
Lupin looked guiltier than all hell as James picked Harry up, swallowing thickly as James reassured him about the sobbing Teen, harry starting to calm down by the time that they had reached the bedroom, nodding at James question as he stroked the stuffed Dogs fur. "i miss Sirius." he admitted softly. "he'd have been teasing me all the time about getting married to you..." he smiled a little. "you would have liked him. he was always making everyone laugh..."
James smiled, resting his head on harry's shoulder, nuzzling his neck."I would have. Though I'm pretty sure marc'd have a issue with being the less funny one. He likes making people laugh."
Harry smiled a little and chuckled. "Marc and Sirius would have worked together." he admitted softly. "there's nothing Sirius liked more than having a partner in crime." he admitted softly stroking the black dogs fur. "his animagus form looked just like this...the first time i saw him, in third year, i thought he was the Grim."
James shuddered at the idea of the large animal."That would be scary."He said kissing him softly."Get some sleep sweetheart.You'll feel better after that."
he chuckled a little and nodded laying against James sighing softly his arms wrapped tightly around the stuffed dog as he slipped off to sleep.

"so that dog looked like his godfather?" Draco clarified. "and that's why he burst into tears?" "yes, Harry seams to think it's his fault Sirius died." He admitted sighing softly. "i shouldn't have given him that dog... i didn't think..." "don't beat yourself up about it... here i'll give you a free round with James to make you feel better." "no thanks, i have my eyes on someone else." Lupin admitted looking amused. "not to say your not hot Marc, you are. just not my type."
Marc gave draco a look."Uh....I don't think I mind that."Marc said leaning over and pinching his lover's arms."Do I lok like a rent boy to you princess?"
Draco blinked at Marc looking confused. "whats a rent boy?" that killed Lupin right then and there, the werewolf burst into laughter, practically collapsing onto the floor he was laughing so Hard Draco glaring at the 'felled' teacher. "what!?"
Marc started to snicker, before collapsing next to lupin laughing. Before calming down, sitting up on his elbows to look at his confused lover."A male prositute."He said laughing as he flicked his hair out of his eyes.
Draco blinked a little at them all and then. "oh." he stated rubbing the back of his head. "well then..." he offered them a glare. "don't mock the sheltered one." he demanded rolling his eyes before spinning on his heal and grabbing the cake knife, and cutting himself out a big chunk and then a second before heading up the stairs. Harry loved cake, it would be a nice 'cheer up' for later. and he was sure James wanted some too.

(should we ts?)

Marc snickered, content to let the other man be angry about the teasing.

8 months later James cut a glare at the blond as he turned on his heel, pacing and anxious.But unable to be in the room because it hurt to much to hear harry scream.And not only that, harry didn't want to see him yet, after all it was his fault for causing the pain."Well?has the baby come yet?"he asked stopping in front of draco as he heard gentle mutters as marc talked to the harpy
Draco shook his head a little. "Harpy births are a bit more difficult, but they have a lot less of a fatality rate." he promised patting James shoulder. "just calm down." he ordered as another scream ripped through the air, Harry's wails of agony enough to break even the hardest of hearts before a brief silence reined again, letting Marc calm the harpy again, Harry sweating violently from the effort as Draco grimaced a little patting James hand. "it shouldn't be long now." he promised as a doctor yelled that he could see the head. three more screams, and then a babies cry as the nurse picked up what looked like a bundle of feathers, harry also completely in his feathered form as he lay, panting hard, looking almost broken, but so very pleased Draco smiling as he nodded. "go on in, he shouldn't try to rip your face off this time."
"If he does, I'm taking a strip out of your hide."James growled unamused as he stepped into the room, moving to sit dodwn next to harry with a smile.Leaning down to kiss his lover softly."You okay?"He asked worriedly.
Harry smiled as James walked in and gently took a lock of his husbands hair and gave it a gentle tug. "yeah." he muttered softly. "i'm ok...is the baby alright?" he asked softly, worried because it wasn't crying the nurse smiling as she walked over. "congratulations, it's a little girl." she stated depositing the baby into Harry's arms, the little girl completely coated in feathers was blinking up at them with wide eyes that where as green as her 'mothers' but with skin and hair exactly like James, and feathers in the same color. she was going to be a heart breaker, just like harry. "she's so perfect." and well worth the three day labor.
James smiled softly, shifting to lay down next to harry, looking over the baby."She is."

Marc smirked as he looked over the baby,"Such a little heartbreaker.I think we'll be needing ot brush up on our weapons training to keep the boys away."He said sounding thoughtully.
Harry smiled a little. "ha, as if. no one is stupid enough to try and date a Harpy." harry admitted smirking a little. "not unless the Harpy likes you, and that's pretty rare." he admitted with a small snicker, kissing James and smiling at him. "isn't that right lover?"
"It is."James smiled kissing him again."I am glad you like me th-"

"Mom?"Marc stopped staring at the door, at the older woman who was a smaller slighter version of himself, smirking at the sight of draco hovering over her shoulder.Really no one could stop Bella Rizzoli if she wanted to be somewhere.

"I heard I had a darling grandbaby."The elder rizzoli smiled as she stepped into the room.
y looked up, wide eyed at their mother, holding his baby girl closer to himself, looking uncertain as Draco hid behind Marc, both of them terribly paranoid of strangers, due to the things that had recently been done to them. "James, is that really your mother?" for some reason harry had thought she'd passed, he hadn't realized that the woman was still alive, being that James never really talked about her.
James nodded slightly, "She is.Bella, meet my husband, harry."

Bella smiled softly, looking over the two, indulgent and happy for her eldest son."It's very nice to meet you harry."

Marc smiled slightly shifting to wrap his arms around draco, pressing a kiss to his head.Knowing why the man was feeling bad about this, but his mother returned home so rarely, it was nice to have her there. Since her husband had died, the woman hadn't been able to stay in one place for long Glancing at james wondering how he was handling having his mother back in the house. He knew his brother loved her, but hated to her, for not being strong enough to protect him when he needed it. This was goign to be a interesting day.
Harry stared at her for a long moment his head tilted at her his nostrils flaring as he caught her scent his eyes narrowing for a moment before he relaxed and smiled at her. "it's nice to meet you." he chirped softly tickling his babies toes. "no mean to be rude but James, what are we going to name our baby?" he asked his head tilted Draco snorting a little at Harry's single track mind, looking more relaxed as well. if she was who Marc said she was, and harry wasn't freaking out, then she was certain to be safe. "i guess this means a sex free lifestyle for a while." he grumbled, sulking a little as he leaned into Marc.
Marc snickered, "Oh no, she has her own rooms far far away from mine for that reason."He said pressing a kiss to draco's head.

James looked startled befor smiling."I think...I think lily anne."He said with a small smile.
Draco smirked a little before jabbing Marc in the ribs. "well!? don't be rude, introduce me to your mother!" he demanded scowling at Marc. "honestly, where are your manners?" a twinkling laughing light in his silver gray eyes showed that he was joking.

Harry blinked startled before he smiled down at his daughter. "that was my mothers name." he admitted. "Lilly....my little Lilly." he murmured gently nuzzling his little ball of feathers, letting out a loving croon beaming like the happy parent he was.
Marc yelped at the jab, clearing his throat to distract the new grandmother from her granddaughter."Mother, this is draco malfoy."

Bella studied him for a few minutes, tilting her head.STarting to say something before stopping. Knowing how the elder malfoy's went she wasn't wanting to bring it up."It is nice to meet you draco."

James smiled softly, cuddlign his lover and baby, ignoring the others. his world was consumed by the joy of having a child
Draco smiled at her and bowed his head towards her. "it's a wonderful pleasure to meat you ma'am." he stated gently kissing her knuckles, as was customary to pure blood beliefs.

"mm James we make pretty babies." Harry purred crooning again, feeling ever so joyful as he carefully handed Lily over to James to hold, a smile on his face. "i need a nap." harry admitted sighing softly as he snuggled into the covers and went to sleep.
James smiled getting up,"We do."He muttered shooing everyone out of the room and shutting the door. Looking at the blond and his brother, tiltng his head at his mother."Let's eat.It's beem a long few days, and I want to eat."He said cuddling his daughter.
Draco nodded. "James hasn't left the hospital since Harry went into Labor." he admitted chuckling a little. "and that was three an a half days ago." he admitted shaking his head. "i'll call Lupin to come and stay with Harry for now." he decided nodding a little. "the poor mans been too terrified to see his nephew in labor and has been hiding in your house." he admitted to James snorting at the werewolf's cowardice.
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