Dragonheartless moon/lady

Harry groaned softly, smirking a little as he ran his tongue along the others neck, humming softly as he nibbled on the sensitive flesh, a smirk on his lips. "mm that's right, beg." he ordered his fingers still slipping in and out of the others ass. "beg me to fuck you." he demanded smirking lightly as he ran his finger lightly against Adrien's prostate, just to be a little bitch.
Adrien whined softly jerking in the bonds, trying to get a firmer touch, tears spiking his eyelashes. Yes, adrien could be such a uke if given the occassion."Please Harry please fuck your dirty little slut. I want it hard and fast and however you want to give it to me. Please give me a good fucking with your long hard cock..."
Harry moaned softly, smirking a little as he slowly pulled his fingers out, giving the others ass a good firm smack once more, panting lightly as he licked his lips. "yeah? you want me to fuck you? huh Adrien?" he demanded, Harry too could be one hell of a Dom if he wanted to be. he nudged the others entrance with the head of his cock, but did not push in, wanting to hear Adrien beg some more.
"Please please fuck me as hard as you want to. Please put it in. I want you."Adrien begged as he tried to squirm back,tried to force the man into him.
Harry snickered a little and pressed himself into the other panting softly as he went in and in and in all the way, moaning as he tossed his head back and buried himself into the other, shuddering lightly. "a..aaah fuck yessss, so goddamn tight!"
Adrien moaned as he squirmed back against the other man, shivering as he was fucked."I better be."He moaned eyes closed as he lost himself in what harry was doing to him.
Harry moaned, grinning a little as he gripped the back of the others neck smacking his ass again as he thrust harder into his lover panting hard. "fuck, yesss." he hissed smirking a little. "your so good Adrien, you feel so good."
Adrien moaned as he closed his eyes, trembling as the man fucked him. Swallowing hard as he came, eyes wide as he strained against the bonds that held him.
Harry groaned loud as he arched sinking into his lover as deep as he could get and unleashed his load panting hard. "mmm fuck yessss, Adrien.. hah your so perfect." he teased grinning rather Darkly. "shall i fuck you some more or let you down?" he teased looking highly amused his head tilted as he watched the other slowly recovering from his orgasm, his head tilted wondering if he was going to get punished for all this...boy he hoped so, he loved it when Adrien got all pissed at him and tormented him in the bed.
ADrien gave him a lok ,his head resting on his arm."More."He growled shifting a little. This was going to be so much fun.

A few weeks later Adrien snickered a little as he sat behind the counter at the shop, rubbing a absent hand over his stomach. Having for the last few weeks tired to get pregnant, and he was pretty sure it had happened, but he didn't want to tell harry just yet. Knowing he was going to fret over him. Jumping slightly as george walked over."Weasley, don't sneak up on me."He said grouchily.
George snorted a little looking amused. "whats got you so jumpy?" George demanded lifting an eyebrow at Adrien as he got the till set up, getting ready for the noon day rush yawning a little. "and when are you going to tell harry? you've been fawning over your own belly all day." he flashed the other a small smirk. "have you done the pregnancy test yet or are you just guessing?"
Adrien gave hiim a look as he dropped his hand from his stomach."I am NOT fawning. Shut up."He said grouchily, "Dont smirk. you don't look as amazing as me when you do it."He protested, not ready to tell anyone yet.
George snorted and smirked again. "no one looks as amazing as you at any time." he pointed out. "so leave me and my inferiority alone." he teased handing Adrien a piece of paper. "it's a spell for you, it puts a magical cock ring around you partner, and anytime they do something you don't like, you just have to speak a keyword and it fills them with the most intense pleasure they've ever felt. i was hoping you might try it and tell me how it works. i've used it on Draco but i need more test subjects before i can pass it off as a spell that i can sell." he admitted flashing a smirk at Adrien. "and Harry's been strutting lately, you need to put him back in his place."
Adrien snickered taking the spell,"He's only smirking cause I'm going ot be fat and pregnant."He said smirking a little wider, before looking at george, swallowing hard."You sure you want me working here?I'm going to be bitchy and whiney, and not my usual amazing self."He said arrogantly, glad that the man agreed that no one could look as amazing as him...well, except maybe harry.
George chuckled a little and nodded blinking at Adrien's sudden mood swing clapping the other on the back. "Adrien, your one of the only freinds i have." George admitted. "you make Harry, my brother in every way but blood, happy. you make Draco laugh, you make Fred horny enough to let me fuck Draco. you make me frustrated and WAY too willing to be dominated. you where a spy on the most dangerous wizard this world has ever known, AND you helped kill him...you have every right to be a whiny bitch because your belly is full of a kicking baby, your feet hurt, and your craving weird things." George assured him, grinning a little. "and yes, i do want you here because if you weren't here i'd be alone, again. and we know what happens when i work here alone." he lifted an eyebrow reminding Adrien of the day he had first decided to work at the shop and how dead George had looked.
"This is very true.I'm liable to be made grope you again if I wasn't here."He said smiling a little before he looked at George, biting his lip. Snickering a little."Way to willing to be dominated?and wait, I make pregnant fred horny enough to let you guys have sex?"He asked sounding amazed. Having known he had a amazing effect on the people around him, but he didn't know about all that. Blushing ever so slightly.
George chuckled a little as he nodded glancing at Adrien. "yeah that's right." he admitted shrugging his shoulder. "though you'll probably never hear me admit either ever again." he admitted shaking his head a little. "here comes the first customer." he warned plastering a bright smile on his face as he greeted the customer. Adrien was in charge of handling the purchases, and George was in charge of everything else. the store filled quickly, people examining the many goods, several of them going into the 'red light' area specifically designed for adults and their sexual appetites. during the rush, a hand pressed against Adrien's pocket, and then vanished. a note had been shoved into his pocket, who it was, one couldn't see but the letter, when Adrien read it, either then or later. would make anyone's blood run cold. ' i'll kill you, and then potter will be all mine. simple, and to the point, but just as frightening as anything Adrien had ever faced before.
Hours later adrien stood, stretching as George closed the doors."That was fun."He said putting his hands in his pockets, frowning as he felt the note. Pulling it out he gave George a look."I have to go."He said not waiting for a answer before apparating to the dragon's den where he was supposed to be meeting Harry for dinner with the twins and Draco."Harry?"He said sounding frantic as he rushed into the living room, lookng for the other man.
Draco blinked at him setting the table as Harry bounded in grinning a little. Harry had been acting strangely lately, jumpy and nervous, avoiding anyplace with a crowd and only going into the photo shoot when the 'director' specifically owled or fire called to get harry to go to work. but harry looked pleased that morning, until he saw Adrien's panicked face. "what is it? whats wrong?" he demanded looking terrified. "did someone attack you!?"
"I-no. I'm fine."Adrien said relaxing, sliding his arms around the man's body, pulling him close, kissing him slowly."You okay?"He asked nuzzling he man, hoping that the other man would put his panic attack up under the mood swings of the last few days.
"You to?"Adrien asked startled, wrapping his arms around the man tighter."I-I got one in the shop today."He said leaning back to look at him, genuinune fer in his eyes. Not only for himself but for harry, dracen and the baby he carried.
Harry sniffed a little and shook his head Draco nudging Adrien and handing him a letter dressed to harry. it was a full page long, front and back, filled with threats and warnings of what the pervert was going to do to harry, sick sexual things that made harry want to gag. only Adrien could touch harry in ways like that, and Adrien never would have done some of the disgusting things mentioned in the letter.
ADrien snarled softly as he read it over, tightening his grip on the brunette, dragonheartless looking out those so blue eyes as he looked at the blond."I'm goign to have to apologize to George. Looks like he's going to be working alone again."He said kissing harry's head, knowign it was no time to tell him he was pregnant.
Harry shuddered a little and shook his head hard. "no! we... we can't let this...this FREAK get to us! if we change our habits it will only let him know that his scare tactic is working." Harry refused to admit that it was already working. working very well. "i...uhm... just in case though i think we should hire a body guard.." "or you could move in with us for a while." Fred suggested. "that way no matter what, someone is always home with you, even if you guys continue your jobs." "you just want someone else to do everything you tell them too." Draco teased Fred who shrugged. "pretty much."
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