it was my fault!" he suddenly blurted clapping his hands tighter over his mouth, trying to stop the word vomit shaking his head hard trembling. if James really didn't know... he didn't want the other to know.
James frowned looking over at him,"What are you talking about?"He asked stopping mid rant, walking over to crouch down in front of him, loking up at him worriedly."Harry?"He asked hands resting on his thighs.
Harry shook his head harder hands clapped tightly over his mouth tears gathering at his eyes. "just....g...go.." he finally managed to whisper, but he didn't pull away from James. "i can';t do this... i can't do this now." he slid his hands over his eyes. "i don't deserve to live... why couldn't you just let me die!?"
"Because no one deserves what you did to yourself.Stay for a few more days, the winter, and then you can go when it warms up again."James said calmly, worry on his face as he stared at the man.
Harry simply turned away from the man. "i don't deserve kindness." he hissed before relaxing his hands falling away from his face. "don't bother trying to find their murderer." he stated simply. "even if you had proof... he would just kill you for getting in his way... and anyway a muggle prison would never hold him." he admitted swallowing him thickly. "he doesn't even regret it..."
James's hands landed on Harry's shoulders, gripping tightly, demanding attenion."Are you sure?And you have to tell me how you know this harry."He said, willing to look the other way, but needing to know why.
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