
Harry was still laughing and Draco went from angry, to reclusive in an instant, tensing in Marc's arms so fast it was almost as if he'd suddenly been placed under a body lock curse, trembling lightly as if waiting to be struck or yelled at, Harry smirking at Mark. "yeah? you wanna 'punish' e too eh?" he teased winking at Mark. "James could hold me down and you could paddle me." "oh my god, you are such a pervert!" Draco complained, broken free from his terror by his annoyance at Harry.
Marc had let draco go the moment he felt him tense, smirking a little."You know, james I like these to."

"I knew you would.And I do want to paddle you."James said growling softly as he gave hary a look full of lust.
Draco went beat red and he scowled at Harry who smirked brightly. "oh yeah, you wanna paddle me good and hard for fucking you over the kitchen table don't you lover? wanna make me scream and beg for forgiveness. aah you wanna put me in my place don't you." "f..fuck harry." Draco groaned shivering in Marc's arms, the blush growing even bigger as he felt himself getting aroused. "s..stop that, were... in someone else's house it's rude..."
Marc smirked a little looking at Draco, raising a eyebrow as he looked over the man."Ah, but you like it don't you?"He purred.

james smirked slightly wrapping his arms around harry."Behave. I'm not leaving these two alone until Draco feels okay."He growled biting down on Harry's ear slightly
Draco shuddered lightly and closed his eyes. "p...put me down would you?" he asked softly, resisting the urge to nod and start unzipping Marc's pants. he wasn't supposed to do that without permission anyway, no matter how much Lucius said his mouth was good, Draco didn't want to give the wrong impression. Harry pouted a little and groaned at the bite to his ear, smirking a little. "well maybe me you and Marc could have a little 'quality time' together then?" he teased grinning playfully at James.
Marc smiled a little lettind Draco down."As you wish."He said sounding amued before stepping away.

James gave him a look."No."He said siimply. He might share with draco, but that was one thing. His playboy brother was a total different thing.
Harry grinned and kissed James intently looking amused. "oh alright then." he agreed tossing a look at James. "sorry, but James is my 'primary' so what he says goes." "primary? what are you an animal potter? or just a whore?" Draco demanded, brushing himself off, pausing when harry didn't say anything, the look on the brunettes face said it all though. harry was suddenly worried that he WAS a whore. "...shit, Potter i didn't mean that..."
James caught the mans' face in his hands, looking at Harry."Stop it. You are not. You know malfoy, can't stop running his mouth.Ignore him."

Marc frowned slightly, tilting his head curious as to what was going on.
Draco looked down, looking rather ashamed of himself. "i shouldn't have said that... you know i didn't mean it, i didn't mean it in school and i don't mean it now." Draco promised Harry looking away from James and Draco both. "but.. it's not untrue." harry admitted softly. "i was a whore in school..." he glanced at James and smiled, laying his head on the others collar bone. "i'm not anymore." Draco looked relieved that the mortified look on Harry's face had vanished, but he still looked incredibly guilty about saying it, and remained silent.
Marc nudged Draco, tilting his head towards the living room."Lets give them a moment alone. You guys get the upstairs bedroom."He said before leaving them room himself.

James smiled as he looked at his lover,hugging him tightly before nudging him towards the stairs."Come on, lets put the bags away."He said kissing him softly. having every intent on staying in that room for a bit.
Draco nodded before he wrinkled his nose. "i don't have to share a room with them do i?" he asked sounding horrified. "i already walked in on them having sex, i don't want to wake up to it too!" he complained, whining like the spoiled brat he was. granted harry and James where very hot, and Draco didn't mind being molested by them once and a while, but he felt jealous every time he saw them look at each other. it wasn't fair that Harry got to have someone who loved him, even if the brunette deserved it more.

Harry grinned a little as he leaned lightly into James and nibbled gently at the others neck. "you mean put your bags away." harry corrected with a small snicker. "i don't suppose i could talk you into buying me a new wardrobe? i'm tired of only having the one outfit." he admitted wrinkling his nose and sticking his tongue out. "and Draco is going to need some clothes too, he's going to bitch when we don't get him silk and satin but the brat can deal with it."
"No, you most definately do not have to share a room.I'll even be kind and give you a room down the hall from them so you don't have to listen."Marc grinned at him.

James shuddered picking him up, heading up to his usual room when he stayed, the bags floating after."I brought you my clothes, and you can raid marc's closet, but I'll get you all something if you really want it.AFTER I take care of something."He growled dropping him onto the bed as they ended the bedroom, shutting the door after him leaning down to kiss him.
Draco smiled a little and nodded. "i'd appreciate that thank you." he admitted glancing at Marc a little. "could you.. not call me a ferret?" he asked, almost pleadingly. "i..hate it." he admitted softly, staring at the ground now. "it's only fair that Potter called me it but... i dunno, he probably wouldn't if he realized how much it bothered me..." he shook his head again. "i wish i could be freinds with him..."

Harry smirked, feigning innocence. "take care of something? you didn't bring your work with you, did you?" he asked playfully as he squirmed around on the bed to avoid the kiss. "ah ah! you said you had work to do, no getting distracted." harry taunted, fighting the urge to start snickering at his own evil.
"You already seem to. Only friends would fight like you two."Marc said smiling, "But I wont call you ferret, draco."He added watching the blond. HE was so very pretty.

James growled, going after him, pulling him close."I do. Work on making you beg, is what I'm going to do."He said kissing harry again. Holdign him tightly against him.
Draco snorted a little. "ever since we first met we've hated each others guts." eh stated simply. "hell for two years now we've actively been trying to kill each other." he admitted before glancing at Marc and smiling a little. "thanks." he stated simply looking around. "why do you live in a castle alone like this? doesn't it get boring?"

Harry growled, smirking a little. "you couldn't make me beg if you had all the world to help you." he taunted bucking his hips into the others kissing back just as hard, trying to flip James over so he could top again, not that harry wanted to, he just wanted to give James a little challenge.
"it does, but I'm hardly ever here alone, and I work enough I'm hardly ever here if I do have company. James, or our mother are usually staying with me. But mother's in....itlay this week I think."he said with a thoghtful smile.

James growled pinning him harder, settling against him as he pressed the man back into the bed."I will."He growled kissing him hard.Tongue sliding betweene his lips as he rubbed against the other man hard.
Draco nodded a little. "well, are you a please man too?" he asked curiously, "and what in Merlin's name is a please man?" he demanded scowling. "all i know is that their faintly similar to Aurors." he admitted shaking his head. "and that they carry Guns."

Harry growled back, arching into him as he found himself pinned, his tongue sliding back, meeting James' tongue and fighting with it for dominance, even though he knew he had lost he still fought, panting hard through his nose as his body slowly relaxed and his tongue began more submissive movements, finally giving in to James dominance.
Marc smiled, biting his lip to keep from laughing."Police men. We're...actually we're alot like aurors, but instead of finding bad wizards and witches, we had all sorts of crime."

James smiled easing down, kissing him softly as he ndid the other's pants sliding a hand inside and cupping him, stroking the hardening length slowly."Harry.."He muttered kissing him softly.
Draco nodded a little and paused for a second then. "Marc... can Guns kill wizards?" he asked softly, looking vaguely...disturbed for a moment, as if he was thinking about something that bothered him a great deal.

Harry groaned arching into the hand, panting softly as he bucked into the others fingers, a small whimper falling from his lips as he wriggled kissing back his hands reaching up to stroke and tease the others neck, and arms and chest and ribs, touching, waiting for his chance to start the struggle again.
Marc studied the blond for a moment before nodding, "Sometimes better then magic will. At least with a gun, muggles don't question what killed them."He said studying the man sitting next to him.

James growled softly as he vanished their clothing, sliding a hand down and after casting a lubing spell, slid his fingers into the brunette, kissing him softly as he wiggled his fingers in the man.
Draco nodded a little and looked down at Marc's hip, where James usually kept his gun and hesitated a little, looking up t the elder wizard. "will you show me, how to use a gun?" he asked hopefully, fear in his eyes as he asked, Fear that he might one day have to use it, and die because he didn't know how.

Harry groaned tossing his head back, all thoughts of trying to fight vanishing from his find at the fingers, gasping loudly as he bucked and wriggled and writhed, moaning and whimpering lightly as he kissed back, his eyes closing as he gripped at the others back. "a..ah James."
"If you tell me who we're using it on, sure."He said getting up, having a idea that the blond hadn't asked in idle question. There usually was going to be a victim when someone wanted a gun, and if it was the bastard who made Draco so afraid...well, james was fine by that.

James grinned before pulling his fingers out, sliding into the brunette with a sharp thrust of his hips, sighing ever so slightly as he held the man down, fucking him as hard as he wanted.
Draco's lip quivered again the fear growing making him tremble a little. "it's...for my father." he admitted, his voice barley above a whisper, his eyes flicking around as if fearful that there might be someone listening. "it's... it's to kill my father...when he comes for me.."

Harry moaned, and then whined loudly at the loss of the fingers, before yelling in glee as he was filled, tossing his head back and arching with a long, low moan trembling with the pleasure as he was fucked. "yes! YES oh fuck yes!" James always fucked him so perfectly.
Marc nodded."Well he wont get you here."Marc declared looking at the man before gently pulling him off the couch"Cmoe on.I have a firing range in the house."He said letting him go and heading down the hall.

"Perfect as always."JAmes growled biting down on the brunette's neck hard as he moved in him, moaning softly as he came, holding the man tightly against him.
Draco flinched as he was pulled off the couch, but forced himself to relax as he followed Marc, hesitating a little. "the Gun won't kill me will it? if i'm holding it right?" he was clearly skeptical of the whole gun thing, but with Lucius holding onto Draco's wand, the blond didn't have much of a choice.

Harry groaned, arching into the other, bucking into him with soft pants and needy moans before he let out a pleasured scream and came as well, spilling his seed across James belly. "a..aa f..,fuck yes!"
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