Dragonheartless moon/lady

Harry sniffled and pulled away s the other could breath and he wiped his eyes. "i w..was a..afraid you d..didn't love me anymore." Harry admitted. "so i g..got angry that you where t..t..trying to leave and b..blaming it on something else and g...god that boy was c..CREEPY! i mean he was c..creepy in school but he was CREEPY this time around." he admitted wiping his eyes staring at Adrien before gently kissing him. "i love you, ok?...i don't want to ever lose you, not for anything or anyone."
Adrien smiled slightly kissing him back."I love you to.I just...I've..."He struggled to say it. Because he still blamed himself for so many things, and felt the shame of it, yet every day, he couldn't imagine not being with harry."I was just reacting badly to colin....and talkng to draco got me thinking and..."He shrugged a little leaning back into the pillows, breathing easier."I'm sorry."He said rubbing tearful eyes.
Harry giggled a little and gently snuggled his lover, being overly careful now. "i think we both over reacted." he admitted sighing softly before grimacing. "ok now i really gotta go." he admitted squirming. "i'll be right back." he stated, swinging his legs over the bed and managing two steps before he collapsed, Draco rolling his eyes and grabbing Harry under the armpit and hauled him back to his feet, half carrying the stubborn boy who lived.
Adrien smiled a little, closing his eyes to wait for the other two to ome back. Rubbing his eyes as he yawned. Looking up at the other man, sadness in his look.Because he didn't know if harry knew about the baby yet or not."Better?"He said smiling as he looked at his lover.
Harry nodded as Draco helped him back into bed, snuggling into Adrien looking a little sad. "i;m sorry about the baby." he whispered softly his hand settling on the others belly. "Narcissa told me." he admitted making a face. "i liked her better when she was an evil hag...then at least i could be mad at her." he admitted nuzzling the others neck. "but when she's all nice like that she's kind of creepy." "i know right?" Draco demanded crossing his arms and scowling a little Harry snorting. "shut up Draco i'm trying to be emotionally sympathetic here."
Adrien smiled closing his eyes, running his fingers through harry's hair, his stomach tightening under harry's fingers."She's not creepy.I don;t know what you two are tlking about. I actually like her more like this. Though her as a ferret was nice."He said amused, trying not to think about the baby. Feeling guilty enough as it was.
Harry and Draco rolled their eyes and then shook their heads, clearly thinking Adrien was insane as Harry yawned and snuggled into his lover. "i love you Adrien." he murmured softly, smiling a little Draco chuckling a little. "alright Dri, get some sleep, you need to rest so you can recover,. and the sooner you recover the sooner we can all have another orgy." he teased winking at the man Harry giggling a little. "mm i like orgies." he mumbled sleepily. "like watching Adrian fuck other people, makes him look so dominant and manly and animal. mmm." harry was falling asleep fast and saying embarrassing things again.
Adrien snickered,now that was something to remember.

Within a few weeks Adrien was up and moving. And despite his chest still hurting sometimes, like when he was playing with dracen for awhile, like he was currently doing. He wasn't about to let the others know he was still hurt because he knew they'd worry and fuss. Smiling as he chased a newly walking dracen around the sitting room of the manor, smiling up at george and draco as they walked in. Panting ever so slightly."Hey."He grinned sitting down as dracen crawled into his lap.
Harry was making a slower recovery, trying not to strain himself too hard. he was watching Adrien play with the giggling Dracen with love in his eyes for both his loves as he looked up blinking at George, who looked incredibly pale and freaked out, and Draco who looked ecstatic and over joyed. "FRED'S HAVING THE BABY!!!" he squealed jumping up and Down George gulping looking like he was about to pass out. "you guys have to come be there! Fred Demands it!" Draco demanded grabbing Adrien and Harry's wrist's, practically dragging him down the hall where Fred was ready to give birth, Narcissa hovering over him.
"I don't want to see this.Dracen doesn't need to see this."Adrien whined as he dragged his feet, refusing to be dragged closer to the bed and see his friend in pain. Shadows and memories in those dark blue eyes. He had more then one reason to not want to get to close...not that he'd ever tell the others, but he really didn't want to get closer then he already was.
Harry smiled a little. "Draco Adrien is right." he stated calmly glancing at his lover. "why don't you take Dracen and give her a bath? she really needs one." giving Adrien the chance to flee. Harry understood, it was hard for him to see Fred in pain too, but Adrien...Adrien had almost killed Fred once, he was sure Adrien would start screaming himself if he stayed.
Adrien smiled softly nodding."I got it."He said stealing a kiss before retreating.

Hours later, Adrien cuddled the little girl in his arms, hesitating as he looked down the hallway. Knowing fred had given birth, that it was over, but he still couldn't force himself to wlk down the hallway.Even the idea of his friend being in pain was driving the man up the walls. Cooing softly to the baby girl trying to get his attention he knew he was scaring his daughter.struggling to stay calm and hope someone who come get him.
there was a final scream from Fred, and then silence as the sound of babies cries filled the air...there was quickly a THUD, and the sound of Harry's laughter, followed by Fred's as Draco headed over to Adrien looking intensely amused. "George passed out." he admitted snickering a little. "Fred gave birth to a little boy. come one." he demanded holding his hand out to Adrien. "Come meet your Godson."
Adrien swallowed hard as he cuddled the little girl in his arms,"My godson?"He asked amused as he followed the other inside edging closer to the bed, fred and the baby. Shifting around to give harry dracen, gently kissing him, wrapping his arms around him in a hug.
Fred looked exhausted, but very pleased, still naked but covered by a blanket as he held a little baby boy swaddled in a blanket. it had Draco's silver curls and eyes, but the twins freckles and natural tan skin and tough build. that little boy was going to be a ladies man. "look Adrien!" Fred gasped looking like he was about to burst into happy tears. "look what i made!" he smiled down at the little baby, a grin on his lips. "little Lord Silver Adrien Lucius Weasley." he purred kissing his baby's forehead Harry snickering a little at the lovey gushy scene in front of him Draco practically vibrating on the spot...George was still passed out on the floor but it was ok because Narcissa was looking after him. "it's a wonderful name." Harry murmured softly grinning a little. "and it suits him too, Silver." Dracen giggled and pointed at the baby, babbling away in her own little words giggling excitedly, she'd never seen someone so little before!
Adrien smiled moving over and sitting on the edge of the bed, smiling at the others and looking at the small baby."It is a wonderful name."He said blushing ever so slightly before taking the baby, cooing softly to his godson, "Hmmm just so we get this out of the way, you stay away from my daughter."He cooed, amused. Knowing the baby was going to be as much of a heartbreaker as the twins and draco were.
Fred grinned and sighed softly, relaxing into the bed groaning softly closing his eyes, deciding to rest after his highly exhausting day sighing softly as Draco smiled and gently covered Fred up with a blanket, George groaning as he slowly recovered from passing out, sitting up with Narcissa's help Harry chuckling as Dracen placed a sloppy kiss on the sleeping Silvers face. "aaw look, love at first sight." Harry teased Adrien, grinning a little.
Adrien growled a little, moving the baby away from his daughter."Oh no its not."He growled uddling the baby in his arms, stuggling to keep the pain off his face. Because it hurt to hold the tiny baby in his arms. Snickering a little as he looked up at dracen."No.Just no."
Harry laughed a little and rolled his eyes as Draco bounded over, relieving Adrien of his baby boy looking completely ecstatic. "look-it what i made Adrien!" he chirped beaming at the other. "i'ma daddy!" he yelled overjoyed Fred smacking him in the head with a pillow. "shut up and go away." he demanded, tired and sore, he just wanted to sleep. Draco chuckled and nodded heading for the doorway, intending to give Fred some peace. "they named you godfather, did you know?" harry teased grinning at Adrien looking about ready to bust into laughter. "and i'm his godmother."
adrien pouted as he walked out into the hallway, disappointed to be relieved of the baby, giving harry a look,"...you can't get pregnant. Shouldn't this be the other way around?"He asked tilting his head, amused. Pouting still as he tried to keep from reaching for the baby. Instead, taking dracen and cuddling the little girl, laughing as she giggled at him wrapping her arms around his neck.
Harry chuckled and kissed Adrien's forehead. "well, actually, with George's new 'pregnancy potion'...i could." Harry admitted smiling at Adrien, looking amused. "we could carry each others babies." he teased chuckling a little as he laid his head on the others shoulder. "if you want to try again i mean?" he offered looking up at the other, Harry wanted hundreds of little babies! "Draco say's that he's going to carry George's baby next."
Adrien swallowed, hiding the instinctive shudder before nodding slightly. not wanting harry to know just how much he didn't want a baby right now. Smirking a little at the idea of draco being pregnant."We can't do that.He's already a moody little bitch."He pointed out, heading for their rooms, smiling as dracen cuddled against him.
Harry smiled a little and took Adrien's hand. "whats the matter?" he asked softly, keeping his tone light for Dracen's sake, though his face was crossed with worry. "you know that you can tell me anything right?" he asked softly opening the door for Adrien licking his lips nervously.
"I know."Adrien smiled sadly as he squeezed harry's hand, laying down on the bed, laying the sleepy girl on his chest, sighing as he looked at the other."This...I lost the baby.."He said shuddering, blaming himself, and finally giving into the need to talk to someone about it. Having been beating himself up for days over it, he needed to give harry the chance to do the same. Even though mentally he knew the other wouldn't, his heart hurt, and he was in pain.
Harry licked his lips as he lay down next to the other his head tilted. "you didn't lose the baby Adrien." he whispered softly, brushing the others face looking sad, very sad. he didn't even try to hide the pain in his face and his eyes. "you didn't lose the baby, it was taken from us. and Colin died for that. he died for taking our baby from us." he promised kissing the others forehead. no, it was not Adrien that harry blamed...honestly, Harry blamed himself, and Narcissa.
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