
"Fine by me."James said heading back towards his house, a soft sigh on his lips. Hating he regression in his progress with the man.
Harry was clutching his book tightly, skittering away from everyone in the crowd, his eyes flicking, searching, waiting for someone else to attack him. his regression did make sense at least, when he was at Jame's house he was safe, he didn't have to worry about anything or anyone. but outside he was attacked, hated...hunted, becoming 'wild' was the only way to protect himself, from everyone, James included.
James sighed relieved when they got to his house. Hopefully Harry would relx then as he snapped the wards up he looked over at him."Hungry?"He asked calmly
Harry jumped as the wards snapped up his eyes flicking to the street before he relaxed a little. "no." harry admitted softly. "i am thirsty though." he admitted. "and i have to pee." he glanced at James. "sorry... i didn't mean to snarl at you i just.." he was still skittish, but he had lost that wild look to his eyes. he silenced himself and walked into the house carefully setting the book on the table and gently examining it like it was a wounded animal in need of tender care and handling. "my parents gave me this." Harry admitted suddenly. "it was in my basket with me. as soon as i was able to write real good i've been filling it in." he admitted smiling a little. "if i where to let you read it.. you would know me better than anyone else in the world." even Ron and Hermione didn't know some of the things that harry had gone through.
James tilted his head."I'd be honored if you did, but as it stands, you don't trust me, so I'd rather not."He said staring at the man."Go pee, I'll get you a drink."He said heading for the kitchen.
Harry just patted the book a little staring at it for a moment then. "i would rather you didn't too." harry admitted softly. "i killed a man you know... when i was eleven... it was self defense but i still killed him." he admitted swallowing hard. "that man who attacked me... he thinks i murdered the dursleys... i didn't.. not directly anyway." he admitted closing his eyes. "it's my fault, but i didn't kill them." he felt this intense NEED to tell SOMEONE. and since James was the only person he COULD tell, it just kept slipping out.
"Then I'll deal with it when he tries to frame you again."James said as he started cookng his lunch."And when I have enough, I'll destroy him."he said assured of his plan.
Harry just burst into laughter and shook his head. "you can't catch him." he stated simply. "i don't even know which one of them is framing me." he admitted. "but they won't let a muggle officer get in their way, their the strongest wizards in the world. there's nothing you can do about it." he stated simply shaking his head sighing a little. "i'm running out of options quickly." he admitted staring at his hands and closing his eyes. "i'm going to bed." he stated simply. "read the journal... then you'll understand."
"Goodnight."James said watching him go before he started reading. It ws early the next morning when he crawled into bed with harry, wrapping his rms around him, tears on his eyes as he cried for the pain he'd suffered.
everything was in there, the times he'd been locked in his cupboard for accidental magic or for doing something wrong, the day he became a wizard, the happy days of Ron and Hermione, the seven challenges and the Sorcerers stone, the giant basilisk, the acrumantula, third year when he finally met Sirius and Lupin, fourth year when Cedric had been murdered, fifth year with that horrible umbridge and the death of Sirius, sixth year and the discovery that everything he had known had been a lie as he overheard Ron Hermione, Mr. and Mrs. weasley, Dumbledore and Moody talking about the best way to kill harry, harry fleeing into the streets where it was cold, dark, and there was no food while he waited for someone to find and kill him.

harry sighed softly as James joined him in bed, turning to face him and snuggle in tight, looking at ease now that there was someone sleeping with him.
James sighed softly as he cuddled against the man, falling back asleep, and hoping that Harry wouldn't dream. He deserved not to dream.
Harry for once didn't dream, he slept peacefully and for once was still asleep when James woke, even when harry had been sick he'd woken before James. Harry's face was calm, almost innocent as he slept, like the child he had never gotten to be. "m..mmm." harry groaned softly squirming lightly on the bed his lips parting in a soft pant a blush spreading across his face. "more.." harry pleaded pressing his groin tightly into the others hip, bringing attention to Harry's prominent erection.
James moaned as the man pressed against his morning hard cock, swallowing hard as he held him, biting his lip."Harry..."he said softly, gently shaking him, wanting him to wake.
Harry groaned softly grinding lightly into the other. "uh...uuh please." Harry muttered panting softly. "don't tease... fuck me." he muttered arching a little against the other before falling still his eyes fluttering open. "uh?" he asked softly, still too sleepy to register as he gripped the others sides and began to grind himself more firmly into the other. "uh...uh yes... please.
James moaned as he rolled the man under him, rubbing himself against harry, still sleepy enough to not think about this. Losing himself in the pleasure that laced through his system at the contact.
Harry moaned back rubbing intently into the other panting hard. "u..uh yes." Harry muttered arching against the other his hands gripping tightly to the sides again for leverage as he rubbed himself along the other, pressing himself in as tight to James as he could get before he groaned loudly, his crotch growing very wet as he spilled inside his pants. "a..aah." he moaned jerking against the other as he orgasmed, as if trying to bring James to completion as well.
James swallowed hard, biting down on his lip hard to keep from coming, not wanting to take advantage he rolled on his back, running a hand through his hair sighing, wondering if the brunette was awake.
Harry's green eyes fluttered open. "you didn't cum." he stated softly looking rather afraid. "you... i mean.." he blushed hard. "sorry.. i didn't mean to molest you.. i was sleeping and i woke up.. and you where moaning so i thought you liked it i just....sorry.."
James swallowed hard."I did....I just don't prefer my partners to be mostly asleep when I get off."He said rubbing his eyes as he stared at the cieling
Harry smirked a little as he rolled over onto the other, pressing their crotches tightly together. "i'm not half asleep now." he pointed out, grinding slowly against him, Wild, as always, uncaring about the fact that they where nearly strangers, uncaring that there was probably an age difference. all that mattered was that it wasn't fair if he came and James didn't get to.
James moaned bucking up against the touch, swallowing hard as he pulled the man down for a kiss. Losing himself in the pleasure. It'd been so very long since he'd been kissed much less had sex.
Harry kissed back his tongue slipping into the others mouth his nails digging into the others chest now, leaving small half circle marks as he bucked into him, panting softly through his nose grinding intently into him. "James." he groaned softly. "fuck me." he pleaded softly biting the others lip and tugging. sex with the wild child, that should prove to be interesting.
James moaned shuddering as he rolled them over, staring down at the man pinned under him,rubbing against him slowly before pulling away to strip."Are you sure?"
Harry panted softly as they where rolled a smirk on his lips. "i don't ask for things unless i want them." he growled softly yanking the others head down by the hair for another deep kiss, Harry wanted it, NEEDED it. to be held by another human, to feel loved and cared for. harry wanted to feel James deep inside him, making love to him, fucking him hard into the bed. "we both want to, so don't hesitate."
James growled quickly preparing the man before sliding into him with ease, swallowing hard at the feel of the man around his cock. It was amazing. And reminded him just how long it had been as his cock jerked in response to being held so tightly.
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