Dragonheartless moon/lady

"You're warm."Adrien muttered as he drifted asleep.

Hours later Adrien frowned as he raised his head, looking at the blond in his arms."You're not who I wanted."He frowned nuzzling the blond's neck not moving to get up yet.
Draco snorted a little looking amused. "ohy yes, thats why you squeezed me to death everytime i tried to get up." he stated sulking a little. "Harry found the entire thing highly humorus, so thank you for that. nothing i love mroe than having Potter laughing at me." he grumbled scowling a little. "can i get up now?"
"No."Adrien snickered before sliding around getting up himself."come on pretty boy, you know you don't mind being humiliated."He said stroking the blond's hair.
Draco glared at the other. "i only like being humiliated, when it's in a sexual aspect." he growled, sulking a little as he straightened himself out. "anyway, everyone went out into the yard to play a game of quidditch." he admitted smirking a little. "and i think harry took Dracen for a nice broom ride, i et she loved that...i can't wait to take my litle baby on broom rides."
"What?he put my daughter on a broom?!"Adrien nearly choked as he ran outside, looking for his daughter. Scowling worriedly as he looked. Nerves and fear in that look.
Harry was grinning as he held Dracen in both arms, floating along on his brromstick at .007 miles an hour his toes skimming the wet grass. "and someday, you and me and Adrien and your new little baby brother or sister, are going to go on long rides, and have picnics in the grass, and we'll have a little pet Dragon." harry teased tapping Dracens nose making the little girl giggle as she watched the ground, George and fred high in the air, simply flying together as Draco grabbed a broom and joined them. "Adrien! good morning sleepy head." harry teased grinning at his lover.
(Sadly I gotta go. I'll be back in a few hours XP)

Adrien breathed relieved."Morning."He smirked slightly." A pet dragon huh?"He asked walking towards them, glad to see they were fine. Having been really worried there for a few minutes.
Harry grinned at the other. "yes, one of those minature ones that the twins elder brothers are trying to breed." he admitted giggling. "their supposed to shoot blue flames that are cool to the touch, and are supposed to be as loyal as a dog....their...not having much luck as of yet, so far they've only managed to make mini dragons that are just as viscious as ever."
Adrien snickered a little walking over, and snagging his little girl, cuddling her before stealing a kiss from harry."Interesting."He said mildly amused at the idea."Why are we flying?"He asked looking at harry.
Harry laughed a little and smiled at the other. "because flying is relaxing, and because i hate Floo and Apparation." he admitted laughing. "and don't even get me started on Protkey." he teased grinning as he kissed back at the other gently touching the others neck playfully. "and because it's good for Fred to do something 'normal'."
Adrien shuddered a little, smiling as he cuddled his daughter."And you felt the need to take Dracen?"He asked, being over protective of the baby he was holding.Yes his overprotectiveness was only going to get worse the further along he was.
Harry chuckled a little. "i never left the ground Adrien." he pointed out smiling a little. "besides she kept crying everytime i tried to get off." he admitted shrugging his shoulder. "i'm not going to let her get hurt love." he promised dragging Adrien down for a calming kiss, "relax, she likes gliding, and i never let her go for a second."
Adrien sighed softly kissing him, shiting Dracen in his arms. Before raising his head, tiredness and sulkiness showing in his look."I know. I know you wouldn't hurt her."He said cuddlign the little girl in his arms."I just can't help it you know?"He said kissing him again.
Harry chuckled and smiled at him. "it's a good thing that your protective." harry purred smiling as he wrapped his arms gently around Adrien nuzzling his neck. "it means you love our baby." he purred playfully. "it means if i do something stupid and don't realize it, you will bitch me out." he teased kissing the others ear. "i'm glad that your protective of our baby, you make a perfect daddy."
Adrien shuddered as the other's lips brushed against his ear, smirking a little as he rested his head against harry's shoulder."I thought I was the mommy....or at least that's what draco sometimes tells me."He snickered, knowing the blond only did it because he was annoyed at him, or when he wanted adrien's attention.
Harry snorted. "we BOTH know if i where to call you that you'd attemopt to murder your ever so loving husband." he teased grinning a little. "besides mommy o not we ALL know that your all man." he purred smirking a little as he watched Dracen suck her thumb. "we make such pretty babies."
Adrien snickeed, grinning a little."We do.Better then the princess's."He said looking towards blond, smirking. Cause he knew the blond's baby was going to be simply beautiful. There was no doubt about that...didn't mean he couldnt rib him about it every once in awhile."And yes, despite being the mommy, I am all man."He smirked."Which I proved last night."
there was a soft thud, as a pile of Mud struck the back of Adrien's head, tossed at him, not by Draco, but by Fred who was glaring spitefully down at Adrien Harry clapping his hand over his mouth. either horrified at what had happened, or trying to hold in his laughter...it was hard to tell. "my baby is gonna be AMAZING!" Fred growled protectivally. "and i don't wanna hear you dissing my unborn baby ever again!" Fred was moody again.
Adrien turned glaring at the man. Just as moody, and a sight more deadly with it. Dragonheartless looking out those cold blue eyes as mud dripped down the back of his neck."I'll diss the blond if i want to.We all know Draco's kid is going to be a pretty pretty princess....even if it''s a boy."
Fred glared back and then smirked. "yes, my baby is going to be pretty." he purred rubbing his belly harry laughing a little. "no Adrien, Fred thought you where insulting his baby," Harry explained smiling a little Draco crossing his arms and sulking. "he'll let you insult Draco all you want."
Adrien smiled happy again. Damn mood swings. Smirking as he looked at the blond."Awww poor draco.You know you're pretty.Hell I had you in a dress once."He snickered at the memory.Draco was just so very pretty.
Draco went beat red and George laughd and nodded. "he's told us about that!" he admitted grinning. "it's harder than hell for me and Fred to force him into one. maybe you have a secrete to getting him into one?" George asked Draco's eyes blazing. "Adrien was only able to because he caught me off gaurd thats all!" what a liar.
Adrien snickered,giving the blond a look as he cuddled the baby in his arms."Liar."He said tilting his head, it was all he was going to say. After all, he had to keep some of his secrets, otherwise draco wouldn't trut him anymore
Draco looked a little suprised that the other hadn't spilled the beans and shot Adrien a thankfull look tossing George a smirk as he headed into the house. Draco hated wearing dresses, and only did it when someone deserved it... or forced him. Harry chuckled a little and gently nibbled on Adrien's ear. "would you like me to wear dresses?" he asked grinning.
Adrien scowled a little looking at the other. Remembering why they were staying with draco in the first place."No."He said simply, following the others in the house. Because he was worried about what was going to happen to harry and his stalker.Remembering that damned angel dress he'd been wearing.
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