
Harry smirked darkly. "you left me with a cock ring on all day." he reminded the other, licking along the mans neck kissing and nibbling along the flesh his hand strolling down his bely. "i think that warrants a punishment." never mind that it had been harry's punishment for tormenting james in the first place.
James moaned softly, his stomach muscles tightening under Harry's fingers."Hmmm..true. But I thought you wanted to be nice to me tonight."He muttered kissing him slowly.
Harry snickered a little. "now i never said i was going to be nice, i just said i was going to mate with you." he admitted snickering a little as he gripped the others hair tightly and pulled him down for a kiss.
JAmes moaned kissing him, rubbing his hardening cock against hte man's leg before smirking drawing back."We should move up to the bedroom... in case Draco gets hungry and comes down..."
Harry growled a little and smirked. "let him come down, i wouldn't mind letting him have a small go at you." he teased standing up and pushing James hard into the table using his hair as a handle as he kept the other pressed against the table, his free hand pressing James left wrist to the table and gluing it there with a spell so that he couldn't get it free.
"Well, I wouldn't mind either."James teased back, jerking at his wrist as it was glued down, shifting, trying to get closer to him, wanting the man. After the fright Lucius had given him, he needed to feel closer to him again.
Harry snickered a little and grabbed the other wrist, gluing that down as well as he ran his fingers along the others ass and gave it a firm squeeze before all of James clothes vanished completely Harry's fingers running along the smooth flesh now. "my my, aren't you pretty?"
"I am not pretty.Malfoy's pretty.I'm handsome."James whined sotly trying to shift back against his hand, wanting a firmer touch.
Harry smirked darkly his fingers running down the others inner thighs, stroking the flesh. "Malfoy is pretty." he agreed smirking as he pressed his clothed hardness into James ass. "mmm and your pretty too." he smirked. "pretty horny that is, tell me what you want lover, and maybe i'll be nice and let you have it."
James whimpered, shifting back against him."I want you thick hard cock shoving into him, sending me over the edge, claiming me, please harry fuck me!"He whimpered glancing over his shoulder at him."Wild child, please!"He whimpered.
Harry snickered as he listened to the other beg, moaning softly as he nipped and nibbled at the others neck, panting softly. "oh? you want me to fuck you huh?" he demanded smirking a little as he took a firm hold of the others hair, casting a lubrication spell and slicking up the others insides with it. "maybe i don't want to!?"
James whimpered looking at him, hurt showing in his eyes as he looked at him."...you dont want to?"He said hesitantly,biting his lip as he looked at his lover. Wondering what it was about Harry that made him insecure.
Harry paused and smiled softly at the other. "of course i want to." he promised gently nuzzling the other. "but maybe i wanna torture you a little first?" he teased smirking a bit as he trailed his fingers along the others cock. "mmm i want to make you scream with pleasure!"
James moaned as he relaxed, whimpering."Please harry, no torture. Just make love to me."He whined looking back at him, needing that. Needing to be close to him without the mental torture.
Harry smiled a little and nodded and gently ran his fingers along the inside of the others ass stroking and touching. "alright." he agreed nodding looking almost eager. "i'll love you up so much.." he paused for a moment trying to find a way to make that dirty. "yeah i'm just gonna fuck you a lot."
James laughed,"Yea, that sounds better."He moved whimpering softly as he wanted to kiss him, straining to lean back so he could kiss him.
Harry chuckled and leaned down kissing the other intently, the spells holding James to the table broking as he kissed the other running his fingers down the others belly now his own clothes vanishing his cock rubbing against James ass now. "i love you." harry murmured happily grinning a little.
James moaned softly as her tangled his fingers in the brunette's hair, leaning back to kiss him as he grinned, rubbing against the cock against his ass,"I love you to."He said grinning stupidly.
Harry chuckled a little as he lined himself up and slid in, moaning softly as there was a clatter from the stairwell, Draco gaping at them his eyes wide as he stared, "...oops." Harry muttered sheepishly as Draco weent bright red and looked them both over, an erection growing in his pants. "yeah..uh.. i'm...gonna go jack off now." he declared harry choking on sudden laughter.
James laughed softly, raising his head to look at him."If you can stand to be touched....if you come over here I'll give you a blow job while he fucks me."he said nerves on his face as he looked at Draco, longing on his face. Wanting to make him feel better, to feel normal.
Draco paused and stared at him for a long moment then. "uhm..." he glanced at Harry who smirked and thrust into James, making sure to hit his prostate. "go on Draco." Harry offered. "i know you want to, James is too hot to pass up." "i.." Draco stuttered staring at james now taking a step foreward and pausing again, unsure if it was really ok. "are you sure?"
"Yes!"James moaned as his prostate was hit, hands tightening on the table under him, panting as he looked at the blond."Sit up on the table, don't make me strain myself to suck your cock."He said with a smirk looking at the blond, whimpering as harry fucked him.
Draco hesitated a moment longer, eyes flicking from James and then to Harry once more before shrugging his shoulder and moving over to the table, settling on it with the prim proper attitude of a noble and slowly unzipped his pant and pulled out his pale, almost pink length. Harry smirked as he started to thrust hard into James, teasing him before he slowed again, giving him the chance to start on Draco.
James whimpered shuddering before swallowing hard, raising his head."You sure?"He said looking worried for a minute, shivering as he looked at the blond before not waiting for a answer swallowed him whole, sliding his mouth over the pale man's length. Moaning at the feel of him in his mouth.
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