
Harry smiled a little and leaned into James sighing softly. "i'm glad your alright." Harry admitted softly. "i saw that...that...THING in front of you and i was so scared he was going to hurt you." harry admitted softly. "i don't know what i'd do if i ever lost you."

Draco groaned softly trembling a little as he snuggled into the other intently. "w...what are we..doing tomorrow?" he asked almost fearfully, his eyes looking up at the other, worried that somehow Lucius or Voldemort had survived and they had to go and finish them off, or worse. he shuddered and clung tightly to Marc. "stay with me tonight? i..i don't want to be alone."
James smield kissing him."I love you."He muttered holding him tighter."I don't know what I'd do without you either."He said kissing him softly.

"We, are going on a date."Marc said reassuringly, gently kissing the man holding him tightly."And of course I'll stay with you. I'd like to see you try and kick me out of my own bed."He said snickering lightly as he closed his eyes.
Harry smiled again and leaned up pressing a kiss to James lips sighing softly. "come on love, you need to rest and i need a pain potion." he admitted softly. "and then i need to sleep too, i'm tired as all hell."

Draco relaxed a little at the answer and smiled a little. "alright." he murmured softly his voice soft as he started to fall asleep. "i want to be with you." he mumbled softly. "forever, so you have to promise." draco mumbled before dropping off into a snore, sleeping peacefully, feeling safe in Marc's arms.
James grinned at him, wrappin his arms around the other man before getting out of the shower drying off."Come on. I want to sleep."He said heading for the bedroom.

"I promise."Marc said smiling as he fell asleep.
Harry nodded grabbing a potion from the cabinet and downing it before following James into the other room, flopping onto the bed and snuggling into him, sighing softly his eyes closed a smile on his lips.

in the morning Harry was, as always, the first one up yawning a little as he headed downstairs to make breakfast, deciding to stick to warmed fruits and waffles, since he wasn't sure Draco would appreciate meat right then. he looked much better than last night, and so did Draco as the boy stumbled sleepily down the stairs flopping into a chair and blinking at Harry. "i want pancakes." "well your getting waffles, deal with it." Harry demanded Draco sighing over dramatically, just to be annoying.
"Such a dramatic little princess."James said amused as he walked into the room.

"He really is."Marc said with a grin as he walked in, picking up the blond and setting him in his lap, pressing a kiss to his head before looking at him."How you feeling?"He muttered hugging him.
Draco sulked at Harry who pulled down the waffle maker again, humming as he tossed apples and pears together in a pan, tossing in a touch of cinnamon and honey for flavor before spilling them all onto a plate, turning to stick his tongue out at Draco who scowled at harry and flipped him the finger.

"i'm alright i guess." Draco said with a sigh, laying his head on Marc's collar bone, still looking upset, but nowhere near as bad as he had been the night before. "i'm still a little tired." he admitted yawning. "and i keep waiting for Lucius to show up." "why?" Harry asked baffled and Draco grimaced. "something he said when i was younger, he's afraid of death you know, so he'll be the type who comes back as a ghost." he shook his head. "the only problem is, where the hell would he pop up at?
Marc snickered holding the blond tighter."Probably in a brothel. A muggle one."

"No!In a muggle home."

"A muggle hospital."

"A bookstore."

"A gunshop."

"A telephone."

Marc stared at his brother. They'd gotten riddiculous but..."Really?A telephone?"
Draco had dissolved into laughter and harry had clapped his hand over his mouth to keep from giggling. "no! he's ended up in a muggle school!" harry declared, smirking a little Draco laughing again. "no no, a gay bar!" Draco chirped giggling furiously harry laughing now. "no! he's ended up.... in an ugly contest!" "AND HE'S GOING TO WIN!" Draco howled laughing as Harry doubled over to try and contain himself. "Second only to Dumbledore!" harry continued bursting into more laughter as Draco snickered and buried his face into Marc's chest to hide his laughter.
Marc snickered as he held the blond close, pressing a kiss to his head."Better?"He said sliding his hands along the man's back. Glad that he was laughing.

James smiled kissing harry as he started to eat."In a muggle jail, with a gay bunk mate, and even then they wont fuck his ass.To ugly."
Draco giggled and grinned up at Marc smiling a little. "yeah, i'm alright now." he promised smiling a little as Harry yelped, burning himself on the waffle iron. "I FORGOT ABOUT LUPIN!" he Shrieked looking completely horrified as he stared at James his eyes wide his face guilty. "oh god! oh god that poor man is probably still in jail!" Draco stared at harry looking both startled and about to burst into laughter.
James and marc both looked surprised."I...uh we had some things that were going on. I'm sure he'll understand."James said looking at him.

Marc smiled slightly."We'll take care of everything."
Harry still looked guiltier than all hell but nodded biting his lip as he turned to Draco. "...i have a sudden need for pickles.." he admitted looking rather astonished and then rather needy. "and nacho cheese." Draco snorted and looked up at Marc. "do we even have Nacho cheese?" "no we don't! James go get me some Nacho cheese!... and black Olives!" he demanded licking his lips. "oh and some strawberry ice cream!" "i was wondering when those where going to start." Draco admitted looking highly amused. "my mother used to tell me all sorts of stories about the cravings she'd get when she was pregnant with me." "and apple juice!" "we have apple juice." "good!" harry chirped heading over to the fridge to grab the apple juice and started to chug it down, ignoring Draco's annoyed face at not using a glass. yeah, Harry had just started going hormonal, run in fear! hide your children! cower under the couch!
:I think on that note it's time to get ready for our date."Marc snickered as james apparated out to go get the ordered food. Running his hands over the blond in his lap,he pressed a kiss to his head."Come on princess, I have plans for you."
Harry smiled, pleased that James had already gone to get the things harry wanted Draco chuckling a little as he nodded. "let me get dressed." he ordered to Marc kissing the others forehead. "i sent one of my dads house elves to get all the clothes harry and i bought." he admitted getting to his feet Harry nearly choking on his apple juice. "really!?" harry demanded looking overjoyed before racing up the stairs to change out of his borrowed clothes into something that actually fit.
Marc snickered as he followed the two upstairs."James is going to be so surprised when he gets home."He said following draco into his room, changing to get ready to go. Excited and nervous about asking the man to marry him
Draco chuckled as he came back down, dressed in a pair of slick black dragon hide pants and a black button up shirt that accented his pale skin and hair perfectly. he had added a touch of makeup to accent his silver eyes and he grinned at Mark slyly. "so where are we going? i want to make sure i don't need to add more glitter." he admitted smirking as he touched a few necklaces at his throat and the dragon earring that dangled off his ear. Draco ALWAYS had to look his best, and be the best, no matter where they where going.
Marc smirked a little looking him over."We're going to the beach, and a dinner out."He said smiling because the sight of the man's pierced ear made him feel better, because he was wewaring his. "Ready?"He said looking him over.Nervously biting on his lip.
Draco's eyes brightened excitedly. "the beach!?" he asked looking excited. "i've never been to the beach." he admitted grinning brightly. "lets go!" he demanded eagerly. "i want to find sea shells and look at the fish and shit!" "Draco! such language!" Harry chastised looking amused and Draco scowled at him. "what are you, my father?" he demanded before looking startled at himself harry looking rather amused. "well i should hope not, I don't want to end up in a muggle gay bar naked or in a telephone." Draco snorted, his shock forgotten in favor of amusement. "shut up potter and drink your damn apple juice!"
Marc snickered looking at harry."James'll be home soon."He said wrapping his arms around draco,before apparating them to the beach, smiling slighty as he feet sank into the sand."Well?"He grinned looking at the man standing next to him.
Harry grinned and nodded, flopping into a chair to await James return, dressed in nice fitting short shorts and a very tight wife beater that showed off his tattoo and the black leather collar he had put on, just to arouse his lover a little.

Draco blinked at the beach, looking like he was awestruck and mystified and he broke into a large grin and sprinted towards the water with a happy laugh. "come on slowpoke! help me look for sea shells!"
James smiled returning in a few minutes holding a few bags of food, raising his eyebrow at the sight of his lover."And whatever are you doing?"He said smiling slightly.

Marc smiled following him, starting to pick up shells, giving the blond a look."You're awfully bossy for a bottom."He teased groping the other man before returning to look for shells.
Harry was sitting in a chair, rocked back so that it was only resting on two legs, his head tossed back as he nibbled on a pickle looking up at the other and blushing as the chair thudded back onto the floor grinning. "i was bored..."

Draco snickered as he bent over and picked up a pretty shell, brushing the sand off of it. "of course i am." he purred smirking at Marc. "after all, if i don't get what i want, then you don't get what you need." he teased running a hand along the crack of his own ass with a small groan, teasing Marc yet again.
James laughed as he set the food down, moving over and kissing the man softly."Cme on, I've got your food."He said running his fingers through the man's hair, kissing him slowly.

Marc swallowed hard looking at him, shaking his head as he picked up a few shells."And what do I need princess?"He said tilting his head as he watched the man's ass.
Harry smirked a little and brightened at the prospect of the food and dove for the bag that James had walked in with and raced off with it so he could eat his nasty meal combos in privacy.

Draco smirked at his lover. "you NEEEED my sexy ass." he purred laughing a little as he turned around and gripped his own crotch. "you NEED my body." he hissed licking his lips. "you NEED my hot, perfect mouth on your thick hard cock sucking out every ounce of seed that your balls can hold." he smirked again and winked at Mark. "THAT'S what you NEED."
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