Dragonheartless moon/lady

Adrien snarled as he reacted to the sound like he would have years before, malfoy manor had been his domain, his den and his closely protected sanctuary from anyone but voldermort. Snarling as he reacted, still caught in the nightmare of what harry and him and been arguing about reacting as he turned to face the sounds, heading down the stairs to see who had arrived. Not pulling his wand yet because he was certain it was narcissa or lucius coming home. So far gone into the memories that he forgot narcissa was a ferret, and lucius was gone.
there was a small sigh as a small form stepped out, wand at ready pale eyes flashing with an intense rage. "i knew you had to be here eventually. this used to be your own little world after all. i knew you would come here to try and get away from all of my letters and pictures, all of my threats." the young man smirked a little and held up a camera, taking a picture of Adrien. "no one would have expected timid Colin to be Harry's true love, but i am! and i was, until you stole him from me!" he continued to point his want at Adrien. "but when i slaughter you, Harry will be free of the spell you put on him, and he'll be all mine!"
Adrien looked startled, jolted out of the past and very firmly into the present. Raising a hand he called a spell to his hand, smiling slightly as the scyhte formed, resting against it as he stepped off the stairs."You have to reach me first, boy."He sneered, the perfect mask hiding that screaming fear and helpless anger. Hoping draco still had the wards tied to himself, hoping that when he stepped through, they tripped. Or if he didn't, that narcissa could get his attention.He just had to survive that long.
Colin just smirked darkly at the other giving his wand a twitch, a large spell slamming into Adrien, the ring on his finger letting off a small chime, like a bell, as it sucked up what would have been a very deadly spell, Colin's smug little smirk turning into a dark scowl. "what!?" he demanded snarling furiously. "you think your dark magic tricks can save you!?" he demanded, ditching the wand and yanking a sword out instead, if he couldn't spell Adrien to death, then he was just going to have to chop him into pieces.
Adrien snarled a he met the sword with the scythe, wincing as the connection made his whole body vibrate. Dammit, he was out of practice. He had to end this soon...and in his rush to get the sword out of colin's hand, he felt the sword sink through his chest, finding his heart as the scythe slid through colin's wrist, severing the tendons. Slamming a knockout spell into the other man at the same time as he sank to the floor he left the sword where it was, knowing it was keeping him from bleeding out for the moment...that and hi own ring on harry's hand was keeping him alive. Because it was tied to his family, to harry, it was burrowing harry's magic to keep adrien's heart beating, even if it was butchered, it was keeping the man alive....at least hopefully long enough to get help.
there where several loud CRACKS, Narcissa, suddenly in human form was suddenly there, Draco and Harry following just behind her, the twins following only a few seconds after, Harry gasping as he staggered and hit the ground, clutching his chest where Adrien had been speared, gasping hard. "a..Adri...Adrien!" Harry wailed, trying to crawl to his lover through their shared pain, Narcissa rushing forward to deal with the bleading to death Collin who was screaming that harry was his! HIS! trying to pick up his wand with a blood stump, Adrien had taken off his entire hand. George rushed forward, Draco right behind him, both of them struggling to heal Adrien without killing him in the process.
"..shit..."Adrien cursed gasped as draco drew up the sword, his head resting in harry's lap, closing his eyes he blood pooled in his mouth, passing out. Thankfully. Because otherwise what george was doing to heal him was going to hurt. Alot. Because to save one, they had to sacerfice the other. For a moment there, all the boy and narcissa stared at each other before narcissa nodded."Do it."She said, taking the blame for what they were going to do. Because to save adrien, they had to end his pregnancy so his body wouldn't try to fight to save the baby. Within moments the man stablized somewhat, even though he was still passed out, and it would be touch and go for a while. They couldn't move him yet. Not when his body was struggling to come to terms with not being pregnant, and healing itself. The best the could do was move him into draco's old room, and wait to see what would ocme.
Harry had overdone himself as well, he had poured all of his magic, and a small portion of his life energy into Adrien intending to save him, no matter what it took, he had been too out of it to have any say in what was going on as Fred smacked harry again and again trying to make him break the bond he had forcefully created between him and Adrien, the bond that harry had spilled so much of himself through in order to save his lover. Harry was laying in Lucius's once room, the twins deciding it best to separate them until they recovered. Narcissa had opted to go back to being a ferret, much to Draco's intense amusement, and the twins where taking turns trying to help the two injured men struggling to survive...at that point...if they lost one, they where going to lose both.
A few days later,Adrien blinked slowly as he stared at the cieling of draco's room, trying to figure out why his chest hurt. And why it felt heavy. Raising his head slightly he frowned as the move brought him nose to nose with narcissa, moaning softly as he lowered his head again. He hurt, his body hurt so badly."...colin..."He muttered before jumping, struggling to get up.
the Woman set her hand down on his undamaged shoulder and gently forced him back onto the bed. "i dealt with him myself." she promised a strange cold look in her eyes. "i took off his head with his own sword. he was screaming about harry the entire time." she admitted rolling her eyes. "dusgusting half breed." she admitted watching him. "your lucky to have survved, in all honesty it was only Harry's efforts that kept you alive, he almost killed himself doing it...you should be proud to have someone who loves you that much."
Adrien relaxed, closng his eyes. because he had been going to get up and take care of the danger himself. But he trusted narcissa enough to know she dealt with him properly. While they'd once been enemies within voldermort's ranks, he knew the woman wouldn't put him in danger, because she loved his daughter. "Harry....is he okay?"He asked slowly, knowing he was lucky to have someone that loved him that much. Sadness in his look because he knew he'd overreacted, and caused all of this by running away. Yet...he'd been upset and not thinking about it. Tripping out over memories and past that was never far from his mind, espically when him and draco'd been talking about it, which is probably what caused some of his reaction.
she nodded. "he's alright, he's guilt ridden though. he thinks he made you run away so when you both feel better you are young to apologize for over reacting." she demanded sternly fixing him with a stern, motherly look. she had even been being nicer to draco, something the blond suddenly found he couldn't handle and vanished anytime she came into veiw. it was very amusing to the twims. "in the meantime you need to rest, your not to even move, if your heart starts going to fast it could damage you again, you havn't finished healing properly yet."
"I will."Adrien swallowed hard closing his eyes as he gently rubbed his chest."That explains why it hurts."He muttered, and it was true. With each breath he took, his heart and chest constricted, hurt like a bitch. Before frowning. Already knowing the answer, but needing to ask.Because he knew what kind of damage had been done."...what abut the baby?"He asked softly, swallowing hard.
she hesitated and then closed her eyes and shook her head. "i'm sorry Adrien, it was you or the baby...harry would have died too, we had to make a decision and we all chose you and harry." she admitted gently setting her hand on his. "i'm sorry, but you and Harry are still alive, you can still try again." she promised patting his hand. "now rest, don't make me put a sleeping spell on you."
Adrien nodded closing his eyes. Having known that one of them wouldn't have survived.

A day later Adrien leaned against the door glancing around. Amazed to having found himself alone he stumbled out of the room unspuervised since he knew no one would let him ut of bed yet. Going in search of harry on shaky legs and a body that was protesting everey step.
Harry had been literally strapped into bed, because he kept gtetting up whenever someone wasn't watching him. not that he could get very far, a foot at best, before he callapsed. he was sleeping when Adrien finally found him, arms still tied to the bed frame, he looked more like a prisoner than the guy that had saved Adrien.
"Gonna...kill...them...."Adrien panted softly as he stumbeld to the bed undoing the restraints and crawling into the bed with the other, cuddling up close to him. Relaxing for a few minutes enjoying it while he could because he was sure his jailers would come looing for him soon enough.
Harry groaned softly as his retraints where released and he snuggled into Adrien, compleatly relaxing a smile on his lips , when Narcissa and the twins found them they decided to leave them be, and decided to set up there, making sure that they would not damage eachother by preforming an incontenance spell on the both of them. no sex for them anytime soon, they wouldn't even be able to get it up, HA!
Adrien yawned as he laid on his back,cuddled into harry's side as the man slept, looking across the bed at the blond sitting,well more like hovering there."Are you actually really this concerned over me or are you hiding from your mother?"He teased quietly not wanting to wake harry up.Looking a little better himself.
Draco grinned a little. "a bit of both." he admitted looking releived. "we where worried that you had over taxed yourself that's all." hje admitted smiling a little. "Harry hasn't woken up yet, so he doesn't realize your there yet." he admitted smiling a little as he sat down in his chair. "Dracen is doing ine too before you ask, she's trying to talk, she's been babbling Fred's ears off."
Adrien relaxed even more t knowing dracen was fine. not that he was actually concerned over the baby, between narcissa and draco, the baby was well taken care of."She'll get a hang of it soon enough."He said cuddling close, his chest still hurt and he was more tired then he'd ever admit to."I'm fine Draco."
Draco snorted a little and shook his head. "no your not, here." he stated handing Adrien a potion. "it's pain controllers, it might make you a little drowsy but it should take care of the pain, at least enough so that you can breath without agony." he admitted Harry groaning a little as he sat up. "i gotta peeee." he whined loudly Draco snorting a little. "we tied him up because he kept getting up on his own and callapsing."
Adrien looked concerned, laughig as he waved at draco."Help him get to the bathroom."He ordered. Not saying anything about what it felt like breathing. Taking the potion and swallowing it. Draco was right, every breath adrien took was agony to take.
harry blinked and looked down at Adrien, full bladder forgotton in favor of suddenly clinging to the other. "oh god adrien i'm so sorry i didn't mean it! please don't leave me i need you!" he pleaded, sobbing all over the other, feeling week and pathetic as he pressed his face into adrien's neck. "please don't leave me all alone."
Adrien swallowed hard as he found his arms filled by the other, his chest aching as harry pressed against him. Having the man pressed close to him was making breathing hard. His chest hurt agony to just breath."I'm sorry harry.I hadn't meant it...I was just overwelmed at everything...and you just weren't understanding...and you were mad..."he swallowed hard as he rubbed his eyes, trying to breath correctly.Dammit his chest was killing him."I'm not going anywhere."
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