Dragonheartless moon/lady

Adrien smiled at the thought of going outside, in the daylight. Over the last few years, he'd lived his life out by darkness, because blood and sin didn't look so bad under the moonlight. Tilting his head he walked across the room. catching the man's face between his hands, kissing him hard."Thank you.A picnic sounds grand."He said nuzzling the brunette's neck stepping back.
Harry closed his eyes as he was kissed, almost a needy edge to it as he took the others lips in his teeth and tugged before turning back to the task of cooking their lunch. "i have stew, fresh cut fruit, bread rolls, and some tea." harry admitted turning the stove off after another taste of the stew offering Adrien a bite of stew in his fingers, ignoring the sting and burn that holding the hot meat caused.
Adrien laughed softly, taking the bite between his teeth, licking Harry's fingers before biting down, sinking his teeth into Harry's fingers before swallowing the bite of food."that's good."He said smiling as he kissed the man again before pulling away. Also ignoring the pain of the heat. Just because he generally caused pain didn't mean he didn't mind a little flare of being in pain himself.
harry groaned softly as the teeth sank into his fingers, the digits twitching lightly before they pulled away so that Adrien could have the meat, a smirk on his lips as he kissed him again looking intensely pleased with the situation as he shoved a bread basket into the others hands. "carry that." he ordered grabbing the pot of stew. "everything else is already outside."
"Yes master, as you say master. Anyhing else?"Adrien said grinning as he followed the orders anyways, walking outside with a smile on his face. Enjoying being with the man, and he was slowly not thinking about what had brought them togeter so much. Tilting his head he sat down on the blanket, nibblign on a piece of the bread as he waited for harry to come out. HAving a feeling that he really was going to enjoy being here with the man.
Harry came out a few mints later setting the pot on the blanket and handing the other a bowl for the stew. "couldn't even wait for me?" he demanded scowling at the bread roll in the others hand. "how rude." he teased flashing Adrien a small smirk. "and don't worry about anyone coming, they don't come unless i invite them." he admitted "so no one will bother you here."
Adrien sighed relieved, having not realized that he'd been worried about it. Even though he was aguest in Harry's house, and harry's home should be open to his friends, he couldn't stand the thought of any of them near him. Shuddering a little he looked over at the man

"If you want rude, I'd masturbate and refuse to let you have relief. This... is just hunger."He said with a slight smirk.
harry snorted at the other. "no that's not rude, that's just fun." he stated simply taking a bite of his stew. "besides i get the feeling you wouldn't care about manners." he admitted flashing him a smirk. "now shut up and eat, you need your strength if your going to recover enough to have your way with me." he admitted biting into a strawberry almost viciously, a smirk on his lips.
Adrien smirked, eating."Are you saying I don't now?"He said conversely as he flicked his fingers in harry's direction, smirking as the flame bonds tied his hands together, allowing him to eat, but nothing else. Bound hand and foot, harry looked delectable.

Tilting his head he smirked,"I really should have my way with you."He said as he started eating the stew. Leaning back on his hands, the shirt pulling tight across a six pack abs that not days before had been ripped apart.
Harry smirked as he suddenly found himself completely bound tipping his head back as he groaned against the fires pain, his face crossing with pain as he squirmed, the flames burning away his clothes to leave him naked in the lawn. "jackass." Harry hissed panting lightly as he shot Adrien a look, challenging him, a smirk playing his lips. "you don't have the strength." he taunted, straining against his bonds.
"I have the strength to leave you there."He said, continuely eating, a hand absenly resting on his stomac fingers sliding along the outside of his abs, accently the defined flesh before he sat up, tugging off his own shirt, eating."And yes, I am a jackass."He said eating peacefully, a hand absently going down, undoing his pants, playing with himself as he ate, watching the brunette across from him.
Harry snarled angrily and glared at the other as he watched the hand trail downwards, groaning a little as he licked his lips. "yeah and i have the strength to break these ropes if i have to. your point?" harry demanded his eyes never leaving the others cock as he struggled against the ropes, he tried not to use magic unless he absolutely had to.
"True."Adrien said absenty, finishing his stew as he stroked himself before moving over, trailing his ice cold fingers over Harry's fevered skin, smirking a little, knowing the shock of being ice cold could be an intense pain. Curlig his hand a little he leaned back as he smirked. Flicking his hand again, letting the man test a spell he'd been perfecting for years. A fire whip, with barbs of ice, a purely physical feel, as neither could be seen. Laughing softly as he watched the man's reaction to the fiery cold.
Harry panted softly watching the hand and then the orgasm intently, his own cock rock hard against the sight before him gasping loudly at the cold tossing his head back. "nng." he panted softly as the hand withdrew and let out a startled cry at the feeling of hot and cold and pain his face crossing with delight and agony as he jerked against his bonds again panting harder. "again..please, whip me more." harry pleaded wanting the pain, NEEDING the pain.
"You will beg."Adrien ordered as he raised his hand again, wrapping his fingers in Harry's hair as he pulled him into a kiss, even as his hand came down to whip him. Smirking as the whip bit deep, and burned. Raising his head he looked at the man pleading with him as he stepped back."Beg."He ordered, holding the whip at his side to wait, patient enough to make harry beg and plead to get what he wanted. Determined to make the usually in control man beg him for what he wanted.
Harry snarled darkly and shook his head, harry never begged, not for anything! he would never, and had never begged. and he never would! he arched into the second whipping, groaning at the glorious pain, the most wonderful sensation of being cut open with flame and fire and ice and cold panting hard into the kiss, kissing desperately before whining as the other pulled away, squirming against his bonds. it was a long wait, a very long wait,almost a half an hour of Harry's increasing whimpers of need. "please." harry finally gasped. "please i need more please! please please Gabriel PLEASE i need it so badly." he pleaded panting hard. "please." begging, harry was begging.
Adrien smirked, snapping his wrist as he undressed himself, letting the whip bite deeper then it had before, wrapping the spell around his hands, fingers both hot and cold as he shifted the man, pushing his legs up before slamming into the man without warning, biting down on the man's neck hard, driving hmself into the man with practiced ease.
Harry moaned loudly panting into the whip, no longer holding back his sounds, there was no point. "a..aah please." he moaned softly panting as he leaned into the hand, letting the spell dig into his thigh and burn his flesh, crying out in pleasure and pain as the other forced himself in, crying out again as he was bitten, looking pleased, so very pleased. "yes! yes ooh yes!"
Adrien growled as he drove himself into the brunette over and over, burying his face in his neck as he refound the part of him that enjoyed this, enjoyed mixing pain and pleasure till one wasn't possible without the other. Finding redempton and pleasure in it as he let fire play over their skin, moaning ever so softly.
Harry cried out with every thrust, yelping at every bite, feeling his own sins washing away with every bit of pain and pleasure that washed over him, feeling grateful for both as he moaned and writhed, enjoying the burning of his flesh, the pain in his ass panting hard. "please! gonna cum! please!" harry pleaded bucking hard into the other, desperate for more pain, desperate for release.
Adrien growled, biting down harder as his hands clamped down on the man's hips,fire sparking over them as he fisted the brunette hard, tugging on his cock with a practiced hand as he drove his hips up harder, finding the brunette's prostate as he came, eyes going wide and cold fire falling around them as he lost contol.
Harry yowled as the hand fisted him, jerking intently into him as he panted and gasped and moaned arching hard, his body jerking as his prostate was struck, coating Adrien's hand in cum as he screamed in pleasure, the hot and cold washing over him only making his orgasm all the better as he yelled his desire and his pleasure to the world before falling limp under the other panting hard. "ye..yes." he murmured softly. "so good."
Adrien moaned as he rolled away, closing his eyes as he laid on his back, his breath coming hard and fast as he bit his lip.He'd enjoyed himself, greatly. Yet, he couldn't help the memories that threatened to drag him down. Of a thousand other moments, of a blond he used to know. For a moment seeing Draco's bloody body, the last moments of the blond's life, as far as he knew. Those moments that had killed Gabriel and created Dragonheartless. Those moments of the blond's frantic heart, racing with passion then fear as their master destroyed him.

Staring up at the sky, he wondered how such pleasure could bring such pain. And wondered if the blond somehow survived.Not that he'd ever be able to be the Adrien Draco had known again, but it'd be nice to know that he lived. Glancing at Harry he smiled slightly, though it was pained.

"You okay?"He muttered, trailing his fingers over blistered flesh.
Harry was panting hard next to the other his body still bound a look of serenity on his face. as if for just a moment all the bad memories had been washed away. "i'm good." harry admitted smiling a little. "that was very good, thank you Gabriel. i really needed that." he admitted looking over at the other. "can i have my arms back though? or are you going to show me some more?"
A smirk played at his lips,"I'll make you beg for the next time."He said releasing the brunette, running a hand through his hair as he sat up slowly, looking at their food before looking at Harry."Our food's cold."He said nibbling on a piece of bread.
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