
Marc snickered."James, I'm calling you on your bluff."

"What?Noooooo!you can't do that. That's totally disgusting."

"So?You said you would."

"I don't care. I don't want it."

"Fuck you."
Harry and Draco stared at them their heads tilted. "bluff?" Draco demanded Harry shrugging and beginning to slice up the pickles four more slices already coking on the stove Harry humming as he got out the peanut butter Draco looking vaguely disgusted as he watched.
Jame looked slightly disgusted as he looked at the food his lover was making."....marc said I couldn't eat anything harry cooked. and I said I could."He twitched a little.
Harry smirked a little and glanced at Marc. "here you go." he chirped tossing a normal piece of french toast onto the others plate as he smothered the pickled concoction with peanut butter and sank his teeth into it, deciding not to make his lover suffer that sort of nastiness. "what are we doing today anyway? i'm BORED of sitting int he house all day! i wanna do something FUN!" Harry whined taking another bite of his strange meal.
Marc wrinkled his nse a little as he ate his food."Well, draco didn't get to enjoy the dragons the other day.So we could all go to the zoo."

James laughed softly."Yes, lets all indulge draco instead of he pregnant one."
Harry wrinkled his nose a little. "i wanna visit the reptile house!" he demanded grinning a little as Draco grinned looking pleased. "and the aviary!" "and the bird place!" "that's what i just SAID!" "no you said ava....something." "that IS the bird house harry it's it's proper name." ":DON'T YELL AT ME!" harry demanded bursting into tears Draco looking astonished and then guilty. "awe harry i didn't mean to. i'm sorry...don't cry." the blond pleaded trying to comfort the overly hormonal harry.
James snickered wrapping his arms around harry, kissing his head."do I need to beat up the blond harry?"He asked amused, kissing his head.

Marc smiled tugging draco into his lap, "I'll paddle his ass for you.And not take him to see the nifflers.Or dragons."HE said.
Harry sniffled a little and leaned into James Draco looking compleatly lost. "no it's ok...i'm not sure why that upset me." harry admitted Draco blinking owlishly as Harry smirked. "but you can still paddle him if you like." Draco blushed hard but wiggled his ass at harry playfully, making the Brunette snicker as he nuzzled james' neck smiling a little. "ok, now stop hanging off me!" he demanded swatting at James and Marc demanding them to get away from him. "i can't cook!" because that was sooo important.
The brothers grin letting go of him before marc reached out and tuggging the blond into his lap, bending him over his legs."How many paddles for upsetting the pregnant one?"

"One.Becauase any more will have you bending him over the table."James said wisely snickering as marc smacked draoc on the ass
Harry giggled a little and nodded watching as Draco groaned, leaning intot eh paddles licking his lips. "come on Marc, lemme have it!" Draco demanded smirking lightly at his lover squirming in his lap. "since i'm only gettign one i wanna good one!"

"you are such a perve Draco." Harry teased smirking a little. "you have to wait till AFTER breakfast to have sex." "aaaw harry." Draco whined both boys looking vaugly amused.
Marc laughed paddling him harder before pulling him up and kissing him."AFter breakfast love."He aid starting to eat.

James shook his head, smiling as he ate."Thanks for sparing us the sight of you on the table."
Draco sulked and went back to eating his breakfast, sulking at Harry who snickered a little. "spare? hell i wanna watch." he teased all three of them snickering a little. "Draco getting his ass owned? who wouldn't wanna watch that?" Draco was blushing hard again and he scowled at Harry who just smirked and stuffed the rest of his pickle, peanut butter, french toast into his mouth.
Marc laughed as james looked intrigued at the idea, leaning back in his seat."Fine fine. I'll show you who owns this ass."He growled standing up, moving the plates around and shoving draco face down onto the table, spanking him hard.

James tened a little at the sound of flesh on flesh, watching draco's face, needing the reassurance tht he was okay with it before he relaxed.
Harry snickered a little as Draco squalled in protest at the public screwing, kicking his feet even as his face crossed with pleasure as his 'ass was owned' Harry laughing a little as he watched, dragging James onto his lap so he could snuggle, and molest his lover as he watched Draco get owned. "M..Marc!" Draco moaned arching into the others hand panting hard. "u..u.hn hurts so good!" "god he's such a masochist."
James snickered, wrapping his arms around harry."He really is."he said nuzzing the man's neck before standing with the other in his arms, heading upstairs. Not wanting to watch the public screwing.

Marc smirked as he spanked draco again."Like that princess?"
harry snickered and licked his lips watching, yelping as he was picked up wrapping his arms around James neck kissing the other intently snickering a little. "don't want to watch lover?" he teased smiling a little. "i take it your not a porn man huh?"

Draco moaned a little wriggling around the table anting hard. "yes! yes more, please!"
James laughed shivering as harry kissed his neck, setting him on the bed gently."I'm a porn man,just can't stand the thought of anyone getting hit and enjoying it."He said shuddering a lttle.

Marc smirked stopping,holding the man still."Beg draco."He ordered, willing to wait and see how nicely the man begged for it.
Harry chuckled a little and grinned at James. "Spanking isn't being hit." he pointed out. "if Marc where to slap Draco on the face or across the head or on his back, the blond would probably cringe up and shut down." he admitted. "i like being spanked." Harry admitted smirking a little. "i think it's because i was never disciplined as a child, not like normal kids, neither was Draco, we never associated spanking as a bad thing, yelling will get at us, and so will being slapped across the face. but spanking is just fun for people like us."

Draco whimpered a little but gritted his teeth, unwilling to beg yet, panting hard through his nose as he tried to squirm, wanting more, needing more, but still unwilling to beg just yet. "ma...make me!" Draco demanded with a fierce, but playful growl.
"I guess."James said thoughtfully rubbing his hands over his face as he laid back down in the bed, running his fingers through harry's hair drawing him in for a kiss as he gave the man a playful smack on the ass.

marc laughed softly leaning down to draw the man back for a kiss, sliding a hand down his back,playfully smacking his ass lightly."I will."He said fingers tightening in the blond's hair, amused and curious.Not understanding the man's willingness to get spanked, but whatever. it was fun to find something he liked.
Harry grinned a little leaning into the kiss and sighing happily at the playing with his hair, grinning a little gasping, startled at the smack to his ass. "hey now." Harry growled, amusement and lust flashing in his eyes. "don't wanna start something, you might end up the bitch again." he teased, wriggling a little.

Draco moaned a little as he kissed back, a smirk playing at his lips at the tightening of his hair, panting softly as he squirmed again at the smack to his ass licking his lips. "you couldn't make me beg, your not 'man' enough." he taunted, winking at his lover to show he didn't really mean it, trying to get Marc's dander up. after all, it was funny when Marc got all pissy and macho and dominative.
"Me?Your bitch?No way."James snickered spanking him again as he kissed the other hard fingers tangling roughly in his hair. Drawing the man to lay down on top of him.

Marc growled leaning down and biting down on the blond's shoulder, pining him to the table."I should leave you tied up again."He growled knowing his lover was trying to piss him off. And dammit if it wasn't working.
Harry snickered a little and nodded. "oh come on James your already my bitch, you just don't know it yet." he taunted snickering a little as he rubbed his ass against the others cock, moaning at the hair pulling. "and i'll prove it!....later."

Draco moaned before he winced. "please don't." he whimpered looking rather pathetic. "i'll be a good boy and take my lovers dick anyway he pleases." he stated submissively, even as his eyes danced with a wicked mirth and playful mischief. "Draco LOOOVES his lovers dick." he purred licking his lips as he squirmed again, sarcasm in those last words a snicker falling from his lips as he toyed with Marc's mind.
James laughed kissing him pinning the man to the bed with a smile."You will now will you?"He teased kissing him slowly, starting to undress the other.

Marc stopped, looking down at him as he held the man against the table biting his lip."Draco?"He asked softly, pain in those blue blue eyes, trying to figure out what the blond was thinking. Hearing the sarcasm, and trying to figure out how he meant them
Harry groaned as he was pushed down smirking a little. "you bet i will." he growled, kissing James back his tongue tangling with the others helping the undressing process as best he could, eager to either fuck, or get fucked.

Draco paused and looked up at Marc and offered him a smile. "it's ok, i was just trying to miff you off." he admitted reaching up and carefully pulling the other down. "you know, get you to fuck me nice and hard so i don't have to beg to get it." he teased kissing Mark with a wild passion. "i love you too much to do anything else." he admitted grinning a little. "life would be boring if i just rolled over and did what you told me to."
James laughed as he pinned his naked lover to the bed kissing him hard."are you so sure about that?"

Marc smiled slowly, kissing him softly before raising his head."Oh."He said blushing softly. Biting his lip a little, knowing he needed to talk about what had happened that morning, and the abuse that had followed, yet he really did just want to fuck the blond hard and fast."Nice and hard is what you want then?"He teased running his fingers through the man's hair.
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