Dragonheartless moon/lady

Adrien bit his lip sitting next to him, wrapping his arms around the blond, tugging him back so they laid on the couch, "Because she's a cold hearted bitch who doesn't know a good thing when she has it."He sighed kissing the blond's head."And I'm not so sure she loves Dracen, she probably's just looking out for herself by making friends."
Draco shook his head. "she protects Dracen!" he protested. "she never even looked cross eyed at me!" he admitted leaning into the other. "i remember once, when i was five and i had a nightmare... and i went into her room because i was scared and she slapped me for interrupting her sleep." he admitted frowning darkly. "she'd never slap Dracen...you can practically SEE the adoration coming off that Ferret bitch!" he snorted a little and shook his head. "how sick is it, that i'm jealous of a baby not even a year old!?"
Adrien sighed, "Not so bad. It could be worse. You could be jealous of me for even thinking of making her a ferret, or of harry because she does go with him, or...there's more to this, I'll think of something worse."Adrien sighed looking at him, kissing him softly."I love you, don't worry about the evil bitch.Just because she gave birth to you, doesn't make her family. Me, harry, dracen, the twins, your father...we're family. You don't need the evil ferret."He sighed softly, looking at her."If it'd make you feel better I'd bounce her off the walls."He said, dragonheartless showing in those eyes, willing to do anything to make the blond in his arms feel easier.
Blond snorted a little and smiled as he leaned into Adrien sighing softly as he leaned into the other, seeking the comfort his mother had never given him. "your right." he agreed smiling a little now. "i don't need something i never had." he agreed sighing softly. "you guys are my family now, i don't need her to love me." he paused then. "i don't think harry would let you, he likes her too much." he admitted chuckling a little.
Adrien smiled slightly, settling the blond tightly against his chest, holding him tightly kissing his head."He'd let me do whatever I want. After all, I'm letting him put me in a dress."He said laughing softly, rubbing his back. Needing another topic he sighed, kissing the man's head."I'm not liking this magazine thing..I was okay with it for awhile...and taking the pictures, but I'm not sure what's giving me the heebie jeebies."
Draco smiled a little. "your getting the heebie jeebies because your going to be in the public eye for the first time since you where Dragonheatless and slaughtering people... your afraid that someone is going to protest you being with harry and he's going to listen. he won't you know, he loves you too much to leave you."
Adrien made face, sighing softly. Though the worry still gnawed at him, he was willing to trust Harry, and Draco, to not let it bother him to much."Are you sure?"He asked softly, not quite believing he was actually asking.
Draco chuckled a little. "do you know how long a relationship with harry potter usually lasts? anyone harry ever took as a lover lasted at the most, three weeks. how many months have you two been together now? i think that says a lot Adrien." Draco admitted sighing softly. "harry loves you, he loved you the very moment that you began writing letters to him. he will always love you, and so will i...just not as much as i love Fred and George." he admitted looking amused. "or Dracen." he teased looking up at Adrien to show he was joking.
Adrien sulked, though he did smile, he looked easier, happy for the man's words, because it really did make him feel better."I see how it is, outranked by the weasels and a two month old. Not cool.I should have my own special place in your heart. I do share a similar name."He sulked, though it was ruined by a grin.
Draco laughed a little and gently kissed Adrien's cheek. "you where my very first true friend Adrien and my first lover. i will ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart for you." he promised offering him a small smile before standing up and stretching out a little. "now then lets go and collect Harry shall we?" "who needs collecting?" harry demanded stumbling out of the floo and nearly hitting the ground. "damn i hate flooing by myself." he grumbled grinning brightly at Adrien. "well we're now on the front cover of the worlds most read porno how's it feel my Dark little Devil?" harry teased wagging his eyebrows at Adrien.
Adrien looked down, actually blushing. Fearless, dominating, overbearing dragonheartless was actually blushing! Biting his lip he ginned a little."So...so when's the magazine being released?"He asked nervous, not because of how harry'd react, but actually afraid of how people would rect him to being once again in the public eye. He smiled plucking Narcissa off the ground as she ran towards him, holding her up before tossing her at Draco with a haphazard grin."Enjoy that weasel. She's about as mean tempered as your pregnant one."
Draco snorted a little as he caught her and set her on the couch Harry pausing at Adrien's blush. "Dri? you alright?" he asked softly gently cupping the others cheek and looking down into his eyes. "if you don't want it to be published i can go back..." "he's just worried that the world is going to protest you two being together." Draco stated simply, ignoring Narcissa completely as she tried to get off the couch. "so? let the world protest, since when have i cared about the world? they only thought i was a madman, a protector of the dark lord, a murderer, a sociopath, and at one time a woman...why should i care what they think anymore? i am happy for the first time in my life, they can go fuck themselves." harry stated sounding annoyed at the world.
".....they thought you were a woman?"Adrien said after a long moment. Feeling easier to have had Harry tell him. Having known it was true when Draco said it, but it was nicer to have Harry tell him. Staring bemusedly at the brunette he reached out and groped him,"What part of you is woman?And no, I'm fine. It's already done. We'll see where it goes."
Harry grinned a little. "yeah they thought i was a woman something Skeeter wrote." he admitted rolling his eyes before groaning lightly into the crotch Grip. "Adrien for Christ sake." Harry teased smirking a little. "i know your horny all the time but a little self control would be nice." he teased kissing Adrien's cheek as Draco snorted a little. "please, Adrien has no self control." he teased flashing them an amused smirk. "i should know, i'm shocked he hadn't fucked you in a public bathroom yet." he admitted making harry go beat red. "....people can do that?" he asked, clearly pondering the idea. "well, their not supposed too..."
Adrien grinned."Only checking."He said leaning back into the couch, giving Draco a look."In my defense,I only screwed you in a fountain in the park, not a bathroom. I have more class then fuck in a dirty bathroom."He said with wounded dignity, smirking a little as he pulled Harry into his lap."I have self control. I just have no desire to practice it."He muttered nuzzling his love's neck, holding him close. Relaxing even more.
Harry smirked a little as Draco coughed a little and went beat red. "well yes, fountain..." he admitted Narcissa staring at him with a look of horror that clearly said 'you a Malfoy and you had sex in public!?' Harry just smirked as he squirmed into Adrien's crotch, rubbing it with his ass. "mmm i wouldn't mind getting fucked in the park." he teased wagging his eyes st the other.
Adrien moaned, hands holding his hips still."Potter if you don't stop, I'm going to leave Dracen in the spoiler's care and screw you in a park."He smirked looking at the ferret then draco, then narcissa again."Yes,yes in a park Narcissa. There was other more decidely public moments....remember that time in quidditch supply?"he said, more intent on shocking Draco's mother then anything else. Seriously disliking she'd managed to upset him again.
Draco went even more red but a grin had settled onto his lips. "yeah." he muttered softly. "i remember that, you where trying to be romantic and i ruined it for you." he teased looking close to laughter as Harry snickered, Narcissa looking even more horrified as harry continued to rub on Adrien, clearly intending on getting the man to fuck him in a park. "mmm Adrien." Harry groaned smirking. "you know you want to put me in my place."
Adrien growled, giving draco a look."Can you stay with Dracen?"He growled, knowing he was letting Harry manipulate him but the man squirming in his lap was to much to resist. Espicially when he thought about the magazine being put out in hours.
Draco smirked a little and nodded. "i can do that." he admitted. "try not to let too many people catch you huh? then you'll have more howlers and press coming out of your ears than you will when harry first announced he was gay." he reminded and Harry moaned again. "oh Adrien, please." Harry groaned smirking a little. "make me your own little whore." Narcissa looked close to passing out from the display in front of her. she was a lady for damns sake! they where supposed to be modest in front of a lady!
Adrien smirked as he looked at the ferret, settling Harry on his feet."So I shall. And I'll behave. I don't need more howlers then what I already get."He said before bending down to the ferret, tying a tiny little blindfold over her eyes."Better Narcissa?"he smirked looking at Draco."I'll see you in a bit."He said wrappign his arms around Harry and apparating o the nearby park.
Narcissa squealed in protest shaking her head and clawing at the blindfold trying to yank it off Draco laughing as Harry groaned, smirking as he leaned back into Adrien gasping as they apparated, his hand strolling along the others inner thigh trying to get Adrien to loose his cool.
"Hey, you can't make me lose control potter."Adrien grinned as he looked over the park, trying to decide what to bend him over, glad it was mostly empty. Moving to the tire swing he pulled the brunette across it, tying him down there as he stepped back to admire the man's ass as it stuck in the air.Shoving the swing a little he grinned as harry floated away from him.
Harry smirked a little his fingers gently rubbing the others balls when he suddenly found himself tied to a tire swing. "h..hey now!" Harry complained lightly squirming against the tire swing,rubbing himself into the rubber with a small groan, still trying to get the better of Adrien before squeaking when the tire went into the air.
Adrien laughed, as he pushed the tire again catching him and stilling it before he tugged the man's pants off."You told me to fuck you in the park."He teased sliding his fingers into the brunette, pressing against his prostate. Enjoying seeing his lower tied over a child's toy.
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