Dragonheartless moon/lady

"I do."Adrien agreed falling asleep.

The next mornnig, before dawn adrien groaned, already hearing the owls tapping on the window, snuggling down closer to harry."If they wake dracen I'm killing the sender."He said sleepily.
Harry sighed softly and yawned slowly sitting up and rubbing his eyes as he snapped his fingers, the sound of a window opening the owls rushing in and the sounds of howlers ripping themselves open screams and rants and threats and dictations about the differences between light and dark mingled together into one earsplitting mess. "i put a silencing spell over Dracen's crib for now." he admitted with a yawn. "we can hear her, but she won't hear any of this mess."
Adrien sighed listening, pain crossing his face as he sat up to listen to the howlers, biting his lip a little, a slight worried look on her face as he shivered. hating this, but wanting harry to be happy. Believing it, knowing harry loved him. It was enough to listen to the howlers."They are imaginative."He said yawning."It'd be more insulting if I didn't call myself a amoral son of a bitch. Of course being a son of satan is a new one."He said pain fliting across his face. Despite pretending not to care what others thought, it did bother him. More then he'd known it would.
Harry snorted a little laying back down. "not really, it's the same damn thing i get every time." he admitted yawning a little as he snuggled into Adrien as the noise stopped. "mmm when i first came out into the open as a gay they did the same thing. after i announced that Dumbledore was a lying old codger, same thing. when we killed Voldemort, yeah same thing." he rolled his eyes. "they just want a chance to yell at me, and they'll do whatever they can to get the chance, idiots. their never happy, i could be married to the perfect woman, have three point five smiling happy perfect children, and they'd still be sending me howlers. so instead of trying to maintain an illusion i am going to be happy, with you. so there."
Adrien snorted laughing as he pressed a kiss to harry's head."Could you even get it up if you had the perfect woman?"He asked curious, teasing. Because he couldn't. He was just to gay to ever find a woman attractive. Which explained why any woman who had been his victim had suffered more, because he couldn't use the sexual torture Voldermort prefered."Seriously. A perfec woman?No such thing.Now I do have the perfect man..."Adrien added groping his lover.
Harry snorted a little. "no i actually couldn't." he admitted looking amused. "i could have artificially inseminated her i suppose." he teased back moaning as he was groped. "oh please i am anything but perfect." he flashed the other a small smirk. "you on the other hand, i think are absolutely perfect, i am in awe and are super jealous of your unfailing perfection." suck up.
And, like the perfect almost narcissist he was, adrien was willing to listen to his praise."I know. But it bears repeating on my near perfectness."He teased kissing him again."I am not perfect."
Harry chuckled a little and smiled a little. "your perfect to me." he pointed out. "and your perfect for me too." he smiled a little and looked over at the other looking rather amused. "and fuck me perfect, and you look perfect, and while you can't cook too well you never complain about my cooking so perfectly." he teased bursting into giggles, showing just how happy and content harry was. he NEVER giggled.
Adrien grinned kissing him."Well good. I can keep on being perfect then."He preened, snuggling against the man. Content to spend the day with him, and away from the howlers.

Which....ended not two hours later as he stomped into Dragon's haven, having left Harry in charge of Dracen, well, defaulted charge anyways. Having been so upset that he hadn't even told him he was leaving. Glaring at the blond sulkily, angrily."Why the hell didn't you tell me that my father was still alive?"He said, under the anger was fear. Gripping the letter in his hand, he shook, trying to stay calm. Having long ago left Draco in charge of things for the dragonheart family, when Draco never said anything, he'd assumed his father wasn't alive anymore. Nothing like getting a letter to prove you wrong.
Draco choked on the sip of tea he had taken coughing hard as he pounded his own chest trying to get air into his lungs the twins blinking in surprise as they glanced from Draco to Adrien both of them coughing lightly and politely excusing themselves, vanishing up the stairs as Draco tried to school his face back into it's usual Malfoy demeanor. "uh...your father vanished." he stated once he had gotten a decent breath. "no ones seen or heard from him in...in.." he tossed his hand in the air, showing he wasn't sure exactly but it had been a long time. "i'd assumed he was dead."
"Dammit.Sorry."Adrien said looking sorry as he collapsed into his chair, resting his head on the table,"Apparently he's somewhere where he can get that damned magazine."He said holding up the letter in his hand."You know your home life sucks if after five years the first thing your father says is that he despises you for being gay and happy. And that a vile wretch like you doesn't deserve the hero of the wizarding world"
Draco scowled a little as he gently removed the letter from Adrien's fingers and opened it up, looking it over and grimacing. "that man has always been a pain in the ass. he was never a very good father to you. you shouldn't listen to him." Draco ordered. "after all, you didn't pick harry. the boys like a cat, if he didn't want to be with you, he wouldn't be with you. since he's still there, still molesting you, and still smiling, then that means that he loves you, that he thinks your just right for him. it's not about who deserves what, it's about who makes Harry the happiest, and that my oldest friend, is you." Draco promised smiling a little looking down at the letter and scowling. "i'll have my men start looking for your father, he's too dangerous not to have under control."
"True.He's kinda like me.On steriods..and angry.Like all the time."Adrien said miserably, smiling slightly."I am perfect, I have been told this. So it must be true."He grinned looking at his friend."Thanks draco...when you find him, you can do what you want."He said, it was kinda like narcissa, adrien just couldn't deal with him.
Draco suddenly smirked. "would you like me to turn him into a ferret?" he teased, cracking a joke as he licked his lips, already starting on writing the letters to alert everyone to the fact that Dragonheart SR was still on the loose and to keep their eyes open. "i'll try not to kill him." Draco admitted tossing Adrien a glance. "the twins are working on a potion, that will strip a wizard of it's magic." he admitted shaking his head. "they where planning on using it on Arthur...just in case, but i think it would be better put to use on your father for now." Draco admitted biting his lip a little. "we'll find him Adrien, and i'll make sure he can never hurt you again, that is my promise to you."
Adrien relaxed smiling. Because Draco always kept his promises."Did you see the magazine?"He said with a slow smile, relaxing now that they were starting to get things straightened to find the elder Dragonheart. The sooner he was found, the sooner he wouldn't make harry a crazy person by being overprotective in the extreme.
Draco smirked and lifted it up and handed it over, Harry and Adrien where on the front cover, harry arched blushing brightly as he looked as if he was being forced to enjoy the cruel sensuality that the devil Adrien forced upon him. "you would not BELIEVE how many people called me, asking if that was really you and harry." Draco admitted smirking. "i had almost fourteen calls, asking if you and harry would be willing to pose in other magazines, and only two people who complained that you and harry where together." he admitted smirking a little. "and one of those was George trying to be a smart ass." he paused and then scowled. "speaking of which, i need to punish him for that." he muttered tapping his fingers on the table. "and i need to pick up some nacho cheese for Fred." he mumbled shaking his head and continuing to write a note. "anyway, everyone seams to have assumed i'm your manager, so i told them all i'd talk to you about it and let them all know....i'm assuming it's going to be a no, but i thought i'd let you know."
Adrien smirked a little."Everyone wants me."He preened a little, arrogance well back in place."I knew I was hot, but it was good that everyone else recognizes that.And....thanks, but no. I don't like having my picture taken enough to do more. Harry might, but I only went because I was so anxious about losing harry. Now...I'm good."He shrugged smiling a little."Thanks, but no. And tell George I'm gonna smack him for being a smart ass.Just because he wants me to dominate him, doesn't mean he has to harass me."
Draco laughed a little and smiled. "most of them want harry to pose naked." he pointed out shaking his head. "i told them, flat out no." he admitted. "for one thing i don't think harry could pose naked." he admitted rolling his eyes. "he seams self confident but he's actually very shy about his body." he admitted smirking a little. "and George, as tough as he seams, i think he really did enjoy you dominating him, you should try it again, let Fred watch, it would put him in a good mood." Draco teased snickering a little. "Harry might enjoy watching too." he admitted pondering. "might even make another recording of it." he flashed Adrien a wink and grinned a little as George walked in the front door, looking tired and half dead. "don't ask." George demanded as Draco opened his mouth and then closed it with a smirk. "work was rough was it?" "i said don't ask."
Adrien smirked tugging the other man into his lap, running his hands over the half dead man."I'm sorry work was rough."He growled hands clamping down on his forearms."What's this I hear about you complaining about me and harry?Wise ass."He growled nuzzling the man's neck. Knowing he should stop, but the man looked so miserable that he wanted to make him feel better.
George groaned a little as he was tugged into Adrien's lap, protesting lightly before relaxing into the others lap, too tired to put up much of a fight moaning lightly at the touch to his forearms and the neck nuzzle. "just a friendly joke." he murmured back a small smirk on his lips. "now get off me, i stink, i need a shower." he stated Draco watching with a smirk on his lips as he watched. "and you can stop that, i might not be allowed to fuck you, but i CAN make Adrien do it for me Mr. Malfoy." George warned, Draco snickering at the threat as George looked up at Adrien and scowled. "and you...are not playing fair, i'm too tired to put up a proper fight." he whined, yes, George Weasley, was whining. and he looked adorable doing it.
"Good, cause I dont want to fight you over it."Adrien said shifting him around so that George's head rested against his chest, sitting chest to chest as skilled fingers massaged his back, working on the tight muscles."And what makes you think YOU can make me do anything?Only potter can make me do anything."He teased, finding the man completely adorable as he whined.
George groaned softly at the massage his eyes falling closed once he realized he was in fact, not getting molested Draco chuckling. "oh please, you know if George asked you to punish me you'd do it, if only because you like my tight pale ass." Draco teased looking even more amused as George searched the table for something to chuck at Draco's head. he was tired, he had ran the entire shop, alone today, and he was getting an amazing back rub. he wanted Draco to stop ruining it, not that the blond would listen anyway, even if George did manage to bean him on the head.
"I do enjoy it,but I have my own model now, why do I need you?"Adrien teased, a smile on his face to let Draco know he wasn't serious."Now shhh he's enjoying this."He said wincing as he worked on tight muscles, feeling the knots in them."Awww poor george, you're so tight and sore..."he purred slightly."You could use help at the store."HE muttered before grinning, looking at Draco."Think you could handle Dracen along with fred for a few hours a day?"
George groaned again arching into the fingers on his pore sore back sighing with relief when the muscles relaxed and Draco chuckled a little. "since George is too out of it to thank you i'll do it for him." Draco teased smiling. "me and Fred aren't strong enough to work out those big knots." he explained shaking his head. "i can watch Dracen and Fred at the same time." he promised smiling. "Fred is always much happier when Dracen is around, he loves to hold her, he calls it 'practice' which is weird." Draco admitted chuckling a little. "Fred is a natural born mommy." "and your a natural born pain in the ass." George teased, relaxed in Adrien's arms as the man worked out the last big kink. "god Adrien thanks, my backs been killing me, and those massaging spells just don't do it."
"They really don't."Adrien agreed grinning as he looked at the red head in his lap."Ask next tiem before they get so bad. And...well since Draco and Fred can have 'practice' with Dracen, why don't I go into the shop with you for a few hours?I'm good at paperwork, following orders....all the good second in command things.And it'll give you a break and me something to do while Harry's off having a glamerous career as a model."He said grinning.
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