
"I promise."James shuddered apparating them to the country estate his mother used. knowign it was private enough that they could fly without anyone wondering what he was doing. Looking around the quidditch field he had he smiled, stepping back before throwing up himself. He really did hate apparting.
Harry had fallen to his knees, retching across the ground and groaning loudly as he cleaned the mess away with a wave of his hand heaving for a moment afterwords before stumbling to his feet shaking his head. "i HATE apparating." he groaned softly shuddering a little before he looked around his eyes lighting with amazment. "wow, James this is amazing!" he stated examining the golden hoops and laughing as he snatched James' broom and raced off with it. "Catch me if you can slowpoke!"
James grinned going to fetch one of the brooms he kept in the shed before flying after him."Was that a crack about me being old?I'm nto that much older.I can still catch you!"He yelled as he nneared.
Harry laughed and flashed the other a smirk, suddenly leaping astride the broom and taking off into the sky, flying as if he had always belong in the sky, doing a rather dangerous flip, snatching for an invisible snitch letting out a whoop of pure joy as he pulled out of the flip and straight into a barrel roll...no he wasn't showing off... never...
James shook his head as he watched, smiling a little to keep the worry off his face. His heart in his throat at every dangerous trick."Show off!"He called laughing.
Harry laughed as he shot into the sky and suddenly 'fell' into a trick he had used to steal the snitch from another player, it was basically a free fall, where he separated himself from his broom, hanging on with only one hand as he plummeted to the ground, wild laughter on his lips as he suddenly spun upside down onto his broom and flipped into the sky again, a while cheer on his lips as he looked down at James. "your just jealous cus i got the moves!"
James laughed softly, glad that he was enjoying himself."You're going to kill yourself!"He yelled back, cause he was jealous a little bit.
Harry laughed a little and flung himself into another barrel roll. "no i wont! i have a fail safe!" Harry yelled laughing as he flashed James a smirk. "Come on Old Man! get your rear in gear! pull your pants up and get up here! fly with me!"
James laughed,"Sorry, I was to busy watching you commit suicide!"he yelled back doing a barell roll himself before flying up to join harry. Laughter showing on his face.
harry laughed again and swooped down to shoot past James a grin on his face. "there's no way! i was born to fly!" he whooped grinning as he did various dangerous stunts, several in which he actually almost fell from the broom, only grabbing on at the last second, laughing the entire time. no doubt giving James a hernia each time, but harry never looked scared, not in the least.
James laughed softly each time, more out of relief as he watched the other man. After about two hours he landed, looking at him."Get down here before you give me a heart attack!"
Harry laughed and dropped out of the sky, simply falling as if the broom had suddenly forgotten that it could fly, jerking to a halt about three feet from the ground harry suddenly letting out a grunt, his face crossing with pan as he reached down to grab his marbles. "....that...not my best idea." he groaned falling off the broom and continuing to clutch himself, he'd gotten the bits a good one.
james collapsed next to him laughing."You deserved that for nearly killing him."He said before laughing again. LAughing so hard it was sorta hard to breath.
Harry just whimpered, curled up in a ball and clutching his jewels his eyes shut tight as he tried to snarl at James, his foot rushing out to kick James right in the crotch. if James wasn't quick, he was gonna be in a world of hurt as well.
James reacted, catching his foot, groaning softly as he was able to slow him but not stop him from kicking him."I'm sorry."He groaned curling up around the dull pain that was making him see double.
Harry nodded, slowly beginning to uncurl panting hard. "u...ugh." he groaned shaking his head. "Serves you right bastard!" he spat, actually sounding angry this time. if it was one thing he couldn't stand, it was people laughing at him when he was down... voldemort had done that too many times for harry to ever let it go without an issue.
"I will never ever laugh at you again."He groaned turning his head to look at the wild child. Knowig he wouldn't be laughing anytime soon, or having sex. Which was saddening, if his groin didn't stop hurting.
Harry growled at the other and stumbled to his feet wincing a little before smirking suddenly looking at the other dropping back down and working on the others pants, tugging them down. "here, lemme make that feel better." he ordered gently taking the damaged organ in his hands and peppering it with soft sensual kisses.
James whimpered looking down at him, shuddering a little as he touched the slightly bruised skin, swallowing hard."Not helping..."He said though his voice held pleasure along wiht pain.
Harry smirked a little shaking his head as he ran his tongue alone the flesh, teasing the skin being even gentler than before. he knew, very well, how much a blow job could help ease the pain of a kick to the nads as long as he was careful about it.
James moaned softly, shifting a little."You don't have to Harry...."he muttered raising up on his elbows to look at the man.
harry smirked a little at the other his head tilted looking at him. "what if i WANT to?" he demanded scowling at the other. "are you going to deny a little boy his fun?" he demanded sticking his lower lip out before slowly pulling the others cock into his mouth again, sucking in the head and stroking it with his tongue, looking pleased.
"nooo I wont..."James's voice hissed out between clenched teeth fingers tangling in the man's hair as he squirmed, pleasure starting to overtake the pain.
James moaned, fingers laced through harry's hair, squirming a little. Moaning louder as he thrust a little, moaning at the feel of the man's tongue against him,
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