Dragonheartless moon/lady

"I will, don't worry."He growled shifting to the side, switching the whip for a cat of nine tails, trailing it over his skin before snapping it hard against his skin,drawing blood though not to deep, just enough to be painful."Beg."He growled, leaning down to bite Harry's ear gently.
Harry panted softly as he felt the Cat oh Nine Tails trailing over his skin and wailed as it struck, trembling with the pleasure of the pain his head tossed back, but no words fell from the Gryfindors mouth, a loud whimper falling from his lips as his ear was bitten, jerking in his bonds as he struggled not to say anything, panting hard, wanting more pain, more punishment. wanted to show Adrien that he was no weak little uke to be ordered about...even if he was.
Adrien bit down harder, laying the cat of nine tils hard across his stomach, sitting up on a elbow as he shifted, tangling his fingers in harry's hair, kissing him hard."Beg.Now. For more."He growled biting down on the brunette's lip, a hand hovering over his cock, almost touching but not.
Harry cried out again bucking into the whip trying to toss his head back, only to be held in place by the teeth in his lip a whimper falling from his mouth. "Adrien." he whined, begging obediently. "Adrien please, please more." Harry pleaded panting hard, his nostrils flaring. "Adrien fuck me, oh god punish me! make me feel MORE!" he pleaded writhing against the bed. "please Adrien i'll do ANYTHING!"
"I'll hol you to that."Adrien smirked as he slid the man's legs further, sliding between his legs and easing into the man. Shivering as he filled the brunette, before ruthlessly fucking him as he kissed the man hard. Unable to deny the man anymore.
Harry wailed arching into the cock panting hard. "ye..yes! oh god Adrien YES!" Harry moaned bucking into it his eyes pleading for more as he stared at Adrien. "more, please, whip me, bite me, anything, please i need!" Harry continued to beg tossing his head back. "u..uuhng!"
Adrien grinned leaning down, kissing him before biting down on his neck as he fucked the man, raising a hand and brought it down, the whip passing through his skin and slapping hard on Harry's, drawing blond."As you command."He smirked.
Harry groaned into the kiss panting hard before wailing into the bite and yelping at the whip mark, jerking in the others grip. "ye, YES! o..ooh g...god fucking MERLIN!" Harry swore in pleasure writhing and moaning on the bed as Adrien fucked him ruthlessly, eager and wanting and just all around acting like the slutty little whore that he was.
"Slut."Adrien growled holding him hard as he came, biting down on his neck hard, his teeth almost meeting through his skin, wincing as blood filled his mouth.Drawing away and closing his fingers over the mark, trying to stop the bleeding. The peaceful afterglow fading as he frettered over the mark.
Harry moaned loudly at the bite and the name, arching hard as he came hard panting hard and going limp his eyes fluttering closed, unaware of the bleeding yet as he groaned, feeling rather pleased and pained, he liked the glow of pain after rough sex though, so he payed it no mind. "mmm good." Harry mumbled reaching up to touch his neck and pausing when he felt the wetness pulling his hand away to stare at the blood on his fingers, taking a moment to try and figure out what he was looking at.
Adrien growled as he pulled out of him,smacking his hand."Don't touch it."He scowled before going to the bathroom, coming back with a healing potion."Drink it."He said closing his hand over harry's neck to slow the bleeding until the potion kicked in, guilt on his face. Because it didn't look like a love bite, it looked like something had tried to tear out his throat.
Harry blinked at the smack, looking almost like he was in shock as he obediently downed the healing potion, still staring at the blood on his fingers, looking more confused than hurt, as if he didn't understand how he could be bleeding. the wound healed effortlessly however, the bleeding stopping in the matter of a minute, but a rather wicked scar remained behind.
Adrien relaxed a little, "That's a wicked looking s-"He stopped as he looked at the man. Watching the blood starting to dry. His stomach rolling as he dove for the bathroom, hitting the toliet just in time to empty his stomach into it.Memories tugging at him, tossing him into a life that was blood and gore, where his master had just wanted the death of the man he loved. Memories swimming to the surface.
Harry blinked a little, snapping out of himself as his lover dove for the bathroom, diving after him gently pulling Adrien's hair out of the way and holding it back with one hand as the other rubbed slow circles into the others back, looking worried but not saying anything, Adrien probably wouldn't have been able to hear him over the sounds of his own puking anyway.
Adrien trembled as he rested his head against the toliet seat, his puking done as he closed his eyes. Swallowing hard, resting his head on his arm, tears sliding down his cheeks, for the first time, truly letting the memories drag him under. Fro the first time wallowing in the pain he'd caused.
Harry hummed softly as he stroked Adrien's forehead and hair trying to calm the other down, gently kissing his lovers neck as he pulled him into a comforting Hug. "lover, don't cry, please don't cry." Harry whispered softly, brushing away the tears. "i love you, please don't feel guilty."
Adrien calmed under his fingers, cuddling against him. Closing his eyes as the tears slowed."...I broke so many people. I caused so much harm."he trembled a little, taking comfort in the touch.
Harry nodded kissing the others neck. "you where a different person then." he assured Adrien gently kissing his cheek running his fingers through the others hair. "you did what you had to to survive, you did what you had to, to keep those people from suffering even worse than what you did to them." he paused for a moment, hesitating. "you did what you had to, and no one can blame you for that."
Adrien shivered calming more, raising his head, tears staining his face, eyes bloodshot."You hesitated."he said supiciously, so unsteady he was thinking maybe harry was lying to him. Maybe he did blame him. Did draco...the twins...shivering again he rubbed his hands against his thighs, trying to get the blood off, getting frantic as the dried blood didn't come off.
Harry smiled a little and nodded. "yes i did." he admitted softly. "i'm not very good at comforting people, even though i'm supposed to be. i ran out of things to say." he admitted grinning sheepishly before he kissed Adrien's forehead again. "amazingly enough, Draco's usually the one who does the comforting of the people thing."
Adrien calmed slowly again, getting up to wash the blood off."He does do a damnably good job at it."He said smiling a little, washing up, before looking at harry. The need to know the twins and draco didn't hate him showing on his face. And the need to be near Dracen."Can we go get Dracen?"He asked looking dwon at him.
Harry smiled and nodded standing up and grabbing Adrien's chin, gently kissing him on the lips smiling a little. "i love you." he murmured softly. "and no matter what you've done, or ever will do, will ever change that." he promised kissing his forehead smiling a little at the other. "that is a promise."
Adrien smiled relaxing, leaning into him before getting up."Come on then. Lets go rescue Dragon before Draco decides he's kidnapping her till Fred's pregnant."He said before heading into the bedroom to dress, looking tired but happy in his loose jeans and t-shirt.
Harry snorted a little and smirked a little looking amused. "Draco wouldn't be allowed to, George would be terrified of your anger." he teased chuckling as he dressed in his own clothes. "and anyway you know Draco's spoiling her rotten. ten bucks she already has three new outfits and a new toy."
"Make it 20 and at least four and two toys."Adrien said before wrapping his arms around Harry, apparating them to the dragon's den. Laughing softly as he headed for the living room, smirking. Looking like his normal self except for red rimmed eyes from crying."Are you spoiling my Dragon?"He teased looking at Draco.
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