Dragonheartless moon/lady

Draco went completely pale and Harry laughed a little. "oh come on love, give the blond a break." he teased smiling softly at his lover, he could never be mad at Adrien, the man was too perfect. "besides, your going to bee too busy humping your horny lover into oblivion to tattle." he teased winking at Adrien, offering him the chance to have sex if he so desired it.
Adrien perked up at the idea as he looked at the brunette holding him."I will be?"He asked drawing the man close before heading towards their bedroom."Fine, this time your off the hook.I'm busy."He said kicking the door shut behind them.
Harry laughed a little leaning up to kiss his lover smirking a little as he motioned to Draco that he owed him and smirked already slowly stripping off his shirt. "mmm your so tense lover." harry purred playfully at Adrien. "why don't you let me SUCK it all away?" he offered wagging his eyebrows at Adrien, indicating the desire to suck his lover off. Harry could never get tired of making Adrien cum with just his mouth.
Adrien moaned at the idea."Hmmm...I am tense aren't I?"He smiled slightly as he laid back on the bed, gently shoving harry to his knees."I'd like you to do that."
Harry chuckled a little and licked his lips as he was shoved to his knees and he quickly released Adrien from the confines of his pants, licking his lips again as he wrapped his mouth around the others cock, sucking hard and running his tongue along the shaft, humming lightly with pleasure at getting to satisfy his lover, his hands gripping the bed so that he would not be tempted to use them, that was cheating after all.
Adrien moaned as he buried his hands in the brunette's hair. Relaxing as harry sucked on him. Losing himself in the pleasure, because harry really was amazing. Closing his eyes he swallowed shuddering. Lasting a few moments before coming. Really, harry's mouth cold make him lose it in minutes.
Harry swallowed and sucked and teased his lover before speeding up again licking and stroking and finally, swallowing everything he offered smiling as he pulled away licking his lips free of any missed seed. "how was that?" he asked offering his lover a teasing grin.
Adrien smiled slightly as he closed his eyes, looking at ease and content. Wrapping the ther in his arms, cuddling close."Amazing as always."He sai with a yawn, settling in to take a nap even as he struggled to stay awake. Dammit he wasn't going to sleep as much this time around."I do really want to go on vacation."
Harry chuckled and nodded. "of course i am." he chirped, feeling pleased as he snuggled in withadrien, letting off a yawn of his own. "mm i'm sleepy." harry admitted tucking his head into Adriens chest. "mmm where are we going? knowing Draco something with a beach...i've never been to the beach."
Adrien nodded,""We're going south to the beach."He muttered falling asleep.

Towards dinnertime he groaned, rolling over and stretching."I want food."He growled poking harry, wanting attention along with his food.
Harry groaned and rolled over, cuddling Adrien kissing the back of his neck and smiling. "alright, what do you want?" he'd learned witht eh first pregnancy, it was just safer to ask what the other wanted rather than trying to guess.
"Eggs....and hot sauce....and some of draco's pie."He pouted sitting up, searching for his own clothes and pulling on the sweat pants and t-shirt, that was harry's, and was waaayyy to big for his narrow body
Harry chuckled and nodded. "you got it." he agreed getting to his feet and waiting for Adrien to finish getting dressed, heading down the stairs with his lover, pausing when he saw Fred George and Draco standing over the table, looking Pale. "do we tell them?" "even if we don't they'll know somethings wrong.." "besides we can't keep something like this a secrete." "the sooner we get out of london the better i think." the table was littered with pictures from Adrien and Draco's 'date', the words 'cheeter' 'slut' 'bastard' 'yournot worthy' 'i'll get you' where smeared in red over several of the pictures.
"What are you-"Adrien said as he stepped into the kitchen, paling when he saw it. backing away, pain in that look.Because no matter what harry told him, or what he told himself, he would always be the dragonheartless in his own mind, the man who slaughtered harry's friends, and deserved none of what he had. Swallowing hard as he passed out, because it was to much to a man who'd already been dreaming after his discussion with draoc.
Harry screamed as he watched Adrien callapse and gathered the man into his arms, bursting into cusses and cures. when Adrien woke thy where in a compleatly new house, the sound of the beach filled the air, and the smell of flowers and sea water was heavy in Adrien's nostrils. Harry was sitting next to the other, looking worried as he waited for his lover to wake up.
"...my head hurts..."Adrien muttered as he slowly sat up, relaxing when he smelled the sea water, resting a hand on hist stomach as he ran his fingers through his hair. Swallowing hard as he turned to look at the man sitting next to him.
Harry sighed softly as he watched Adrien sit up. "yeah you hit it on the table." he admitted carefully laying a cooled rag on the others bumped head again shaking his head. "you had me worried, you've been out almost all day. i was half worried i was going to have to take you to the hospital." he admitted gently stroking Adrien's cheek smiling a little. "welcome back to the land of the living love."
Adrien smiled slightly as he leaned into the touch, rubbing his head. Eyes sad as he studied his lover."Harry..."he started, stopping. because he didn't know what he was offering, or how to say it, or how to make it sound for the best when his heart didn't want to do it.
Adrien studied the man, swallowing hard as he leaned into the touch, closing his eyes."Maybe it would be best...if we werent...together. You're getting grief for me.I don't want to ruin your life harry.."He said tears sliding from under his closed eyelids.
there was suddenly a bright flare of pain across Adriens cheek Harry glaring at him. harry had just...slapped Adrien! "don't you even DARE think something like that!!!" he demanded, voice stern, but hurt in his eyes. "you are the man i love, i would do anything for you! besides what greif are you giving me that i havn't already been through
!? you think this isn't my first stalker!? you think this is the first time i've ever been afraid!? i've lived my LIFE in situations like this! i have NEVER been safe so don't you DARE think that just because this new threaght is targeting us both that you can take all the blame on yourself. your not leaving me! i will tie you to the god damn bed if i have to!"
Dont forget wild XP)

Adrien winced as he jerked back, his hand flying up and sueezing around harry's wrist until he felt the bones grind together. Reacting before he thought about it. Eyes snapping wide as he felt the bones snap under his fingers, looking pained as he looked at the other man. Somewhere between being the ruthless man voldermort's torture had made him, having reacted like he would have had voldermort done it, and the man harry loved. Pain in his gaze as he drew away, getting to his feet."That's why this i my fault!Everything is my fault harry!You're birthday!That wasn't voldermort being cruel, that was me. I made life a living nghtmare."He growled pacing away, staring out the window. Pregnancy was just making his temper that much worse."Everything is my fault!!!"
Harry screeched in pain and fell to his knees as he felt the bones in his hand breaking, panting softly as he watched the other, a strange sort of fury in his eyes. it wasn't an 'i'm angry at you' anger, it was more of a 'i can't beleive this' anger. "nothing is your fault!" harry hissed getting to his feet, cradling his hand. "it never was and it never will be, why can't you understand that!? no one here blames you for anything, no one hates you, the only person here who has it in for you is YOU! if you don't want to be happy with me than just SAY so but don't you DARE try to tell me that we can't be together just because your afraid!"
Adrien looked cornered, for once the man was truly frightened of his lover. Being hormonal enough not to be able to shift through the anger, to see that harry wasn't believing this, instead of angry at him. listening to the tone more then the words. Looking sad and lost before he nodded slowly. thinking harry wanted him gone, not that he was convincing him to stay. "...I..I'm sorry..."He said tears falling as he apparated out. Not even realizing that he'd retreated to malfoy manor, not even realizing that draco'd know, not even realizing that he was going to alert the people he was running from of his presence. Just running because he thought harry didnt want him.
Harry gasped as the other aparated, letting out an animalistic howl of horror as his lover vanished tossing his head back before racing downstairs to tearfully demand the twins and Draco to help him look for his lover, Draco groaning softly as Harry tearfully explained what happened. "i'll explain everything to him." Draco promised wondering if he could get to Adrien, before someone else did.

the halls of Malfoy manor where silent and empty, abandoned after Lucius's death, but there was one noise that simply didn't belong, a small tap, tap, tap of footsteps int he air that didn't belong to Adrien.
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