
marc snickered as he followed the other into the store."Arrogant princess. I have very nice legs."He snickered looking at the other.

"I promise."James smiled kissing his head.
Draco smirked at him. "mine are better." he teased smirking a little. "but that's ok because your dick is far superior to mine." he teased flipping through the skirts, his eyes narrowed as he pondered before glancing at Marc. "what about you? how do you feel about a man in a dress?"

Harry smiled and snuggled into him, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep. "love you." he mumbled softly, sounding pleased and happy and safe now that James had promised.
marc shrugged looking at the other, watching him flip through the skirts. Because it really didn't do anything for him, but if draco wanted to dress up, he wouldn't stop him."Doesn't matter."He said wtih a smile, stealing a kiss.
Draco snorted a little and rolled his eyes. "thank god." he muttered softly kissing him back. "i was afraid you where going to ask ME to dress up in one of these god forsaken....things!" he admitted wrinkling his nose. hey he was feminine, but he had his pride. "what do you think of this?" Draco asked holding up a black dragon hide skirt that would barley cover Harry's thighs. "...too short?"
Marc shuddered looking at it."I think it's probably short enough we wont want to be home when james sees harry in it."He said snickering a little as he looked at draco. Amused at the dress.
Draco grimaced a little and hung it back up. "your right, that's a 'Harry's moving out, thank god' present." he agreed heading along the shelves his head tilted. "how about this?" he asked a devious smirk on his lips as he picked up what looked like the local muggle middle schoolgirl outfit. "i think this is perfect, harry needs to 'learn' some manners anyway" he snickered at his own little joke and nodded a little turning to head to the clerk, humming to himself.
Marc snickered walking after him, amused as he followed. Harry really was going to die when draco told him he needed some manners. Smiling as he walked over, looking around as he frowned at the sight of the blond woman walking towards them. She seemed familiar, yet he couldn't place the older woman.
Draco grinned a little as he paid for the dress and shoved the bag into Marc's arms looking amused. "you get to carry..." he froze, staring at the blond woman, all the color draining from his face. and before Marc could even ask what was wrong, Draco had spun, and vanished, racing through the crowded store, heading for the back exit with a panic that was highly unusual for someone with Draco's control. the blond woman vanished with a loud Crack, apparating away, another loud Crack showing that she had reappeared behind the store, Draco's high pitched, terror filled scream filling the store before it was cut off with another loud Crack. Draco had just been kidnapped.
Marc snarled as he rushed into the back, snarling worse when he realized his lover was gone. Cursing when he saw that he was gone. Snarling as he apparated home he rushed up the stairs, not caring that he woke harry up, or that he'd startled james into drawing a wand on him."D-draco's gone."He panted startnig to panic.
Harry blinked rather stupidly for a moment before he was suddenly on his feet letting out a screech of rage, his wings tearing free of their human hide away, transforming fully into a Harpy right then and there, too furious to care that he had just transformed. "who took him!?" harry demanded panting softly. "i';ll rip them to SHREDS!" never fuck with a harpy, they are very possessive, and even more protective over the ones they care about.
The brothers looked startled at the change, then glad that he was on their side.

"A blond woman.I know her....somewhere. I just can't place her."Marc said looking frantic, not sure what was happening.
Harry snarled darkly his eyes narrowed a little. "did she look a great deal like Draco?" harry demanded. "pinched up face, as if something foul was under her nose?" he demanded his fingers twitching. "that would be Narcissa Malfoy." he hissed softly. "Draco's mother, we have to save him, there's no telling what that bitch has planned for him!" he paused and then hissed. "i don't know where Malfoy manner is!"
Marc nodded, paling a little. Not knowing what would becoe of his lover. Looking desperately at James, because his brother always had the answers, alwys knew how to fix something.

James paled slightly."I-I'll be right back."He said apparating out, returning within moments as he looked at harry."Are you sure you're up for coming with us?"He asked, having gone to work to look for the files he'd had on lucius from the first time the elder mafoy had come to see him.ANd he knew where the manor was, he just hoped that's where narcissa had taken him.
Harry snarled darkly and raked his talons through empty air a loud hiss falling from his lips. "if you try to leave me here James, i will castrate you." he hissed looking ready to main and murder a certain blond female who had been stupid enough to piss off a harpy. "and besides, he would come after me if i went missing." he stated calmly now, slowly melting back into his human form, he didn't want anyone else to know what he was after all. "we might fight a lot, but we really do care about each other."
James nodded a little, looking at marc."You're staying here."


"No.You're in no shape going after him. And I'm not giving her someone draco'd trade everything to protect."He growled wrapping his arms around harry, apparating to the malfoy manor. Frowning slightly as he looked around the gardens, pressing a kiss to harry's head."I can sense him, but I don't know where he is."
Harry set his hand on Marc's shoulder looking worried. "Draco would never forgive himself if you got hurt trying to rescue him." he stated softly. "your the one person i have ever seen Draco smile for, a REAL smile in years, since i've known him really...he needs you safe and well, so that you can help him recover from whatever he's going through...just being back in his house...it's going to bring back a lot of bad memories that your going to have to help him through."
Marc swallowed hard."O-okay."He said sitting down on the bed to wait. Not liking it, but understanding their rationale, and for draco's sake he'd wait.

James smiled slightly, wrapping his arms around harry."Let's go."he said apparating them to the manor, leaning against the backdoor for a minute."Any ideas where she'd keep him?"
Harry hissed softly as they apparated, looking around pausing to close his eyes, trying to feel for Draco. "probably his room for now." Harry admitted softly. "but i don't know where that might be." he paused and then smirked suddenly. "but i know someone who might. DOBBY!" he called loudly, hoping the elf was within range. there was a long pause and then a POP as the house elf appeared, babbling about how good it was to see harry, then stuttering in horror as he realized where he was. "hush Dobby i need your help. The Lady of the Manor has kidnapped Draco, i need you to help us find him."
James swallowed, looking at the horrified look on the elf's face. Tilting his head."Dobby, apparate us in. The wards will let us through if you're with us."He said, knowing that no one's wards reacted to a house elf's apparating others in like if they just tried to get in by themselves. Smiling as the house elf nodded bravely, taking both their hands as he apparated them inside.

"Shit...malfoy's such aprincess..."James muttered looking around the spacious room before looking for the blond.
Harry snorted a little. "Draco hates this place." Harry admitted shaking his head looking around. "hell i even hate this place and i've never had to live here." he admitted licking his lips nervously as he padded as silently as he could further into the Manor his eyes narrowed a little. "he's here somewhere, i can feel him." he admitted taking a deep breath. "come on, we're going to have to search..."
"Damn."James sighed starting to search, holding his wand in his hand as he and harry made their way through the house, pausing as they neared draco's bedroom, swallowing hard."Draco?"He muttered twisting open the bedroom door walking inside.
Draco was curled up in a ball on his bed, his back to the door and laced with long red strips, he'd been whipped it almost looked like. he was naked, his ankles tied together, his hands tied ti the bed frame so he couldn't escape, no sound came from him, but you knew he was awake because he tensed when Marc asked his name. "oh my god." Harry whispered horrified. "James watch the door, make sure Narcissa isn't coming." he demanded moving slowly over to the poor hurt blond, gently laying a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Draco, it's harry. we've come to rescue you..." he whispered, Draco swallowing thickly, refusing to open his eyes, certain that this was just a trick of Narcissa's.
James winced as he stood at the door,waiting to see if Narcissa would be coming."Malfoy, get out of bed before Marc decides to disobey us all and show up here."He growled worried that his brother really would come. Knowing that marc's hero complex only went so far, but draco was his princess, and his younger brother would try and be the knight in shining armor.
Draco whimpered a little, flinching at James sudden words, his eyes flicking open obediently, Harry already untying the blond and gathering him into his arms panting softly. "alright, lets go!" harry ordered softly, a small chuckle filling the air as Narcissa stepped out of nowhere her wand fixed on James and Harry. "i can't let you leave now, i haven't properly trained my son yet." she was mad, she looked insane, a wide grin spread across her lips as she examined the three of them, Harry holding Draco tighter so that she couldn't take him. "let us go narcissa!" Harry demanded sternly, trying to hide the terror that he was feeling.
James swallowed as he held his wand in one hand, drawing the gun he had in the small of his back with the other, studying the elder woman as he stepped closer."harry get him out of here."He growled, moving closer so that she'd have to hit him first if she wanted a chance at hurting harry or draco.
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