Dragonheartless moon/lady

Harry stared down at him, his face as unreadable as always as he watched the other. Harry's mask of emotionless calm had unsettled more than one person over the years, but somehow Harry felt that Adrien understood. harry hid behind his emotionless mask the same way Adrien hid behind sadism and cruelty. they where only protecting their fragile hearts, right? harry smiled a little and Adrien and nodded lightly.

"i'll get the shower going first and get some towels." he decided. "wait here and rest, i'm sure you did more than you where ready for walking down all those stairs, I'll move you to the same floor as the kitchen, there's a guest bedroom there." he admitted. "it will be easier for you to get around." he admitted standing up and leaving, coming back ten minutes later after the pipes groaned, signaling the start of the shower. then harry was back for him, gently helping the dragonheartless to sit up and then stand, his face expressionless but his touches gentle, almost caring.

they headed into the bathroom together harry kicking the door closed 'just in case' and began the task of carefully removing Adrien's shirt, his fingers purposefully grazing skin and scars a small smirk on his lips. "you really are a dragon aren't you?" he asked after a moment staring at Adrien his head titled. "completely irresistible." he was...flirting! he hadn't flirted since...since...since Oliver four years ago...had it really been so long?
Adrien's smirk widened a little, amused and feeling more at ease at being undressed. Having been feeling weird at being undressed by the man, even though he'd opened the door by asking for help for showering. Having overdone it downstairs because he hadn't sat down and rested between entering and leaving.

"Iresistably violent maybe."He said, not feeling overly attractive at the moment. He knew he was, but he just wasn't feeling it, not when he'd lost weight and looked thin and worn from being forced to rest. He just wasn't a man to accept forced bed rest well, and the fact that his heart had nearly been taken out, had had a bad reaction to the usually very confident man.
harry chuckled a little and gently brushed the others hair back from his forehead shaking his head. "you hide so well." he teased motioning to the water. "is it warm enough?" he asked running his fingers through the water, his Green eyes fixed intently on Dragonheartless with a strange look in his eyes. he didn't know if he could trust this Dragonheartless, this Fallen angel, this mortal man who was just as damaged as he himself was. Harry wanted to trust him, but he didn't dare. "do you want to stand in the shower? i can support you, it would be better for you to sit but it would make washing difficult."
"I can stand for a shower. I'm not totally incapable."The other growled as he stepped into the shower without saying anything, sighing as the warm water slid over his skin. Turning slightly to turn the water hotter, feeling it slid over his skin with a burning fever, needing to burn off the sins, off the mistakes he should have never made. "Just stand there, in case I fall."He said after a moment, bowing his head as he leaned forward, his hands braced against the wall under the showerhead, letting the water beat him up, beat him in a way he never let his victims, and had always wanted to.
Harry chuckled a little and settled onto the toilette pulling out a carton of cigarette and a lighter pausing for a moment. "do you mind if i smoke?" he finally asked glancing at Adrien his head tilted a little giving the cigarette a wave. he wasn't sure if the other had allergies, or if he might find the smoke offensive. even as dark as harry was, he still worried more about other people than himself. "and your skin is turning red, your going to have burns if you don't turn the heat down."
"No, I don't mind."Adrien said from inside of the shower, his voice as dark and rumbling as his namesake. Waiting a few longer moments he sighed, turning on some of the cold water, sighing as it hit his burning back. Still not feeling clean, but not willing to do himself any harm.

"What did the twins say?"He asked, curious as to what the two had said after he'd left the room, even as his stomach clenched and threatened to make him go to his knees and throw up. The grangers...the weasley's, to families he'd known, and had forever scarred. There were others, but none that he'd personally see regularly.
Harry light his cigarette and sucked in a lungful of the noxious fumes staring blankly at his reflection in the mirror sighing softly. "they didn't say anything." he admitted softly. "they just glared at me." he admitted smirking a little. "then left, their...strange now. not whole... but then no one is whole anymore. not even the death eaters, not even voldemort. not even the innocents living half the world away are whole anymore. that is the problem of war." he glanced at the other. "and even if it had not been you, it would have been someone else. people don't understand this." he admitted the cigarette smoke filling the small space of the bathroom now. "even you yourself don't understand this."
"No, I understand, it just doesn't make the sins less painful to bear."Adrien said as he turned off the shower after washing off, pulling open the shower curtain to look at the man smoking so close by. Shuddering a the memory, wondering how many people knew Voldermort had had a fancy for cigarette's at one time. His arms and back bared proof of it.

Swallowing hard as he dried off, feeling more like himself as he looked at the brunette, raising a eyebrow,"Well?Do I meet standards?"He asked looking down at himself, smirking slightly. Even thin and off his game, he was beautiful, like a angel fallen from grace, a dragon forever earthbound.
Harry sucked in the last of his cigarette sighing softly. "it's very annoying." he admitted softly. "but i can't stop...it's HIS fault really." he admitted blowing the smoke out through his nose. "Voldemort...were connected him and i, more than i want to admit." he looked at the other. "do you think people would hate me, if they knew how close the two of us truly are? to a point where his personality rubs off into me, and alters who i am?" he looked down at his foot. "do i disgust?" his eyes went back to examining the other intently. "sometimes, i wonder if i could even fuck anyone anymore." he smirked a little at the other. "and then someone like you comes along and i remember my lust."
Adrien shuddered a little, looking down at the man. Wondering if Harry's appeal was from voldermort, or from himself, wondering if Harry knew what'd Voldermort had done to his victims in that stretch he smoked. Shivering he reached down, gently brushing the man's hair out of his face, bending to kiss his forehead."Looking at you, I remember why I became what I did."He said straightening again, not at all feeling ill at ease for being naked. "You....are all that is good about my world, the light, even though you are so very dark."He said lowering his head, kissing the man slowly, with a touch of cruelty, with a harsh edge that said he was cruel, but he really did care. Sometimes. The sharp tang of his sadism in every move of his body, of his kiss.
Harry looked up at the other his head tilted to look up at the other looking almost like a wounded bird as Adrien laid a kiss on his forehead his eyes closing as he listened to the words that the other spoke. he kissed back for a moment, enjoying the firm lips, the domination, the light streak of cruelty that was Gabriel before he turned away, forced himself free of Adrien to take a thick inhale of his cigarette, sucking in a long full of tar and death before letting it out in a sigh.

"i hate it." he stated simply his tone suddenly ice cold. "when people tell me things like that." he stated turning to glare at Adrien with eyes so dark, eyes that where not all sane, eyes that wanted to hurt. "why should i be the light, when i have lost everything before i was even a year old? why should i be the light, when my entire life has been almost death after almost death...why should i be the light, when there are dozens, HUNDREDS of people more suited to it than me!?" he demanded getting to his feet. "why am i the only person cursed to be connected the the mind of a madman!?" he reached out and gently stroked the others neck, the madness vanishing in an instant. "i don't want...to be a savior here...not in my own home..."
Cruelty filled Adrien's eyes, until there was nothing left but the promise of pain and pleasure. "Because, sometimes people need something, even if it's not real."He said, but not giving Harry a chance to answer, as he kissed him, hard and demanding as his hands closed over the brunette's hands, dragging them behind his back holding them there as he delved his fingers into harry's hair, yanking his head back into a painful angle even as he stepped closer, naked body pressing against Harry's, shifting his hips against the man. Pain tinted with pleasure, his speciality. Lucius had told him once having sex with Adrien Dragonheartless was like eating poisoned honey, oh so sweet, but deadly all the same.

Shifting his hips again he growled, his voice a low timbre o a dragon's growl, a voice and man that offered no kindness, except....that he was as broken and kind as he could be, cruel because he was good at it. Knowing they both needed to forget. "I'm giving you a choice, that I don't ever give. If you walk out now, I wont hold it against you."
harry closed his eyes at the others response and flicked the remains of his cigarette into the wet shower before kissing back his tongue stroking the others lips groaning lightly as he suddenly found his hands locked together and useless, defenseless, he felt defenseless for the first time since sixth year...and it felt...good. he gasped lightly as his head was yanked back gritting his teeth lightly his eyes flicking open to stare at Adrien. "just don't mark me where people can see." he whispered softly licking his own lips. "if you don't ever give the choice, then don't let me think there is one." he wanted it, wanted Adrien's poisoned honey so badly he felt he was burning inside. harry felt the intense need to be fucked, raped, punished for the deaths he had caused even though he was the innocent of the party. he wanted what only Adrien Gabriel Dragonheartless could give him.
A smirk played over Adrien's lips as he swallowed hard, "Fine."He growled, slipping a hand over Harry's shoulders, leaning against him a little as they walked back to the bathroom, shoving the man onto the bed, staring down at him for a long moment, before flicking a hand, smirking as the spell took affect. Invisible bonds, that burned like fire, yet was a pleasing flame, pulling the man's body taunt on the bed, absently stroking a finger along Harry's cock, his hands laced with ice, cold and deadly in his hold. As fire licked at the bonds holding his wrists and ankles, ice followed in the wake of Adrien's hands, before going to his knees and driving into the man without a warning, moaning softly as his cock was engulfed in a tight heat. Driving his hips into the brunette, finding forgiveness and a purging in taking what harry offered.
Harry supported the other into the bedroom, a soft smirk splayed across thick red lips, gasping when he was suddenly shoved onto the bed straining against the restraints just enough to make himself ache against it, the flames licking his skin, making him tremble with delight. He had always loved fire, found the flickering edges to hold more truths than one. for a moment he wondered where his clothes had suddenly gone, he hoped Adrien hadn't Banished them, they where his favorite pair of pants. harry groaned softly, gritting his teeth hard against the icy chill that where Adrien's fingers panting softly his mouth falling open as he arched into the freezing hands, screaming in pain as he found himself suddenly wrapped around a dick for the first time in four years. and the pain was satisfying, the pain was cleansing, the pain was good and harry was hard, so hard as he leaned into it, no sounds falling from his lips. Adrien had not yet earned the right to hear Harry's moans of pain and pleasure.
"So stubborn."Adrien whispered, lowering his head, licking the man's neck, feeling the flickering flame dance across his tongue, really a dragon breathing fire. A wickedly icy hot spell playing at the man's cock, stroking slowly, painfully tight as Adrien drove into him, losing himself in inflicting pain.

For a few thrusts he found that pain, the pain in Harry's face satisfying as he looked down at the man, raising his head. Pain written on his face as he wrenched himself away, stumbling away from the bed on shaking legs, barely making it to the bathroom before he lost the few bites of food that he had eaten. Pain eating at his mind, pain and memories threatened to rip him apart as he slid to the floor, laying down, curling up on his side, feeling the cool press of tile against his flushed face, but only remotely. Barely registering that he was shaking, wondering what part of his mind he'd damaged in submitting to Voldermort, after so many years, he no longer knew how to dish out pleasure with pain, for the enjoyment of both parties. Only knowing Voldermort's brand of cruelty.

In those few moments of consciousness, he knew that he'd not only broken his wings, but shattered them. And that the Dragon wasn't anything good anymore. Staring at the tile in front of his nose, he slid into unconsciousness, his mind's way of trying to protect him, of saving some of his sanity.
harry groaned arching into the tongue eagerly panting loudly. "a..aah." the first sound of pleasure he'd made, filtered with pain harry was still enjoying it bucking into the hand on his cock letting out another murmur of pleasure shuddering in the others grip, his face pained, and pleasured blinking with astonishment as he suddenly found himself alone. Harry broke the spells with an easy effort and rubbed his red wrists for a second before following After Adrien rubbing his singed neck as he leaned down and gently touched the dragons neck.

satisfied that he was alive Harry sighed watching him a little. "thy mighty dragon. where though, hast thine heart gone?" he murmured softly before gently picking him up in his arms and carrying him to a bedroom on the same floor, carefully cleaning the other up before taking care of himself. he didn't bother healing the burns, he never bothered to heal any of his injuries, and he wanted Adrien to know he enjoyed the marks he had given him, enjoyed the pain the man had brought. it had helped cleanse his soul, he wanted more, NEEDED more, but not at the cost of Gabriel.

Harry was sitting next to the bed smoking another cigarette when Adrien finally woke up, Harry's eyes blank as he leaned against his arm for support as he stared at nothing, he didn't even take a suck of his cigarette, he just stared blankly at nothing, watching some unknown scene that Adrien could not see.
Adrien wrinkled his nose a little as he stirred, blinking slowly as he slid his eyes over to look at the man sitting near him."...you're supposed to suck on that you know."He said hoarsely, sitting up slowly, painfully as his vision swam. Half remembering smacking his head against the tile he pressed the heel of his palm against his head, trying to stop the world from spinning.

Eyes looking at the man sitting near him, a desperate plea in those eyes, to be told that it was alright, that he hadn't hurt the one person he considered a somewhat friend. Because he was so out of practice, he didn't know how to have friends anymore. Smirking slightly at the welts around his wrists, his smirk faded, longing in those sapphire eyes, for once soft instead of as hard and cold as the gems they resembled.
Harry blinked a little and then sucked on it blowing the smoke out of his nose. "thank you Gabriel." he said softly touching the welt on his neck tenderly. "no one dares give me what i need anymore...pain, they watch me, looking for marks, looking for the signs that I'm abusing myself and refuse to give me what i need...it's not the same if i do it to myself... it's not...right, if i do it to myself." as if to proove a point he brought down the cigarette and used his own hip like an ash tray...another personality from Voldemort? or just madness? emeralds met Sapphire and Harry smiled at him. "i thank you, for what you gave me. but of you don't want to again, i understand." because he was so disgusting, harry was certain Adrien was disgusted with him.
Adrien frowned a little, shifting his hand to look at the man waving him over, wincing at the remembered habit. Except Voldermort had used other's bodies as his ash tray. Shuddering he tugged the man close, resting his head on his chest."I...do."He said slowly, closing his eyes."I'm...sorry...for...that. It's been...two years since I took anyone to my bed by Voldermort. Because I could torture without destroying that part of someone. Of something that's supposed to be good..."He shuddered, tears filling sapphire eyes as he refused to look at the man, burying his face in his chest."..."He stopped. letting it go. Having a feeling that the man knew about memories that were a torture in itself.
Harry blinked at the other looking momentarily afraid before he relaxed and wrapped his arms gently around Adrien stroking his hair gently his eyes calm once more. "let it out." he murmured softly, letting the man sob into his chest, wetting his shirt, "let it all out." harry ordered gently, knowing well enough from his own experiences that the other would feel much better afterwords. "just cry... and when you can no longer cry, then you scream, scream in rage, fury at everything that is not right in your world... scream until you can't...and then you rest." he whispered still stroking Adrien's hair, he would not leave, until Adrien was sleeping.
Adrien was silent, even told to scream, the dragon didn't give into the rage, just mourned the person he had been. Shuddering a little he raised his head, pressing a kiss to Harry's lips before pulling away, looking at the man with bloodshot blue eyes. Looking tired and worn, "If I wasn't so tired, I'll pick up where we left off."A smirk played at his lips."...unless you don't want..."He stopped, for once dragonheartless looked unsure of himself.
Harry allowed the kiss his lips moving lightly against Adrien's blinking as he pulled away carefully slipping off the bed and onto the chair again so that Adrien could get properly comfortable. "i want you to." harry stated simply bringing his burned wrist to his lips and giving it a long lick, making his own wounds sting and burn. "i like the pain." he admitted closing his eyes and smiling a little. "i like the pleasure." his eyes flicked over to Adrien. "i like the way you mix the two. it makes me feel better." he admitted watching him. "rest." he ordered handing the other a dreamless sleep potion. "your only going to make yourself worse if you keep taxing yourself."
Adrien nodded, closing his eyes as he sipped the potion."I'd like to go outside...when I get up."He muttered falling asleep. Wondering what kind of world he'd be waking up to next. And wondering if he'd find one of his victims waiting for him. Sleeping for hours he smiled slightly as he woke up feeling relaxed and well rested. And...dare he think it, horny.

The idea of having harry to play with made his blood sing, made his magic thrum in response to his eagerness at the idea. Levering himself out of the bed, he dressed in the clothes that Harry had bought him, smiling when he ound them to be well made and his size. Smirking a little he went in searh of the boy who lived.
Harry was downstairs, making lunch, a thick meaty stew that was filled with carrots and potatoes and cabbage and what looked like pork, it smelled wonderful but harry had the strangest look on his face, almost a peaceful look as he stirred the stew, tasted it and added some salt. as if he was happiest when he was cooking. "i thought we could eat lunch outside." harry admitted his eyes flicking to Adrien. "i set up a picnic table so you could get some fresh air." remembering the others hope of going outside when he woke up. how kind.
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