Dragonheartless moon/lady

Adrien beamed at the idea."Yes!"He grinned ordering a chocolate pie and cookies, smiling a little at the other."You don't have to look so damn amused."He said looking at him.
Draco laughed a little as he ordered himself some strawberry ice-cream and a large slice of cheesecake, well aware Adrien was probably going to end up stealing some of it. "of course i do." he teased grinning a little. 'if i didn't, you might not think i was me. and if you didn't think it was me you might attack me thinking i was an impostor." he teased resisting the urge to snicker or smirk.
"True.Though you do enjoy being attacked."He said snickering as he reached across the table to steal a bite of the man's food."So, how's george?"He asked wondering how the man was after bottoming again.
Draco snorted. "there's a difference between being attacked sexually and being attacked physically Adrien." Draco stated rolling his eyes before he chuckled. "George is tired. a lot." he admitted shaking his head. "but he's fine, a little bit grumpy now and then but then again he is working alone again... i wish i could help him but Fred needs almost constant care...huh, i wonder if Harry would be willing to help George?"
"He might.If you can get him to stop awwing over my belly he probably will."Adrien said wrinkling his nose before yawning."I'm actually surprised eh hasn't asked about me bottoming yet. I thought for sure he'd question my willingness to have a audience."
Draco laughed a little. "we all know why you did it." Draco admitted smiling. "to make George feel better right?" he asked chuckling a little. "George really did appreciate that by the way, even if you did take his virginity." he teased smirking a little. "thanks to you, he's even let me finger him a couple of times, to see if he still likes it. he won't let me top yet, because i haven't earned it yet, but it will get there."
"I'm good at sullying the innocent."He said, shadows in those blue eyes as he looked down.Swallowing hard.Before...."Wait, if you haven't deserved it, how the hell did I?"
Draco laughed a little. "i can't make George cum on command." he explained smirking a little. "you can." he admitted nodding a little. "besides George was anything but innocent, and we BOTH know that if you hadn't than Voldemort would have and he would have made it ten times worse. now enough of that self loathing." he ordered gently holding Adrien's hand. "it doesn't look good on you."
Adrien smiled slowly,"Only you could order me to stop being in a mood."Adrien observed, knowing he'd think about it later but for now he was willing to let the mood go.Ater all he was having fun with draco. "I make everyone cum on command."He pointed out."Even harry, who follows no one's orders."
Draco snickered a little and nodded. "yes i know. that's why your so special." he admitted smiling a little. "sometimes i miss you." he admitted softly,stirring his ice-cream into a soup. "sometimes i thing George notices." he admitted snorting. "because every time i start to miss you, he starts molesting me."
Adrien laughed a little scooting around so he could steal a bite of his ice cream, looking down at the table."I'm sorry..."He muttered, feeling bad for not being the man he'd once been, not being the adrien he'd been when he'd had draco to himself. The years had stripped him of that vital piece that had allowed him to care about anything. Which was the scary truth.As much as he cared and loved harry, dracen and the others, there was a emotionless part of himself that could kill them all without looking back. Which more then anything scared him, and was why he'd locked them all out of knowing him as well as they could. Because he couldn't stand the thought of harry or draco knowing it.
Draco smiled a little and gently took Adrien's hand in his own. "it's not your fault, i like you better now then i did then." he admitted sighing a little. "but there where things that you understood Adrien where very similar. Draco hated himself, Adrien hated himself. and they both had lovers who loved them despite that. "sometimes i wonder what would have happened to us if Harry and the twins had never come along." he admitted looking a little lost for a moment. Draco knew where he'd be, in all honesty Fred and George had been the ones to save Draco, he had hung himself, if the twins hadn't show up he would have died. they'd nursed him back to health and he'd been with them ever since. "how did you meet harry anyway? i mean i know through letters but what made you start writing to him?"
Adrien was quiet for awhile. Because he knew where he'd be if he hadn't come along harry. He would have been long dead by now, probably by his own hand."...I'd gutted hermione granger and had her beg me for mercy. It wasn't the first, nor the last, but she was the first I knew as a student."adrien sighed."Before everyone else, there was hermione who'd known I loved you, and was kind. But I couldn't be either in that moment....I walked away from her body and wrote harry."
Draco looked stunned his eyes wide. "oh.." he muttered softly shaking his head. "i wonder..." he muttered before he clammed up. "lets talk about something more cheerful shall we?" he asked feeling the all too familiar waves of depression welling up inside of himself. he didn't have time to be depressed, not with George overworking himself and Fred so pregnant the man was in tears every other minute. "i was thinking." Draco admitted sliding his ice-cream over to Adrien, he wasn't hungry anymore. "we should all take a vacation, France, America maybe...perhaps one of those Caribbean islands everyone's always chattering about."
Adrien perked up a little,"That would be perfect."He said happily knowing he'd be dreaming later, knowing he would be wake screaming, but for now willing to let his depression go. Raising a eyebrow, wondering what draco had started to say but was willing to let it go for now.
Draco chuckled a little and nodded glancing at the check on the table, wondering how they where going to settle the 'who pays' argument this time. they where both too proud to let the other pay, but they didn't want to be stingy and make the other pay for their meals either. it was a very old argument, that once took almost three hours, and a black eye to solve. (it just seams like something they'd do XDD)
Adrien snickered, remembering the arguement. And not really surprised that it had taken that long."Pregnancy wins this argument. Otherwise I'll tell harry you made me cry."He said smiling as he bounded over to the waitress before draco could answer, paying before looking at the blond. WAnting to go home and tell the others about the vacation.
Draco gasped and a scowl set on his features. "you two faced bastard! that's CHEATING!" he complained getting to his feet to stalk after Adrien, well aware the man had already payed. "you are so gonna get it. one of these days you are gonna get it!" get what? only Draco knew. he crossed his arms and sulked looking all too adorable as he grabbed Adrien's hand. "come on, lets go home, Fred would love to hear we're all going on vacation."''
Adrien laughed as he apparated them home, kissing draco's head as he looked around the living room."Harry!I am home!And draco made me cry."He grinned, knowing he was going to get elbowed for being a dick, but really, the blond deserved it for threatening him with something.
Draco elbowed Adrien right on cue and Harry rushed downstairs and tackled the Blond, who shrieked in startlement as harry straddled the slightly younger male and began to tickle him mercilessly, Draco squealing and giggling as he tried to shove harry off of him. "he's. hahahahha, lying!!!" Draco wailed Harry laughing as he tickled Draco a little more before letting the blond up. "did you guys have a good lunch?" Harry asked looking glad that they where both back, relieved.
"Very good."Adrien grinned rubbing his side, amused as he looked at the laughing blond. Leaning down to kiss harry."We've decided we're all going on vacation. We all need it."He said running his hand through harry's hair.
Harry blinked. "ooh vacation!? where to!?" he demanded looking rather pleased by this idea as he kissed Adrien and then kissed Adrien
s belly, ignoring the others threat to stop fussing over his baby belly. "i'll have to tell George." he chirped grinning a little. "he can afford to close the shop for a week or two."
"Yea, and the beach somewhere."Adrien said brushing his lover away." don't fuss over me."He said squirming away from harry, moving towards draco."protect me malfoy."He whined.
Draco laughed and shook his head as Harry pouted. "i wasn't fussing!" he protested sulking a little. "i was greeting you and the baby!" he protested crossing his arms as Draco laughed. "he did only kiss it Adrien." Draco pointed out, getting even for the trick at the Cafe. "he is the one that fertilized that baby inside you, he should be allowed to at least give it a kiss."
Adrien stared at draco for a long moment."I'm telling the twins how to get you in a dress."He said evenly, wrapping his arms around harry, kissing his head. Not at all disturbed that it looked like harry was made at him.
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