Dragonheartless moon/lady

Pain filled his eyes as he shifted, curling up around harry, resting his head in his lap. "It's my fault...I freaked out...I shouldn't have."He shuddered as he started to cry, closing his eyes as he held the sleeping girl against his chest, needing to know that his daughter was fine. "Don't blame yourself."He growled softly, knowing harry well enough to know he was blaming himself for being stalked.
Harry shook his head. "i freaked out too." harry whispered. "i shouldn't have yelled at you, i shouldn't have slapped you." he murmured softly running his hands through the others hair calming himself and his lover. "i try not to." Harry admitted softly. "mostly i only blame Colin." he lied. he blamed Narcissa too, and George for not being able to save their baby, even though it was Adrien or the baby, and harry would have picked Adrien himself...he still blamed them for not saving the baby, and he blamed Colin just as much. but even more he blamed himself, for even taking the job in the first place. after all, if harry hadn't become a model, Colin never would have started stalking him.
Adrien sighed softly, shivering slightly, calming."...you told me I couldn't carry the weight of a war on my shoulders. You can't take the blame for this. Not this, not without damaging us."He said softly raising his head to look at him. Knowing that blaming everyone was only going to make them miserable, and hurt them.
Harry paused and then sighed a little and relaxed into the bed again, closing his eyes. "i'm sorry...i know i just..." he shook his head again. "i love you." he admitted wrapping his arms around his lover, kissing his cheek. "i'll find a way to get over this." he promised softly. "if you'll promise to stop blaming yourself too."
Adrian swallowed hard, nodding a little."I'll try to."He smiled slightly,"I was probably emotional because me and draco had been discussing where we would be if we hadn't fallen in love..."He sighed kissing the man softly, smiling as dracen snuggled into them."nomatter,I love you."
Harry went red. "really? that's what me and the twins where talking about." he admitted looking amused. "we also talked about what would happen if our lovers where to leave us, so i guess i panicked." he admitted shaking his head. "i told them i wouldn't let you." he admitted looking amused. "that i'd tie you up and stash you in my closet."
"Kinky."Adrien said with a laugh, yawning. He might pretend otherwise, but he still wasn't fully well yet."I'd be your personal sex slave for all of eternity."He teased running his fingers through harry's hair.
Harry laughed a little and kissed Adrien's neck a smug smirk on his lips. "i thought you'd like that." he teased smiling as he lounged in bed with Adrien. "i love you." he murmured kissing the other on the lips this time. "and i will always love you."
"Always and always."Adrien smiled as he fell asleep.

In the morning Adrien smiled, laying on the couch, silver resting on his stomach as they both dozed, giving the blond a look when he walked into the living room."Go away.I'm teaching your son life lessons."
Draco lifted an eyebrow looking amused. "is this some desperate ploy to corrupt my son against me?" he teased heading over and settling next to Adrien, but made no attempts to remove his son from the other. Silver and Adrien both looked too comfy. "how are you doing?" Draco asked his head tilted as he watched Adrien, a small smile in place. worried about his friend, because of the lost baby.
"Yes,yes it is."drien said smiling, closing his eyes before cracking one to look at the blond."I'm fine."He growled, unwilling to talk about just how off balance he was feeling about having a small baby back in the house.
Draco smiled a little and gently laid his head on Adrien's knee. "you can lie to Harry Adrien, but you can't lie to me." he stated calmly shaking his head. "come on, talk to me. you'll feel better for it and you know it. i'll even throw up a spell so no one can hear what we're talking about."
Adrien sighed softly as he waited till the blond cast, closing his eyes as he gently stroked the blond's hair."...I love your son. I do...it hurts having him here.I...it hurts."He said struggling to come up with the words to descirbe it. pain and shame in the words, hating that he wasn't in control enough of himself to just love the baby and forget everything else.
Draco smiled a little and kissed the others knuckles. "i understand." he admitted softly. "you lost yours, and seeing Silver makes you remember. that''s alright. that's NORMAL." he promised biting his lip a little. "you know, My mom would probably understand what your going through." he admitted nuzzling Adrien's knee. "did you know i was supposed to be a twin?" he asked sounding rather strange. "it's normal to look at Silver and realize what your missing." he admitted smiling lightly at Adrien. "no one would blame you for it, or even scorn you for it...the pain will get better, and when your ready to move on, you will. until then, you shouldn't force yourself."
Adrien smiled slightly."maybe I'll talk to your mother."he said giving in for once, because he knew he needed to talk to someone, and talking to narcissa wouldn't be as bad as talking to his friends or harry."Unlike SOME people, I don't find it creepy when she's nice."He teased, patting the other on the head. Smirking a little at the idea of twin draco's...the world just wasn't ready for that.
Draco chuckled a little and nodded. "good." he chirped gathering up silver. "now gimme my baby, he needs his bottle." he chirped chuckling. "and a diaper change, how can you not smell that!?" he demanded looking amused as he carried silver off to be fed, changed, and then bathed, speeding up when Narcissa walked in a scowl on her face when she saw her son take off, crossing her arms.
Adrien snickered slightly watching draco go, sitting up as he looked at the eldest malfoy."His son needed him. He's being possesive and doesn't want to share."He said pointing a little, smirking a little as he tried to work around to talk to her."You look well Narcissa.'He said, having not really talked to her since she'd become human again.
Narcissa scowled harder. "he is clearly avoiding me." she stated simply shaking her head. "you don't have to cover for him, change has always been hard for him, unless he is the one to make the change." she sighed a little. "my abrupt...realization of what a bitch i was...well that bothers him." she admitted moving over to him. "and while i might be looking well, i preferred being a ferret." she admitted flashing him an amused smirk. "you on the other hand, are looking a great deal upset lately."
Adrien gave her a look as he stretched out his legs in front of him, rubbing his eyes."Do I not have reasons for being upset Cissa?"He asked leaning his head against the back of the couch and cosing his eyes. "Don't let him bother you. Draco's lists of things that bother him, is endless."
she smiled a little and gently picked up his hand, giving it a small pat. "you have every right to feel upset, but holding it in is only going to make it worse." she admitted. "did you know i lost babies?" she admitted. "one was a miscarriage, the other was killed by the dark lord. the third...well he was Draco's twin...they where conjoined and they where both dying, i had to choose which one lived." she admitted sighing softly. "i still can't look at Draco without feeling guilty." she admitted softly looking rather sad. "besides Draco's long list of complaints is from my side of the family."
Adrien sighed, resting his hand in hers. Finding it odd to take comfort from a woman who'd once tried to kill him, yet..she'd always been the cruel mother that his own had died to soon to be. Smiling a little he shifted wrapping a arm around her shoulder."You made the choices you made, to save your child, you chose which because otherwise both would have died."He said smiling sadly."Draco complains you're freaking him out. And that I don't talk enough. Or that his tea isn't warm enough."
she smiled a little and nodded. "what i'm trying to say, is that your not the only one." she explained. "that i understand what your going through, i know the hurt." she sighed a little. "i am sorry," she admitted. "the pain will fade, it might take a while but Harry will wait for you to be ready, he will wait for you to be ok. you have a good husband Adrien, a wonderful man." she smiled and patted his hand. "did i ever apologize for stabbing you?" she asked curiously before chuckling. "i don't think i did...and Draco always complains, always had. you should have heard him when he was a baby, he didn't like pees, he wanted Carrots, he didn't like carrots he wanted pees. the bath didn't have bubbles then it had too many, the water was too hot, too cold, he didn't like the potty, he wanted his crib...it was never ending."
Adrien blushed slightly."I do have a good man."He said, wanting to go in search of his good husband to do wickedly bad things to. Blushing a little more as he looked at the other."No, you never did. But you've protected my daughter, and helped me....that's all I ever needed."He snickered at her description of draco, bouncing to his feet."I think I need to go give draco a bath now."He said bounding out of the room to go find harry, and see if he wanted to help him give the new father a well deserved relaxing bath.
she snorted a little grinning a little. "make sure you add bubbles, and make the water nice and hot." she teased looking amused. "he likes the vanilla soap, oh and make sure to conditioner his hair, he likes that." she admitted chuckling as she headed out into the garden, Harry on the other hand was sitting on the couch with Dracen and Silver laying on his chest, Dozing as he read them a popular Muggle Fairy tail Fred and George smiling as they listened in, Draco scowling as he watched from a safe distance, clearly not liking that Harry was reading his son a MUGGLE story. Draco was a good guy, but he still felt that muggles where low class cavemen not worth mentioning let alone acknowledging.
ADrien stepped into the room, smirking slightly as he realized what harry was scowling about. Walking across the room and bodily tossing the blond over his shoulder he looked at the other's."We'll be back.We're going to have a father to father chat about things."He said with a snicker before heading upstairs tot draco's bathroom, filling the tub with hot water, almost so hot it'd burn, adding the bubbles before setting the blond down on the edge."Strip."
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