Dragonheartless moon/lady

George whimpered bucking into Draco's mouth panting hard as he bent over and took Draco into his mouth Harry and Fred groaning again, Harry massaging himself through his pants, panting softly as Draco mewled wantonly bucking into Georges mouth panting hard. "mmm." George whined needfully trembling violently with the urge to cum, Fred snickering a little. "can i make harry suck me off?" Fred asked Adrien his head tilted, lip pursed out hopefully as Harry choked on air.
Adrien smirked as he lowered a hand and freed george of the cock ring, before shaking his head."Sorry. Thats my job."He said devilishly, as he fucked the red head under him, moaning before pulling out of him, "Come George."He growled, knowing his order would be obeyed even as he moved away, stalking over to where fred was, sinking to his knees and undoing the man's pants, lowering his mouth to swallow him whole.
Harry groaned pathetically scowling as he was denied of participating yet again growling a little as George whimpered and Came on command, Draco grunting as he shot his load into Georges mouth both of them going slightly limp, George more so than Draco as Fred purred softly, watching Adrien licking his lips his hand gathering the others hair tightly. "mm this is new." Fred admitted smirking a little. "treat me gently now."
Adrien smiled a little, raising his head."Potter get over here."He growled looking at his lover, having saved the best for last. Because he knew the others would want to watch."You're going to top me while I take care of this sweet guy."He said before lowering his head again, gently sucking the red head off. Having more care and and gentleness then any of them, except maybe harry, had ever seen out of him.
Fred groaned softly at the tender suckling Harry looking startled at the order before he smirked a little and sauntered over to Adrien, running his fingers along the others ass as George watched, feeling less ashamed now that he saw Adrien was alright with bottoming. Draco was just stunned, he never thought that Adrien would allow someone to top him in front of someone else. "your sure love?" Harry asked softly, sounding a little excited despite his need to be reassured that it was alright with Adrien.
Adrien raised his head looking at the man. Tilting his head slightly, knowing why he was asking but looking at the ashamed red head he nodded, leaning back to kiss Harry."Quite sure."He said before smirking at the blond."What Draco?You're going to catch flies if you keep your mouth open."He added seeing the look on his face before he returned back to what he was doing. Gently sucking on Fred. Taking his time.
Harry chuckled and gently ran his fingers along Adrien's ass before he gave it a firm Smack, licking his lips as he grabbed the others hair tightly and pushed his head further down on Fred who moaned loudly, tipping hs head back at the deep throating Harry hissing softly as his fingers stroked Adrien's neck without mercy. "yeah? you wanna bottom for me Adrien?" he hissed, offering him a kiss to the head to show that he was only playing a role for George his fingers stroking into the other George shivering as he watched, looking less and less ashamed with every moment. hell if someone as dominant as Adrien could handle being Bottom then surely George could too, no matter how sore he was right then.
Adrien snarled as his head was shoved down, giving the man a look that said he was going to pay for teasing him later, hands biting hard into Fred's thighs as he sighed deep throating him, squirming a little as he shifted back against harry's fingers moaning around the cock in his mouth. Shivering, before raising his head to look at him."Would you stop and just fuck me potter?"He growled. Even bottoming, he could be a bossy one.Before lowering his head again, taking his time sucking the red head off, wanting fred to enjoy himself as he went back to deep throating him again
Harry giggled at the others snarling command and smacked his ass again George chuckling a little as he slowly sat up, wincing a little as he kicked Draco. "go make me a pain potion." he demanded Draco groaning but getting up and tottering off to find a pain potion for George as he watched his brother moan and buck wildly into Adrien's mouth his fingers tangling in the others hair as Harry slipped his fingers into Adrien's ass, stroking and stretching so he didn't hurt his lover. "your so sexy when your annoyed." Harry teased Adrien, grinning a little.
Adrien moaned softly as he sucked the red head greedily, moaning as the red head came, concentrating on that for a moment before looking at Harry."I'm going to be more then annoyed if you don't knock off the nice shit and fuck me."He snarled. Ah, gotta love the mood swings on a man who was already a moody bitch.
Harry snickered a little looking amused as he pulled his fingers free and pressed his cock against the other and shoved in, moaning loudly. "m..mmm fuck yes, so tight." he hissed smirking a little licking his lips as George snorted a little looking highly amused. "god harry, even when your top your Adrien's bitch." "shut up George." Harry grumbled, even if he did know it was true.
Adrien snickered a little as he moaned, shifting back against the other man."Even bottoming, no one can make me their bitch."He growled looking at the brunette fucking him, shivering a little. Wincing, as he tried to tone down the top mentality,because he was trying to be more submissive so george wouldn't feel bad,but he couldn't help but be his own arrogant self.
George laughed as Harry groaned, bucking faster into Adrien. George looked much less ashamed of himself as he watched Adrien bottoming, sure the dragonheartless was still in control, but Harry still had his cock buried in Adrien's ass. that was what mattered in George's opinion. Harry snickered as he watched George slink over, glancing at Fred for permission his Twin smirking a little as he nodded George getting an evil smirk on his face as he slipped under Adrien andtook hold of his cock, Harry giggling a little.
Adrien shivered moaning as he fisted a hand in the man's hair. Trembling slightly as he looked over his shoulder at Harry he swallowed hard, thrusting into the warm mouth sucking him. Moaning low as he came, tightening his hand in George's hair, head hanging low as he emptied himself into the redhead's mouth
George purred as he sucked down the others cum, snickering with glee a he licked his lips, Harry groaning as he spilled himself into Adrien panting hard a smirk on his lips. "mmm fuck thats nice." he hissed grinning a little as he slowly pulled free of Adrien George licking his lips as he squirmed out from under Adrien and smirked. "boy, adrien tastes better than i thought he would.
Adrien panted as he shifted back, leaning back against Harry,shivering as he cuddled against him."You think I could taste bad?Bad boy. You should know I'm amazing by now."He muttered yawning, closing his eyes. Tired now that they were done.
George snickered a little and smiled a little at Adrien. "yes yes we've all agreed that your amazing, but i never expected you to taste like icecream." George teased looking highly amused as he stood up and started looking for his Clothes harry snickering a little as he helped Adrien find his, uncaring about his own nudity Draco snickering a little looking amused.
Adrien whined as he was helped back into his clothes. Just wanting to sleep now."Ice cream?"He sked sounding amused and tired as he looked at the redhead.Before looking at draco."what do you look so amused for?"
Draco lifted his hands to show that he was defensless. "i just thought it amusing that you managed to get George, to bottom, Fred to agree to sex, me to obey, HARRY to obey, and all of us to have consentual sexual actions against one another with nothing more than a kinky idea and a few words."
Adrien yawned smirking."It's why everyone should get on their hands and knees and worship me.I am one to be in command."He said leaving off the rest. Because his arrogance hd been well earned. Even voldermort had listened to dragonheartless. Yawning again he cuddled his lover, "Is it so surprising harry listens?"He asked confsed. Because in his world, harry did most things he wanted.
George laughed a little and shook his head. "it is and it isn't." George admitted shrugging a little and Harry laughed. "what george means to say, is that i usually ignore people when they start ordering me around." he admitted Draco nodding. "even me." the blond complained glaring at Harry who smirked at the other shrugging. "yeah yeah suck it up pansy."
Adrien snickered as he laid down on the couch, closing his eyes. Wanting a nap. It'd been a long day, with what stalking, worrying, and sex."He is a pansy isn't he?He couldn't get a ferret to follow his orders.... which reminds me, we got to get cissy from the house if we're staying here."
Harry rolled his eyes. "narcissa will be fine, she knows where the food is." harry stated looking rather smug, Draco rolling his eyes as he nudged Adrien. "come on, lets get you to bed." he ordered smiling as george did the same with the highly protestant, and trying to sleep on a chair fred.
Adrien whined, wrapping his arms around the blond's legs."Lay down."He whined not realizing he was holding draco instead of harry. Quicky starting to go to sleep
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