
Harry's face was crossed with pleasure as he arched hard, spilling into the others mouth with a loud cry of pain/pleasure shuddering as he spilled his seed into James mouth before falling limp onto he bed to try and recover from the over stimulation. "u..uuh."
James laughed as he sat back, wiping his mouth before he gently urled up on his side against harry, kissing him softly."You okay?"He asked worriedly.
Harry moaned lightly and nodded. "brain overload..." he mumbled. "Harry's brain 'sploded." he muttered curling into James sighing softly. "mmm sleepy." he mumbled nuzzling Jame's neck. "i am so gonna get you for that, make me wear a cock ring all fricken day."
James laughed softly, holding him as he went to sleep. Looking forward to the man's revenge, and seeing what tomorrow brought.
when James woke up Harry was gone, and there was loud yelling downstairs, Draco and Harry where in another fight it seamed, something shattered and there was a moment of silence and then the yelling began again, the voices too muffled to be understood, but they where no doubt blaming the broken something on each other. it was like living with a couple of five year olds.
Jmes growled as he hastily yawned his pants on, not bothering with a shirt as he ran downstairs. Trying to figure out what they'd broken."What...are you two doing."He asked slowly and softly rememberig the blond's reaction to the last time he'd yelled.
they both paused turning to stare at James, both of them where covered in flour and pancake batter, Draco had strawberry jam in his hair and Harry had syrup all down his front and bits of egg in his face. it almost looked like they'd been trying to make breakfast and started getting into a food fight, though the mess was contained to in front of the stove, a broken plate showed the sound of the noise. "uh.." Draco stuttered looking from harry to James and back again nervously as Harry blinked. "we're making breakfast, whats it look like?" he asked grabbing the bowl of batter and beginning to mix again as Draco grabbed a towel and started to clean up the mess on the floor.
James sighed."Leave it draco."james said waving a careless hand, casting a cleaning charm before smiling at the two."Now. Explain how you made a mess of each other."He said smirking, wanting to hear about it.
Draco blinked and then blushed at the sudden disappearance of the mess, clearly having forgotten about his magic for a moment as he quickly scrambled to his feet, Draco and harry glancing at each other before the both of them burst into laughter, what had pissed them off moments before, now amused the hell out of them...yup, five year olds.
James shook his head sitting at the table. "Explain please. I woke up alone, I could use the laugh."He said, pouting because he'd woken up alone.Not at all liking it.
Harry smiled at the other. "sorry love." he murmured. "i meant to be back up before you woke up with some breakfast. but Draco wanted to learn how to crack an egg." "and potter started fucking laughing at me! so i dumped the bowl of flour on his head." "which pissed me off so i whacked him with the spoon i was mixing the batter with." "so i shoved an egg in his face." "which led to me knocking over the plate while i poures jam in Draco's hair." they explained Draco looking ashamed, Harry looking about to start laughing again. "so really it's all draco's fault." "WHAT!? how the hell did you come to that conclusion! you started it!" "i did not it was all you!"
James laughed."You're both at fault for making me wake up alone. So. I think I have to think of something for you to do.I'm thinking maybe target practice."He said smiling.
they both paused looking confused. "Target practice?" harry asked looking baffled. "like, with a gun?" "YOUR GOING TO SHOOT US!?" Draco demanded, looking completely panicked and about ready to bolt Harry rolling his eyes. "Of course he's not going to shoot us you idiot, that would kill us... i think." he paused cocking his head to the side. "i'm pretty sure that a gun could kill a wizard, i don't think anyone's been stupid enough to test it."
James laughed softly."No, I was going to let you shoot something you morons."He said teasing them lightly."I thought I'd transfigure the damned target into voldermort. Put a few rounds in him. Everyone'll feel better."
they blinked at him and Draco hesitated. "er...like..." he paused then. "i don't know if i should handle a muggle weapon.." he admitted shifting from foot to foot, Harry laughing. "i don't think either of us should! we'd shoot each other before we shot a target!" he admitted snickering a little grinning a bit. "but i would like to shoot, i've never shot a gun before."
"You know, maybe it wouldn't be a good idea to give you two a gun."He said looking thoughtful. "I'll teach you to beat the shit out of each other. Then maybe give you guns"
they laughed a little and harry shrugged a little. "we could learn to kill each other with our bare hands, i like that even better." he admitted laughing a little as Draco wrinkled his nose a bit. "Hey James." Draco piped up. "is it true that in Karate, whatever that is, you can kill a man with a single punch?" Draco demanded looking curious, clearly doubting Harry's word.
"You could."James said tilting his head before transfiguring one of the couches into a lucius look a like, having every intention of using some of that rage he'd been choking on."Okay. Watch. I'll show you two moves that'll put anyone on the ground."
Draco nearly yelped as soon as the lucius look alike and vanished completely up the stairs, trying to hide from his father who he was certain had suddenly shown up to take him back. he hadn't seen James cast the spell, so it was no wonder the boy had panicked. Harry sighed a little, looking troubled as he watched the blond vanish. "wrong choice of targets." he pointed out calmly. "i'll go get him, change that doll into something else." he smirked at the other. "you'll get to beat on lucius in real life soon enough."
James winced, aving not that of that."Opps.But I really want to beat the shit out of him now!"He whined before transfiguring it into his boss, smiling slightly as he waited for Harry to return with Draco.
Harry smiled a little and went up to fetch Draco, but after almost ten minutes of silence, normal people wouldn't have wondered if they weren't killing each other up there. but if James where to go up and check on them, he would see Harry gently holding Draco as the blond sobbed into his shoulder, Harry looking nervous and uncertain as he tried to comfort the blond...hey, Harry wasn't used to the social interaction, the last time he'd seen a person crying had been Cho, and he hadn't though to try and comfort her.
James tilted his head s he walked in,"You know, if you want to make him stop crying you could always kiss him. I'm sure that'd be a shock."james said absently sitting down next to them,hesitantly touching the blond's hair stroking his hair, ""I'm sorry Draco....I just really wanted to beat the shit out of him...even if it was only an illusion."
Draco shook his head. "don't you dare fucking kiss me potter." he ordered pulling away and wiping his eyes glancing at James. "it.. it wasn't that.. i mean i wasn't crying because of that." he admitted trying to make the tears stop, hiccuping with the effort. "i'm not sure why i'm crying it.. it just started and now it won't stop." "sometimes it's good to just cry." harry admitted softly. "you've been repressing yourself for so many years, just let it out, don't fight it."
James smiled slightly,"Cry, though I reserve the right to kiss you if you keep looking adorable."He teased giving the blond a look, more to get him thinking about anything but the tears, and some about getting harry annoyed. He really did like annoying his boyfriend.
Harry scowled darkly at Adrien. "your fixing to be chained up outside like a dog mister!" he snarled baring his teeth as Draco giggled softly and wiped his eyes. "i'd rather not be kissed at all thanks." he admitted hiccuping again staring down at his hands. "my...father did that enough." he muttered softly, sounding afraid, as if he expected James to start yelling. it was sick, to think that Lucius had not only been beating Draco, but also sexually abusing him. but it did explain why Draco was so unwilling to be touched.
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