Dragonheartless moon/lady

"I'm always safe.I can take care of myself."Adrien sulked as he put Dracen down in her playpen before looking at harry, pulling him into a kiss."Dont fret.I'm completely capable of taking care of myself."
Harry smiled and nodded as he kissed his lover back. "i know... but i kept seeing Narcissa stabbing you in the back of my head and i can't help but worry." he admitted paying his head on the others chest simply sitting there, enjoying the others warmth. "i just feel better when i know there's someone else there to help you, if i can't be there for you."
"I know."Adrien sighed kissing him back, pulling him into the bedroom, still close enough to hear dracen if she needed them,but out of sight. Running his hands over the brunette he growled softly."I promise not to go wanderng by myself if it'll make you feel better."
Harry smiled a little and nodded. "it would make me feel better yes." harry admitted kissing the others cheek gently tapping the ring he had given Adrien. "and your pretty protected anyway, i just worry too much." he admitted sighing softly as he nibbled on the others neck. "i love you."
Adrien smiled kissing him back, tugging at his shirt."Love you to."He teased gently running his hands over the other man."Now.You get to top me for the foreseeable future."He said blushing so slightly at the idea.
Harry murmured happily, smirking at his lover. "mmm only when your feeling like it." he admitted laughing. "because no matter how highly i think of myself, i know very well the only time i can top you is when you let me." he admitted grinning at his lover. "or when i manage to catch you while your sleeping." he paused for a moment and licked his lips. "i actually wanted to try something." he admitted. "but i wasn't sure if you'd be up for it."
"You know your more powerful then me sweetheart."He pointed out grinning as he wrapped his arms around the man, kissing him again, before swallowing."Whatever you want sweetling. I'll try anything you want."He said sliding his hands over the brunette's body.
Harry snorted a little. "yeah, more powerful, but also more of a bitch naturally." he admitted laughing as he leaned into the other sighing softly. "alright, if you get uncomfortable you tell em and i'll stop." he promised shooting him a small grin flicking his wand, both of their clothes vanishing in an instant as harry flicked his fingers at the ceiling, long ropes dropping down. "have you ever been suspended in the air and tormented Lover?" Harry asked smirking at the other. "i might even throw in a penis plug and a ass plug just for fun." he teased grinning a little, waiting for Adrien's reaction.
adrien gave him a look, "If you do you might be signing divorce papers."He said nervously, looking at the ropes."Okay, I'll deal with the ropes.Nothing else."He growled looking unhappy a t the idea. There was only so much submissiveness that he could stand and being plugged up just didn't sound like fun to him.
Harry chuckled and gently nuzzled the other. "if your not ok with it, just say so." he demanded smiling. "i can let you do it to me instead, i don't mind either way." he teased offering the other a wink. "i'll even let you plug up all of my holes, and leave me there for hours and hours." he let out a small little groan. "damn... i aroused myself." he grumbled flashing the other a smirk. "or i could tie you up, suspend you in the air, suck you off again and again and again and again."
"Later potter.Your the one who wants me fat and pregnant again."He whined teasing. Actually, he was sort of excited about the idea. Not that he'd ever admit to it."Tie me down, tie me up I don't care.I trust you."He muttered kissing the other man."Come on princess, Dracen will only put up with being ignored so long."He said slightly worried about leaving their daughter alne, but he wanted his lover more then he was worried about anything.
Harry snickered a little and kissed his lover intently snapping his finger so that the sound rang through the Air, a house elf suddenly appearing and bowing low. "i can be of assistance Harry Potter Sir?" it asked in it's squeaky little voice clearly Dobby and Harry nodded. "go and amuse Dracen for a little while would you?" he asked Dobby clapping his hands together eagerly. "it would be a pleasure Harry Potter sir a great pleasure!" he stated turning and vanishing into the next room, the sound of Dracen's giggles filling the air. "there, all better. now then, i do believe someone is wearing too many clothes."
Adrien snicked looking at him."I would believe that would be you."He said as he took his time undressing, making a tease of it until he was naked, smirking at his lover."Well?Am I pleasing?"He smirked looking at him.
Harry smirked as he watched his lover undressing licking his lips at the free show. "mmm very." Harry growled smirking at Adrien as he flicked his wand at the ropes hanging in the air, the things immediately wrapping around Adrien's wrists, chest, waist, thighs, hips and ankles, hoisting him high into the air, just high enough that harry could touch him as he pleased, about as high as Harry's hips. "hows that feel?" harry drawled, smirking, looking smug as the ropes adjusted themselves at any squirming Adrien might have done. thinking ropes, that had Georges handiwork all over it. "anything hurt?" harry asked, just to make sure he wasn't causing his lover any pain.
Adrien gave him a look."No, but remind me to injure the red head next time I see him."He growled, wondering what kind of demostration the red head had given to show harry how to use them. Jealously making the growl even worse then usual.
Harry snickered a little. "how did you know this was Georges spell?" Harry asked his head tilted. "i've never actually seen it used before." he admitted stalking around Adrien running his fingers down the others neck. "my you look so handsome when your completely defenseless." he taunted snickering a little giving the others ass a small smack. "i'm definitely teaching you this spell, those Ropes look so erotic, are they turning you on lover? rubbing against your skin every time you shift or wriggle."
Adrien snarled at him slightly for the slap ,squirming a little as his cock hardened. Definately arousing. Not that he'd admit to it. Giving the brunette a look."I am not defenseless."He protested, not at all liking the idea, even if it was to harry. as much as he liked being tied up and at harry's mercy, he didn't like the idea of being totally at someone else's mercy.
Harry giggled a little and stroked the others cock. "i know that." he promised kissing the others neck. "you could easily have me on the ground if you felt the need to do so." Harry admitted licking along the others neck. "but for the sake of this 'game' we can pretend yeah?" he teased pinching Adrien's balls. "being defenseless can feel pretty damn good sometimes." harry admitted smirking at him. "why do you think i like it so much when you tie me up?"
Adrien moaned sotly shifting a little, closing his eyes as he let his head hang back."Hmmm because you like being a twisted little fuck?"He said with a smirk, looking at him through half closed eyes, dragonheartless showing in that look.
Harry snorted and spanked the other again, giving him a good firm smack before tutting a little. "now now, don't make me gag you." he growled smirking as he ran his hand over the others cock again before stroking along the others balls humming softly. "i'm so gonna own your ass Adrien." he teased smirking. "and i'm gonna make you LIKE it."
Adrien laughed softly, biting his lip."Nah, you wont. I'll just enjoy the thought o being pregnant."He said shifting in his bonds again, moaning as the man stroked his cock.
Harry smirked viciously as he rubbed his fingers along the others slit nipping lightly at the others ear. "i'm going to rock, your, world." he growled, snickering lightly as his fingers trailed slowly up the others spine pausing at the base of the neck and pressing lightly at the end of the spine. "i'm going to fuck you again and again, make you Cum over and over until you just can't cum no more, and then i'm gonna fuck you some more."
Adrian momaned s his hips bucked up,trembling under the man's fingers. Turning his head slightly to look at the brunette, whimpering."I-I like that idea."He said, a slight edge of begging to the words.
Harry giggled a little and nodded running his fingers along the others balls before mumbling a lubing spell and slipping his fingers into the other, a silent lubing spell making Adrien nice and slick so that Harry could move his fingers in and out of the other, with eager movements. "yeah? should i fuck you now? or should i make you cum once or twice first."
"Please harry please put it in.Please."Adrien begged, and like always when he crossed that line to being the uke, he begged so very nicely.
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