
Marc meanwhile, was trying to stay in control, even as he was coming undone under his lover's mouth, swallowing hard. Going over the rules for being a cop, wondering if anything could distract him from this. Sighing softly as he tightened his hand in the blond's hair. Trying not to come as draco played.
Draco snickered a little running his tongue alone the others cock, slathering the entire cock with his ongue before slowly, finally, pulling it into his mouth suckling and stroking with his tongue on the others cock head, bnot moving any lower. intending to continue tormenting his lover.
Marc groaned softly, his eyes fluttering shut.Grateful that the resturant was fairly dark, so none of the other customers would see how flushed he was. Sighing as he gently tried to force draco's head lower. Wanting more.
Draco smirked his tongue flicking the slit of the others cock, refusing to go lower unless Marc actually started forcing him, teasing and 'training' his lover. despite his past there was nothing Draco loved more than being held down on someone elses cock and held there. plus he loved tormenting his lover, it was fun.
Marc growled softly, tightening his grip on the other's hair, forcing him dwn, flexing slightly to get the blond lower on his cock.Sighing as he felt his cock slip further down draco's throat.
Draco wined in pleasure swallowing around the others cock his throat convulsing as he sucked and stroked the others cock his fingers massaging the others inner thighs slowly moving upwards running his hands alonge the others balls his nostrils flaring wide as he pushed himself down a little more, his nose brushing the others pubic hairs, taking him in as deep as he could take him.
Marc closed his eyes, sighing softly. Thighs tightening, trembling ever so slightly as he came, struggling to keep the look off his face. Knuckles going white as he gripped draco's hair tightly.
Draco winced a little at the others hair pull and swallowed everything down feeling rather smug as he licked his lips and pulled away from the other, sliding back into his chair looking FAR too pleased with himself as he stared at the other from across the table, smirk on his lips. "feel better?"
Marc sighed softly in pleasure shivering a little."I do."He smiled slightly as their food arrived, blushing slightly."You're hair's messed up to."He said looking at the slightly mussed up blond.
Draco smirked a little and glanced around quickly before using magic to straighten his hair before he took a bite of his crab salad, humming a little. "almost as good as you." Draco purred flashing a smirk at Marc. "hows your food?"
Marc laughed a little rolling his eyes as he ate."It's good. About as good tasting as you."He teased sipping his wine. This was becomign a better day then he thought it'd be
Draco snickered a little smirking as he took another bite of his food and then a sip of his wine, humming softly, grinning a little. "nothing is as good tasting as me." he purred gleefully. "are you enjoying yourself at least?"
"You actually think I'm not?"Marc said with a grin as he ate, tilting his head a little. Amused and finding the blond absolutely adorable in his arrogance that he was the best tasting thing in the world...not that he was wrong or anything.
Draco chuckled and handed over his glass humming softly as he polished off his salad quickly. "so what shall we be doing after this?" he asked grinning looking around the place, examining the others in the building. "i think we should go somewhere that isn't stffed full of pompuss assholes, you?"
"You're the one who wanted to eat here."He pointed out finishing his food."But yes, lets go somewhere. Where would you like to go?"
Draco snickered a little. "doesn't mean that i have to like it at the end. i am moody." he taunted laughing a little. "besides i knew they'd have clong table cloths." he admitted chuckling a little winking at the other. Draco had planned the 'sucking of in public' all alonge!
Draco scowled suddenly. "hey! i was supposed to pay." he whined pouting violently at his lover, looking like a ten year old about to have a temper tantrum. he was such a child. "i'm paying at the next place." he complained before pausing and snapping his fingers. "o i could transfer all my money into your account! we can share." he chirped, looking proud of himself.
Marc laughed softly."You can do that. And make me a very rich cop."He teased walking out with the other man, wrapping a arm around his shoulder as he pressed a kiss to his princess's head."So. Where to princess?"
he laughed a little and got to his feet leaning into the other. "hmm i dunno." he purred pondering. "i picked the resteraunt, you pick the next place." he ordered grinning a little before pausing and looking around his head tilted. "hey did you hear that?" there had been nothing, no sound at all.
Marc frowned shaking his head."No."he said looking around."Lets go to the zoo."He said heading down the way towards the wizard's zoo.
Draco frowned a little and looked around once more before huffing. "i must have imagined it." he decided grinning a little as he followed after the other taking his hand and grinning. "we HAVE to see the dragons!" he ordered eagerly. "and the Nifflers, i love nifflers."
Marc snickered heading inside with him, letting the blond lead the way."Nifflers?Really?"He said snickering a little as he wrapped a arm around the blonds waist.
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