Dragonheartless moon/lady

Draco squalled, annoyed that he was being torn away like that Harry chuckling in amusement as he continued to red the Twins laughing, but leaving Draco to Adrien. Draco needed to relax anyway, the blond was completely terrified that he was being a bad daddy, horrified of doing something wrong, and constantly worrying if Silver so much as hiccuped.
Adrien whistled softly, "Oh shut up whiner. Your making my head hurt."He growled banishing the blond's clothes, before dropping him into the water. Dunking him under the water for a minute as he sat on the edge of the tub."Good?"He teased smiling as he came back up, smirking at the drippng wet man.
Draco struggled against the other, still bitching, yelping as he was dropped into the water, coming up sputtering and cursing like a sailor, glaring at Adrien but not trying to get out of the nice hot, soapy water. "there better be a good reason for this." Draco growled looking annoyed as he started to relax in the water. "your lucky the water is the right temperature or i'd hex you." he complained closing his eyes, letting the worry lines that had graced his features since Silvers birth, fade away as he enjoyed the warm relaxing bath.
Adrien snickered, smiling slightly."I know. Which is why I asked your mother how you liked your bath."He said sitting on the edge of the tub, gently running his fingers through the blond's hair. A little white lie, he hadn't asked narcissa, but the woman probably would have known if he'd asked"Get let me take care of you.You take care of everyone else, I'll take care of you."He said smirking slightly.
Draco sighed softly shaking his head. "i can't help it." he grumbled softly sinking deeper into the water. "Fred is still sick... George is still overworked.. Harry had a fucking crazy ass STALKER after him and he's a danger magnet that's almost as bad as YOU." he complained closing his eyes. "Silver's getting a cough and i'm scared Dracen is going to get it and even worse i'm afraid that now that i don;t care what my mother does to me anymore...i'm afraid she's going to try and APOLOGIZE and drag all my feelings into it again and i'll end up getting hurt even more..." he groaned a little and set his hands over his face before he sunk deep into the water, hair and all. it almost looked as if he was trying to drown himself, but he popped back up right away, a calming mechanism that had once terrified Lucius.
Adrien sighed watching him, having been worried about it to when they'd been younger, but he'd gotten used to draco doing it. Getting up he stripped, climbing in the huge tub with the blond, leaning back into the tub, wrapping his arms around draco, pressing a kiss to draco's head."Fred will get better.I'll go help at the shop. Harry's stalker has been taken care of, and we'll take care of each other. If silver gets dracen sick, it happens, you can't do anything about it. You're mother DOES feel bad for what she did, and wants to have a relationship of sorts with you, but if you don't want to, just tell her that."He said sighing, "Narcissa is many things, but stupid isn't one of them. She'll understand."
Draco sighed a little and leaned into Adrien, feeling confused and overwhelmed as he relaxed into Adrien. "is it cheating?" he asked softly looking up at the other. "loving you, and loving them at the same time?" he asked softly, looking so guilty. "is it wrong that i don't want my mother to love me? wrong that..." he sighed and dropped his eyes. "wrong that i'm jealous of Fred?" he asked softly, under his breath, feeling so....damned WRONG about everything closing his eyes again. "i don;t even know who i am anymore." he admitted softly shaking his head. "everything i am got all confused and jumbled up and now i'm a whole new person that i don't know what to do with."
Adrien studied him, frowning slightly. Resting his head back against the back of the tub, looking guilty himself. Hating that he couldn't be everything to everyone. Or what draco needed him to be."No, it's not cheating.We just share a different kind of love."He bit his lip gently running his fingers through draco's hair. Not knowing what had brought this conversation on."No you're mother would uderstand, you know she will...and well...you're a princess, princess.It's understand if you wanted to be the one pregnant."He said slowly, wrapping his arms tighter around the blond."You are Draco malfoy, a loyal friend and lover, a wonderful father...and if you ever forget it again, I'll toss you into a another bath and dunk you till you remember."
Draco smiled looking relieved as he rested his head against Adrien's shoulder sighing softly. "i'm scared that i'm not going to be a good father for Silver." he admitted suddenly. "i mean....it would make sense wouldn't it?" he asked softly. "i'm not the type of person who's good at anything. the only thing i'm good at is ruining peoples lives...i mean...i even ruined yours!" he complained softly. "i almost ruined the twins, i ruined Harry's for YEARS... what if i ruin silvers life too?"
Adrien gave him a look, lowering his head to bite the man's neck, before raising his head."If you do something wrong, that crosses the line don't worry I'll kick your ass from one side of the country to the other."He said seriously.And he meant it."You wont ruin him,but if you do I'll make sure you have a upclose and personal talk with me about it."
Draco gasped a little at the bite leaning into Adrien a little, feeling a little better already. "promise?" Draco asked softly looking up at Adrien hopefully relaxing and smiling as he rested his head on the other again. "thanks Adrien." he mumbled softly. "sometimes i get so worried i forget about everything else." he admitted relaxing now, looking like himself again. "i wish Harry wouldn't read him muggle stories though." he admitted with a small grumble. "their so backwards muggles are! they kill each other for enjoyment....they hate gays, they all have to look the same or they get picked on... their just,...wrong." he complained crossing his arms and pouting. he and harry had been arguing about that for almost a week, not in front of anyone though.
Adrien sighed pressing a kiss to the bite mark, "I promise.And I'll talk to him about reading them."He said closing his eyes, glad that Draco had relaxed and easy with things now."Don't worry, if you start worrying to much,I'll toss you in the bath tub again."
Draco smiled a little and nodded. "no, let him read." he muttered softly. "he's always wanted a child to read to like he never got." he admitted softly. "i'll just burn all the muggle books when he's not looking." he admitted chuckling a little as he ran his fingers down Adrien's chest leaning up to kiss him gently. "thank you for this."
Adrien laughed softly kissing him back, closing his eyes."you're welcome. Now come along princess, time to get up and go check on everyone else."He said slightly curious to see what story harry was reading now.
Draco groaned a little but sat up and slipped out of the bathtub drying himself off shaking his head a little. "it's probably some lame muggle story again." he grumbled rolling his eyes a little as he yanked on his clothes and headed downstairs blinking as Harry read the suddenly awake Silver and Dracen a Wizards story. "well that's a pleasant surprise." Draco admitted chuckling as he settled down on a chair to listen as well.

-22 years later:

Harry grinned a little as he straightened Adrien's Tie shaking his head a little at his lovers constant complaining. "oh hush, it's a wedding your supposed to be having fun." he teased grinning a little, finding the entire thing very funny as Draco suddenly ran in babbling that they couldn't find Dracen's Veil or the bouquet, and that Silver was sick from some stupid lunch they'd had together and that the wedding was ruined! the poor blond just couldn't help but over worry about anything concerning his little boy and girl. "Draco calm down." Harry ordered shaking his head as Fred and George burst in yelling that Dracen had fund the Veil and the bouquet and that the priest was ready to start anytime they where.
"No, no this is not a wedding, its a insane tying of families. No, I do not agree with this."Adrien said sulking as he looked at his lover, before wrapping his arms around draco, pressing a kiss to his head before stepping away."Now come on Draco, lets go and then I'm tossing you tux and all into the bathtub."He threatened as he walked out, wrapping his arms around his daughter, holding out a arm to her, having gotten harry to agree that he got to walk her down the aisle, since he'd been the one to almost die bringing her into the world. Smirking a little as he looked at harry, then at the five year old clinging to his leg."Alex, you're going to go sit with your papa."he said smiling down at the five year old version of himself. It was mildly freaky everyone agreed, to hear things the elder dragonheart said coming out of his son's mouth.
Harry snorted a little at his Lovers incessant complaining rolling his eyes as he followed after his lover, chuckling as Dracen, now a wonderfully beautiful young woman dressed up in her wedding whites, Silver standing with his father at the head of the Alter looking handsome, far too handsome. Dracen giggled excitedly as she bent down and kissed Alex's forehead before shooing him off to sit on Harry's lap. "i'm so excited!" Dracen whispered to Adrien grinning a little, love in every fabric of her being. Harry and George often joked that Silver had been born just for Dracen, Silver often agreed. much to Adrien's annoyance. everyone calmed down as the music started, and Dracen almost bolted down the isle, overly excited to get married, Harry snickering a little as he glanced at Adrien, tossing him a wink, well aware how annoying this all was to his husband.
Adrien swallowed, keeping the scowl off his face as he was practically dragged down the aisle. Before freeing himself, and slipping into his seat, sulking as he watched his daughter's wedding. It wasn't that he wasn't happy for her, he was. And it wasn't he didn't love his godson, he really did. He just didn't like...the idea of his daughter doing the things him and his husband did. There was only so much his sensiblities could stand, even though he knew he was laughed at by his frineds and husband. Smiling as he watched the wedding happen, relaxing as looked at his husband as they filtered into the reception hall."Guess I'm stuck with the little snot aren't I?"He asked, sounding amused.
Harry snickered a little as Silver suddenly grabbed Adrien's hand and smirked at him. "it could be worse you know." he teased his godfather a smirk in place. "she could be marrying a woman." the 'little snot' loved teasing his fathers, and his godfathers about him and Dracen being the only straight people int he family. Harry laughed as Silver scampered away before Adrien could react as Dracen grabbed Adrien and Harry's hands. "i have to dance with my fathers, come on!" she demanded looking as happy as the day she'd gotten her first broom. it was hard to sulk or be mad when someone was that happy.
Adrien smiled, dancing with her, glad that she was so happy. As time past, and the party started winding down he made his way to harry's side, wrapping his arms around his husband, gently pressing a kiss to his lips."Have I told you today that I love you, and thank you?"He said, looking down at him. REmembering how they'd started, and everything they'd gone through...and to have this, this was perfect, and more then he'd ever thought he'd have.
Harry smiled a little as he looked up at Adrien, Dracen and Silver vanishing while their fathers where distracted. "i love you too." he whispered kissing him back smirking a little. "i'm the one who should be thanking you." he teased kissing the other again. "life is so perfect." he admitted softly. "absolutely perfect." he purred softly chuckling as he caught sight of Fred and Draco off in the corner, trying to make more babies. "yup, perfect."

THE END? or maybe THAT'S ALL FOLKS! or even better AND THEY ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER! (ok, you may kill me now^^)
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