
Harry groaned, bucking into the other running his fingers over the others nipples panting hard. "nnng fuck, so close already." he whimpered panting hard. "couldn't stop touching myself downstairs." he admitted sounding smug. "the thought of you up here, tied up and in sexual torment made me loose all control." he hissed softly panting hard. "n..nng Cum with me." he ordered biting at the others neck. "Cum with me right NOW!" he demanded, giving the others cock a firm squeeze as he arched, spilling inside of James with a loud groan.
James moaned just as loudly, spilling over Harry's fingers as he jerked in the man's hold, whimpering as he sank down to lay on the sheets. "You couldn't stop touching yourself?"He muttered sounding a little smug at the idea.
Harry snickered a little, slipping out of James ass with a satisfied sigh. "only because i could hear you over here begging like a whore and calling my name." he taunted untying James with quick tugs of his suddenly human fingers. "you where moaning and whimpering and crying out i thought someone was up here fucking you." he admitted laughing.
"Youo should have been."James sid grouchily, stretching his exhausted body out next to Harry. Resting his head on Harry's chest he yawned, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist.
harry snickered a little and cupped the others balls teasingly. "aaw someone sounds grumpy, maybe i should make you cum again to turn that frown upside down?" harry taunted smirking a little. "or do you need a nap first?" Harry knew very well that his time as 'dom' was limited. as soon as James recovered harry was going to get punished so good. he had to admit he was looking forward to it.
"Tired."James grumbled nuzzling Harry's neck, holding him tighter even as he shifted against Harry's hand, a soft moan on his lips.Unable to resist reacting, even when all he wanted to do was go to sleep. It'd been a long enticingly busy day. He was exhuasted in a pleasant haze.
Harry chuckled a little and wrapped his arms around the others waist, sighing softly. "well if your tired, then sleep." he ordered softly, feeling rather tired himself, and smug, very smug. he couldn't wait for James revenge. he murmured lightly as he drifted off to sleep, feeling relaxed, content, and safe curled against James.
The next morning James smirked as he locked the handcuff around his lover's wrist, getting up as he looked at the man bound in his bed. Really...this was cruel, but he deserved it. Sliding the cock ring into place he smirked."Harry."He called, wanting him to wake up.
Harry groaned lightly at the call of his name and he snuggled deeper into the pillow he had his face buried in. "i'm up Aunt Petunia." he mumbled. "i'll make Dudley's breakfast." and then he was asleep again, sighing softly a contented smile on his face. odd for a dream involving his now dead family. maybe he was dreaming of putting rat poison in the food or something. Harry murred lightly as he pressed down onto the bed with his restrained cock and begane to hump the pillow. "m.mm..feels good.."
James laughed softly watching him for a moment before leaving a note explaining he had to go to work and that Harry was to patiently wait for his return. Whistling softly he headed downstairs, before leaving and heading to the police station. Wanting to see if anyone had found out anything else about the war or the man staying at his house. Tilting his head slightly at the sight of a slight blond in his office, frowning as he tried to place him.Maybe...he knew this man!Had met him, yet the name escaped him. If only he was older..then that would make sense....before the remembered name came to him."Lucius Malfoy?"He said slowly not believing the young looking man in front of him could be the same older wizard to come to his house days before.
the blond turned at the name and blinked at the man his head tilted. "are you James?" he asked simply looking puzzled. "you must be or you would never know who my Father is." he stated simply approaching him with the usual 'i'm better than everyone' air about him. "May i have a word with you? it's about a mutual freind." he admitted watching the other with serious eyes, eyes that where like Harry's, who had seen far too much of the world and the troubles in it.
James nodded, relaxing when he realized it wasn't lucius, but his son. Walking into his office he motioned the blnd inside before shutting the door."Your father visited me about...our mutual friend a few days ago. He didn't seem happy that I wasn't aware of where he was. So. How's business are you on, Voldermort's or Dumbledores?"He said giving Draco the same dead cold eyes that loked out of the blond's face. And he found it extremely sad that what he assumed as close to a 19 year old looked at him with eyes like his own, that had seen to much pain and suffering.
Draco laughed bitterly and shook his head. "what side are YOU on!?" he demanded crossing his arms. "no matter what i say, i'm going to end up dead." he shrugged his shoulder. "that's why i'm trying to find Harry, we hate each other, but at least he won't kill me for looking at him." he grumbled shifting from foot to foot. "i'm on my own side, Dumbledore is a manipulative bastard who would use me as a pawn, and Voldemort is a murderous madman who would use me as bait...neither are very good options. when i found out that Potty ditched i decided i'd try to help[ him instead. at least that way i could have some chance at surviving."
james stared at him for a long minute,"I'm on harry's."He said before sighing."If you've lied about being on either of their sides I'll gut you."Eh growled glancing at the closed shutters before closing his hand around Draco's arm, apparating them to his house."Stay here."He said garing at the blond, not moving from the front hall way. Not wanting the blond to see the man upstairs, and wanting to warn harry before Draco came up.
Draco had yanked himself free of the other and whipped his wand out, waiting for an attack or a trickery before relaxing, realizing they where in a house, and an empty one at that. "don't do that again." Draco demanded, anger in his voice. "or i'll hex you." he stated flopping down onto the couch. harry was laying on the bed reading a book, the muggle handcuffs laying at the foot of the bed. "Alohamora." Harry explained flashing his lover a smirk. "sorry. i kept the cock ring on though." he admitted looking down at his hard dick, tiny drops of pre clinging to the tip, as if mocking James.
James swallowed hard, having not thought about how'd draco'd react to ebeing touched. Swalloing hard as he stared at his lover's cock he closed his eyes."...We have company. Though I do want to enjoy that...later."He growled pulling him up."Dress,but leave the ring on. I want you to go talk to him with it on."He said kissing Harry hard.
Harry froze his eyes widening as he grabbed his underwear, yanking them on adding padding so that his hard on was hidden before yanking on his pants, shivering at the friction against his hard cock. "who is it?" Harry demanded, wondering if he shouldn't head out the window, a new emotion flickering in those emerald green eyes...fear.
James swallowed hard, pulling harry against him, gently touching his face."Draco Malfoy."He said holding him, before heading gently tugging him towards the door. Worried he'd done the wrong thing, fear on his face."I'm sorry I shouldn't have broght him...but he seemed so...."James struggled to think of how to describe him.
Harry tensed at the name, but the fear vanished and rage replaced it. "of course it is." he spat, annoyed as he grabbed his shirt leaning back into James. "it's ok.. Draco and i hate each other, but he's harmless for the most part. he's a selfish bitch though, he's only in it for his own skin, he knows he can't survive if he picks voldemort or dumbledore." he sighed and shook his head. "i don't know what he thinks i can do for him though."
James winced a little at the reaction, letting his hands hang at his sides, his face pained."I think he just wants somewhere to stay."He said sadly looking at the floor. Having reacted to the look in Draco's eyes, and wanted to take care of him. Sighing he stepped away from his lover, having not meant to upset him.
Harry paused and then stepped over to James wrapping his arms around the other, gently nuzzling his neck. "i'm sorry, i'm not angry at you.. i just really don't like Malfoy." he admitted softly leaning gently into him. "you did what was right." he admitted softly his eyes closed shaking his head a little. "were going to get into a fight though." he warned. "and there will probably be fists involved."
Jame sighed softly wrapping his arms around Harry."I'm a cop, I'm used to breaking up fights."he said pausing to kiss him before walking downstairs with him, looking tense and nervous as he headed into the living room where he'd left draco
Draco was sitting in the living room still, his wand sitting on the coffee table, and even though he had heard the footsteps he did not grab it. something that shocked harry to no end. "Malfoy." harry demanded, suddenly sounding.. hesitant. "...what are you doing?" "... i'm offering you the chance to take my wand away from me, it's about the only way you would listen to me i'm sure." the blond admitted, never turning to look at them. "i have no one else to turn to, your the only one who wouldn't kill me or use me." harry bit his lip and looked up at James before stepping towards Draco, reaching out to grip the blonds shoulders. "don't touch me!" Draco hissed ferally, Harry freezing, too startled to do anything else.
James whistled loudly, wanting both their attentions."No fighting. HArry no touching. Draco, you touch him, I'm going to kick your ass."James said."Now...tell us what happened in the wizarding world."
Harry scowled a little as Draco shook his head and turned to stare at James. "it's a madhouse out there." he admitted simply. "Voldemort is completely insane, he attacks someone if they hesitate before agreeing with him, and then kills them for being traitors.... Dumbledore is getting mad himself! he just had Lupin thrown into a muggle prison for demanding to know why no one was looking for Potter." "what!?" harry demanded, perking up immediately. "you mean Lupin didn't know!?" "...i don't know." Draco admitted shrugging. "i'm only going off on what i've been told by father, who's gone just as mad as voldemort." he shook his head again and gritted his teeth hard. "please... i'll beg if that's what it takes..." "don't beg." Harry demanded shaking his head. "i'm sure that James wouldn't mind lending the spare or something..." Harry muttered, he didn't WANT to help Draco, but he would, because the blond was clearly in need of it.
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