Dragonheartless moon/lady

"You're roommates might want me to head back."He said holding the man tighter, resting his cheek against blond hair, closing his eyes. Feeling comfort, and healing in the man's arms."You know I can't promise Draco.Harry needs me to go back."He muttered, fear under the words, not that he'd admit it, but he was very afraid of not surviving. Of being rippped apart worse this time."I thought I was going to die to. But at least we figured out I still have a heart."He said with a absent smile
Draco yanked away from Adrien and glared at him. Harry needs you HERE! Draco growled baring his teeth at the other in a silent snarl. i need you here! i will not allow you to go back! even if i have to strap you down myself! remember that. Draco ordered glaring furiously at him before he tossed a handful of floo into the fire and vanished, harry staggering back down the stairs. "wheres Draco? he didn't leave already did he?"
Adrien sighed softly,"What's the twins floo?"He said glaring at the fireplace. Angry at himself for upsetting draco. And needing to apologize, and feeling relief at the idea that he wouldn't be mad to go back. That he'd be allowed to live here, to stay.
Harry blinked a little frowning before he snorted and ducked his head. "did Draco get mad?" he asked chuckling a little. "i knew he would, he always does." he admitted sighing a little. "i'm not telling you the twins floo, they'll curse you as soon as you step in their house." he admitted. "he's coming over for dinner tomorrow, he promised." he admitted smiling. "you can apologize then."
Adrien scowled not liking being restrained from apolgizing, before sighing softly."Do they...they don't know me and Draco get along do they?"HE asked worried about his ex-lover and always friend. Because he was afraid the twins would take their anger out on the blond. Swallowing he stepped over, wrapping his arms aroud Harry."Are the twins coming with him?"
he chuckled a little. "no, they know that he's friends with you." he admitted kissing the others neck. "i don;t know if their coming or not." he admitted pausing. "i can ask them not to come? they'll be angry but they won't say anything." he admitted running his tongue along the others neck. "you let Draco lick you." he complained. "and kiss you." he growled his teeth settling onto the others ear. "you might not know this yet, but i am a VERY jealous lover Gabriel." he murmured with a soft hiss. "i don't care about your past at all. but doing that sort of thing in front of me, it pisses me off." he admitted his body pressing into Adrien's back, his hands sliding along the others belly and slipping down.
"N,let them come."Adrien smirked a little at the play on words, shuddering a little at the feel of harry's hands sliding down."I know they're going to be here...so it'll be fine."He sighed softly, "I enjoy pissing you off. Making a angry person beg for pain is so much better."He said with a hint of cruelty in the words as he tried not to lean back into the man's chest.Before giving in, taking comfort in the feel of the man behind him, knowing that he belonged to harry healed his heart some.
Harry smirked a little as he suddenly sank his teeth, hard into the others neck, drops of blood scattering here and there as he sunk his teeth in. the mark would no doubt leave a scar, but that was what harry wanted. "there." harry murmured smirking a little. "you belong to me now." he stated his hands slipping into the others pants and gripping his cock tightly growling at him. "and it won't be me who's begging tonight Gabriel." he hissed smirk growing. "i'll show you what it's like to belong to someone like me."
Adrien moaned as he swayed against the brunette hands gripping the counter in front of him, hipps jerking into the man's hand as he looked over his shoulder at Harry raising a eyebrow."Are you so sure of that?That you can make me beg?"He said, ignoring that his neck was bleeding steadily, the steady thump of pain as his heart beat steadied him, reminded him that he was with harry and that begging for them was fun, not a life or death action. Not like the times before when he'd begged...begging for harry would be...dare he say it, fun. if the man could force him to do it anyways.
Harry smirked as he licked along the others ear before he pulled away and headed for the stairs. "come then Angel." he ordered smirking at the other. "lets show you a whole new form of torture." he ordered heading up the stairs and into the bedroom that had once belonged to the twins. it had the comfiest bed, and it was Harry's 'sex' room. just because harry hadn't had an intimate relationship with anyone for almost four years, hadn't meant that he didn't enjoy the occasional one night stand. somehow harry doubted he was going to have one of those anytime soon.
Adrien growled softly as he stepped into the room that smelled of stale sex and harry. Wrinkling his nose a little he stared at the man, baring his teeth in a smile."You can't torture me in any way that I have't already endured."HE said walking over pulling harry against him in a harsh kiss. A claiming, a cruel edge to the harsh kiss. Lowering his head he bit down hard, until he tasted blood, marking harry as surely as he was marked by harry.
Harry smirked a little as he licked his lips. "i highly doubt that." he taunted smirking a little as he leaned into the kiss, his tongue stroking into the others mouth, maintaining the dominant appearance panting softly as he pulled away snarling as he was bitten, moaning shortly after before shoving Adrien away and glaring at him. "i know what your up to and it won't work, it's my turn to top." he stated smirking at him. "now strip." he ordered snapping his fingers. "i'll show you true sexual pleasure." harry was just as cruel as Adrien, the only difference was that he employed not pain, but pleasure as his weapon.
Adrien shuddered, staring at him with haunted eyes, pain filled eyes, though trust showed on his face as he stripped making a show of it as he shirt dropped to the floor, tilting his head slightly."Any other commands?"He muttered, nerves and fear showing on his face before he hid it behind arrogance. Stepping back he slid onto the bed, leaning back as he laid back, a knee cocked out as he absently stroked his hands over his body.
harry chuckled a little and gently stroked the others face. "relax." he murmured softly kissing his lips gently. "i won't hurt you." he promised softly. "and if it's me putting my dick in your ass you don't have to worry, i don't do that. i might be in control but your cock is still going inside me, i can't get off otherwise." he admitted smirking as he turned away and moved into a closet pulling down a box. "it's been forever since i've used these." he admitted looking amused. "so i'm sorry if i'm a little rusty."
Adrien sighed softly, relaxing a she brushed his ands through his hair, studying the brunette. Trusting him enough to do as he was asked, relaxing back on the bed."I'd rather have you rusty then well practiced."Adrien admitted, shadows passing over his face as he relaxed smiling a little."So, whats the toy of the night?"
harry paused for a moment watching Adrien for a long moment before he chuckled and opened the box lifting out a simple cock restraint, a strip of leather that harry could tighten however much he pleased while leaving the rest of the cock open to be stimulated, and some leather arms restraints. "what do you think of these?" harry offered smirking a little. "since you look so nervous, i'll go easy on you."
Adrien studied the leather shackles, swallowing hard as he studied him before noding. "I...I can do that."He said sitting up to kiss the man as he walked over, before leaning back, running a finger over the leather."You'll let me go...if I can't..."he stoppped, stuttering a little. For once totally unlike his calm collected self when it came to sex, for once allowing his nerves to show. He really didn't like the idea of not having the option of fighting back, but for Harry, he was willing to give up the option.
harry chuckled and nodded. "if you ask me to stop, i will." he promised. "it's just so that you don't try to flip me over and take control like i'm very certain you will try to do, jackass." he teased grabbing the others wrists and crossing the leather around and over them, tying them tightly to each other and then to the bed post pausing for a moment running his tongue down the others neck. "i can show you." he whispered smirking. "true torture."
Adrien shuddered a little, his neck was super sensitive, though faint sars decorated the skin. "Tease."He growled shifting a little, closing his eyes as he let himself enjoy what harry was doing, hands fisted as he tugged at the shackles just to see how tough they were.
Harry smirked a little as the other tested the shackles licking his lips a little. he was a master at tying knots Adrien wasn't getting free without magic. "mmm yes i am, that's half the fun." he taunted snickering a little as he trailed his tongue along the others neck. "it seams as if, this is a sensitive area."
"Yes."Adrien moaned in pleasure, his head falling back onto his arm, eyes fluttering shut as his hips jerked up, wanting friction, needing the touch as his cock hardened painfully. Even after so much torture to the area, all anyone had to do was nuzzle his neck and he was ready to go.
harry snickered a little and nipped lightly at the others neck, his tongue tracing invisible patterns along the others skin. "mm i wonder if i could make you cum, just from touching this place?" he teased smirking a little his head tilted as he scraped his teeth along the area before his fingers wrapped the leather restraint along the base of the cock, tightening it to near painful settings. "mmm there, now you CAN'T." he taunted smirking.
"Harry!"Adrien whined shifting, shuddering as he squirmed. His neck was sensitive to the point he really would come if it was played with enough. Which had amused Draco to no end. Voldermort just found it a weakness, and now Harry found it useful. Whimpering as he squeezed his eyes shut he whined, wanting more. Trying to keep from whining and begging like the man wanted, but if the brunette kept it up with his neck, he'd be a pole of goo soon enough.
Harry snickered a little running his tongue along the others neck. "let's see if i can figure other places to exploit!" he taunted running his tongue along the others nipple sighing softly. "mm here seams a good try." he taunted stroking one with his warm wet tongue his other hand ghosting over the other with half strokes and gentle nudges, while harry sucked hard on the other, biting gently at it, harry had learned the duel sensations drove men wild.
ADrien shuddered a little, though not nearly the same reaction as his neck. He'd long learned the art of not reacting to having his body played with, though his nec was his real weakness."Tease. Go lower."He ordered a hint of cruelty in the tone, a promise of pain the minute he was free.
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